I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Day, Another Margarita...

Another fun motto for life brought forth by my sister. Pretty sure my cool aunt would agree. Especially if it was a jalapeno margarita. But tonight's was excellent. Supurb even. So good it was gone in like 5 minutes, not even. Or maybe it was just that hot out.
Oldest Sister and me hit up a Saltdogs game tonight, our Dogs pulled it off 5-4 with the final catch made by the right fielder stretching over the foul line. It was sweet. And an excellent game. There was much dancing. Because you can't disrespect the dance. 97 degrees but it wasn't so bad with the breeze and we were sitting in the shade.

Today was very busy. LA2 from 9-11, Aide from 11-12, 12-1 lunch, 1-3 LA2 at other branch, then back at the apartment for homework, Joe's football camp, Saltdogs game and now I'm finally done and seriously ready to crash.
You know how, when you're in the sun for a while, you get those headaches but you don't realize it until you're back out of the sun? Then it hits you with blinding pain? That's me.

Sad fact #1: My Victoria voice is gone. I had her down pact! when I had a cold, but now that I'm back to normal - well, my voice anyway - it's not even close. I feel like Phoebe with her sexy phlegm.

check these, seriously, down pact.

Music Recs:

"Ready To Go" Republica

"from the rooftops, shout it out."
was totally jamming at the game tonight because I haven't heard this song in so long that I had completely forgotten about it.

"Moneygrabber" Fitz and the Tantrums

another Sister Rec, very cool video

alright split shift tomorrow plus have to do a lot of homework. sleeping next. out.

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