Why do I always get sick when I have the day off? Fever and all. But it's gone now. I woke up with a headache which is why I went back to sleep but I didn't think much of it until I felt light-headed and all that joy. I'm fine now so tomorrow will be fine.
But, aside from cleaning and watching half a season of BBT, I also started book #11. geez, 11. And started both of the wikis for both of the books this week. So, tomorrow I think I'm gonna keep reading, not sure how much I'll get done since I think Mom will be in town. Except I'm working so I don't know if I will see her. Tuesday will be my major workday as always since I have the whole afternoon to read and write up my paper. I already went to the teen activity I just have to give the highlights version in a 2 page paper. At least I think it's 2 pages. I can ramble for a couple pages about kids duct-taping stuff. Sensei told me once that she wouldn't respect me if I couldn't ramble for at least a page. I laughed. Think I've got the rambling thing down, scroll through the blog and you'll see that plain as day.
I bought a bunch of stuff on itunes on Ziva this week and haven't had time to load it on my (yet-to-be-named) ipod 'til I had all this free time today and now the freaking John Deere Green song is stuck in my head again! It just got out of my head! I finally stopped singing it at work! Now I had to go and listen to it again! AHH! "and the whole town said the fool should've used red but it looked good to Charlene......in John Deere Green!!!" but the funniest thing about this whole thing was I wasn't really paying attention to the album covers when I bought it and now I've got this big picture of his face staring at me every time I listen to the song and, here - I'll find a pic.

maybe i'm still like sick and need sleep but i laugh every time i see that pic. awesome fashion sense there.
Okay, gotta listen to something else so it goes away.
songs for the night:
"Do You Love Me" The Contours live and lipsyncing!
Check out Dennis Edwards dancing in the background (later frontman for the Temptations) plus the ensemble isn't the same without those matching white shoes, fancy stuff man.
SIDENOTE - gonna have to get a pair of white shoes to wear around camp at night... long story short, my predecessor who used to roam the camp at night (making sure everyone went to bed) wore a black outfit and white shoes. I always asked why the white shoes and he said he had to give the kids some chance to tell he was coming. He's been doing that since as long as I can remember and I've been going since 2nd grade but he's only doing the boys side this year soo guess who gets to roam the girls side and be the mean one everyone just loves to see coming. Pretty sure they feel that way about me already anyway so whatever. i'm just so excited. can't you tell how excited i am? BUT! that means he can't yell at me for being up! so take that! Technically, I'm the boss of him anyway. Technically, I have been for a couple years now. So, Technically he...whatever, next song rec.
"I Like It" Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull - Jersey Shore Edition
okay so I don't listen to the radio and therefore haven't heard the entire song before yesterday - it helps me to escape bieber fever, rebecca black and mylie? miley? yeah miley cyrus and all them.
ANYWAY, totally love this song. I'm jamming, seriously. especially 2:44-2:58 high voice enrique, reminds me of "you can ru-uu-un" from "escape" back in the day. used to sing that with nic all the time. still do every once in a while.
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