I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

**Invisible Milk Jug Dance!**Invisible Milk Jug Dance!**

So we decided to leave tomorrow morning instead of tonight which means I actually have time to pack and sleep and shower and all that. Which is good, cause I kept putting it off. Like, I'll pack last night! Nope, do it in the morning. Then I woke up this morning and I'm like nope, I'll do it after work. It's after work...so I should pack. Cause I'm definitely not going to do it tomorrow morning!

Today was one of those. As much as I wanted to go to bed early last night it didn't happen. And I tried to post but it wouldn't let me so you're getting today's and yesterday's. But I separated them to prevent confusion.

My brain was fried by 5. Unfortunately I worked until 6! But we sent out all the food drive stuff and she sent out emails to all the staff giving them a heads up since it starts tomorrow! Then it'll be game time! Well, next week it'll be game time! When we start the competition between branches for loose change. We're sending empty milkjugs to all the branches and seeing who can fill it with the most loose change by the end of the donation period. Maybe they'll get into it and maybe they won't. We'll see. But we still need the milk jugs and Fearless Leader aka my partner for this whole thing said she was going to get some tonight and I was supposed to continually remind her about it so she wouldn't forget. And, her brain was fried around the same time I was, and, because I'm kind of a goofy person I came up with this invisible milk jug dance and continued to do it around her until she would smile. And now I'm texting her the title of this post over and over until I get confirmation.

So the wedding is Saturday but we're leaving tomorrow and everyone at work was teasing me all day about the need for pictures because I'll be in a dress and cowboy boots. Apparently I need to bring back pictures. And I was like um, no. But now Superwoman and Boss's Boss's Boss are saying it as well. So I'm toast. Boss's Boss's Boss told me today she had faith in me. I felt special. And Superwoman says I'm doing good. So the day was good up until my brain was fried. After that it was just a lot of dancing. Which I guess was fun too.

Songs tonight since I'm feeling goofy and dancy:

"Mahna Mahna" Cake - Star Wars Version

love how the sound effects match up with the clips. super cool.
this song is also in my head a lot at work, but it's mostly the original muppets version.

aka this.

mostly when i'm shelving in the kid's section.

"Tonight Tonight" Hot Chelle Rae

the second appearance of the summer song. good jam out material. plus i like the video. even though it makes the lead guitarist look more like the lead singer than the actual lead singer.
i enjoy the zach tattoo. that's fantastic.

Alright, gonna finish packing then turn on some Closer and konk out.

This is my last post for a couple of days, hope you guys have a good weekend and if I don't post behind then a Happy 4th of July!!

PS - Just got confirmation on the milk jugs. I can officially stop dancing. Well, at least for the next few hours, once the wedding reception starts who knows...

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