I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

you never call me when you're sober...

Time: 9:34PM
Location: Couch
Music: "Back to Black" Amy Winehouse - love it
Attitude: Tired

So, that whole going to bed early last night thing? Totally didn't happen. I did however spend the majority of the night writing some more. Which I enjoy more than sleeping. So that's okay.

And today was good. I finished book #11 and am almost halfway thru with #12. I think after I'm done with all of them and the paper I'll have to do a massive book review post. I don't think I've mentioned the titles really other than Zombies vs. Unicorns, the Percy Jackson one or the awesomeness that is Revolution. It's not that they weren't good I was just going to do a review at the end of each week and didn't get around to it. So, end of this week you'll get to read all about the 12 books I had to read in 6 weeks. huzzah. But they were good so it was worth it.

Split shift with Space Cadet is always fun. Tuesday nights, woohoo! It's the beginning of an era - well, until August anyway. Then they'll switch us up and put me with someone else. If I'm still there. There's this whole budget thing going on. Yeah... pretty sure I'm going to get cut or transferred. As I am lowest on the list cause I'm one of the most recent hires and all that. But I'm not gonna go there. Cause I like my job. And whatever they decide I'll deal with.

Tomorrow is full-day so hopefully I'll be able to get through some more of the book tonight and all I'll have to do is finish it and the wikis. Thursday I can write the paper and finish whatever's left but Friday is Saltdogs again and Saturday is College World Series! Woohoo! So I getta get this done as early in the week as possible. Like I said, if I have the motivation, I could be done tomorrow. With the class. Since we don't have a physical class on Saturday it's just posting the assignments. And I'd be done until August! Okay, will get off here and read some more then.

Songs of the night:
Aannnd because Amy Lee is awesome I'll hit you with two of my favorites. Not as dance-y as the past couple of days but still good songs.

"Call Me When You're Sober" Evanescence

love the red and black theme throughout, totally cool.

"Broken" Seether feat. Amy Lee

kind of a cool video, kind of how I picture Max Ride... if you've read the book that'll make sense.

Starving. still haven't really eaten anything today. Eat first read after.

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