I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh, just wear the frock, it's pretty!

Went to see Wicked in Omaha. It was fantastic. Here are my highlights:

Elphaba: I mean, who steals a dead women's shoes? She must've been raised in a barn!
Elphaba: What could he give me, I clash with everything!
Elphaba: Well, we can't all come and go by bubble!
Elphaba: I'm beautifully tragic. *after sister is referred to as tragically beautiful*
Glinda: It seems the artichoke is steamed!
Glinda: I'm Glinda! The ga is silent.
Glinda: You are out of control! I mean, they're just shoes, let it go!
Glinda: *fails to turn Elphaba's dress into a ball gown with her wand* Hello? Is this thing on!
Guard: The goat is on the lamb!

Both: There's been some confusion, for you see, my roommate is...
Glinda: unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe...
had to look that last one up, couldn't think of what Glinda said. But the Blonde part, I totally died. She like looked at the audience and paused...fantastic.

And the chick who played Glinda sounded exactly like Kristin Chenoweth, seriously. Impersonation was dead on.

Quotes of the day/night:
Chick from class: I drove by and was like huh? Then the guy driving behind me was like huh?
-this kid was walking barefoot on the sidewalk but had her shoes in her hand.

Second Sister: How do you know that song?
Me: How do you not?
-about defying gravity, how do you not know that song?

Second Sister: You're not a typical woman.
-I think my response was um ouch, thanks. not sure if I should be offended or proud. Apparently I'm a lot like my brother. Which is fine with me as he is pretty awesome.

anyway, should head to bed soon. gonna finish my book and crash. the teen program today was pretty fun, we watched a bunch of kids make stuff out of duct tape. like flip flops and wallets and stuff. they had some awesome colors there, leopard print and flames and stuff. they never had that cool of duct tape when i was a kid!

song for the night: Defying Gravity

the original of awesomeness, idina and kristin as it should be

glee version with random clips, gotta love it

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