I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tell them I'm Defying Gravity

I'm gonna keep this short because I need to konk out soon. So today was all over the place. Usually this day sucks, for the past couple of years anyway, but today turned out okay.
Shelved like a maniac again this morning, worked at the desk and on food drive stuff in the afternoon then hit up a Saltdogs game tonight. Sad day that we lost by 1 but it was still a good game. And I got to jam out with my nephew J who's a total goofball.

Quotes of the Day:
Oldest Sister: "I like First Sister better than Older Sister."
Me: Take it up with Customer Service."

J: "Run! It's Godzilla!"
the other team's right fielder was like 7 feet tall.

Songs that were stuck in my head throughout the day. I'm sorry they're both from musicals but I'm a musicals kind of girl.

"Defying Gravity" Wicked - Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth

It was those last notes at 4:30. Over and over and over. Not the rest of the song, just those notes. Oh man. All day.
This song was seriously awesome live. Highlight of the whole musical.

"Windy City" Calamity Jane - Doris Day

childhood favorite movie. still love it. I think I sing this on average about once a week while I'm shelving. I have no idea why it keeps popping up but it does. Sometimes it drives me bananas but most of the time I just go with. I mean, it's Doris Day. Come on.

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