"It's cajun!"
More Frasier, I feel like I should finish the series. I had to keep watching until Niles and Daphne got together but now that they're together then it was until he proposed. And now he proposed so does this mean I have to watch 'til the wedding? Then the kids? Man.
Work flew by, as it usually does, and Team Awesome was reunited for two hours, huzzah! Then came home and sat out on the balcony with my big fat cat. It's good I live on the third floor since that keeps him from jumping and running away. I'm grateful he's a big chicken. I read half of Book #5. It's alright so far, but I don't know a lot about ships so I'm a little confused. I'll figure it out, it's pretty intriguing.
aaannd look, it's Bellamy Young. Who also shares my birthday. She's guest starred in pretty much all of my favorite shows. Frasier, NCIS, Grey's Anatomy, Castle, plus the awesomeness that was Ellen Darling in Dirty Sexy Money. Too bad about those high heels. I'm telling you, you really have to plan out your entire outfit when you kill someone in a jealous rage. Although, that would mean you'd have to predict when you were going to have a jealous rage so that you could dress properly. There was actually an entire Sketch and Edit dedicated to that moment. Here, I'll find it.
Sketch and Edit Discuss a serious matter
Edit - *screams as Ellen Darling slips and hits her head on sink after unsuccessfully trying to kill her husband* "Oh my god! Did that just happened?"
Sketch – "That’s what you get when you go to kill your husband in the wrong shoes."
E – "You really think changing out of those stilettos would have made it successful?"
S – "Couldn’t hurt."
E – "She was drunk and filled with rage. I don’t think she had a chance to think ‘Hmm, I should go put on my combat boots before I grab a fireplace poker to kill my husband while he’s in the shower.’ Clearly she was far too inebriated for rational thought."
S – "It was still a bad idea. She needed something with traction. Every psycho killer should know that."
E – "Something with a non-stick grip?"
S – "I like how her feet went all the way over her head like that."
E – "That’s a lot of glass. He shouldn’t be kneeling next to her barefoot."
S – "Maybe he wore shower shoes."
E – "In his own shower?"
S – "See, these shows are filled with faulty logic!"
E – "Kinda like how Denny came back from the dead?"
S – "Yeah, that’s just stupid. Dead Denny must die."
But the great thing about Bellamy is I play this game where, if I see her name in the title credits, I guess what hair color she's going to have. Cause you never know if she's going to be a blonde or brunette. It's amusing. We're alike in that aspect.
Songs for the night:
"A Punk" by Vampire Weekend
I remember first seeing these guys on SNL a few years ago, he was wearing this like giant scarf that was all I could look at. I didn't even see any of the background singers, just the giant scarf and strings sticking out of his guitar.
"Marry You" Glee cast version
Love Burt's dance moves. Totally make the song.
Tomorrow is a halfday then possible movie with some family and friends. Thinking food then Bridesmaids! Cause it looks hysterical. And I need a night out that's not class or camp or work related.
Here's Bellamy if you have no idea who I'm talking about.

yes i'm a nerd. but you knew that already.
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