This morning was work as usual. No real changes, shelving, straightening, joking with coworkers, checking in, more shelving, etc. Then, suddenly, Mom shows up! All nonchalant, walks straight up to the counter and says she wants to return some DVDs. Hands them to my boss. I look up and am like, wait, what?! So I introduced her to my boss. They had some laughs. I knew she was coming to see Grams and that we might at some point meet up for food, but I didn't expect to see her at work. I think she likes to do that. She showed up mysteriously twice at the other library as well. Haha, it was funny. My coworker tried to help her and she was like, no, I'll wait for her to be free. He was like, well, I can help you too. And she said something to the effect of Yes, but you're not my daughter.
We went to Culvers for lunch. I'm beginning to think Mom has a thing for Culvers. We go there everytime she comes to town for lunch. Then Target for groceries which she paid for. I tried, I really did, but trying to pay for something in this family is like armegeddon or bedlam - choose your reference. My aunt and Grams were the worst. So funny, they would like fight for the check when I was living with Grams. Sometimes my aunt would let Grams win then substitute the money with hers. Sneaky.
Okay, really sensing a pattern here when I say this but I love my coworkers. Tuesday nights are usually the funniest just because we really just wanna get out of there or we're so burnt out that trying to function is hysterical. Since our schedule switches nights every three months I get a new coworker for Tuesday nights until March. And I love this one. She's hilarious, I've worked with her a few nights before as well but usually just in the mornings. When we're sleep-deprived space cadets. That's her. We also have this joke between us that we're going to start ordering pizzas from all different places every Tuesday night and then debate which is the best. The only condition is that it must come with breadsticks. We're both big fans of breadsticks. My best friend calls me the 'breadstick queen' but I may have some competition.
We usually talk a lot about food. Tonight was just funny. We're ENTHUSIASTIC and THANKFUL! We're enthusiastic about e-readers and thankful we have jobs. The second part is self-explanatory with the economy but the e-readers need further explanation. Basically, since Christmas, no since they started selling them we've been getting calls and people who show up who want to know how to read library books on them. Which they can. If they have the right device. Kindle doesn't work because it's proprietory to Amazon. Which ticks some people off but hey, they'll get over it. So we teach them how to use them. I taught my bosses. That was funny. The enthusiasm comes in because neither of us really have the desire to own them. We think they're a good idea, just for someone else. She likes to hold the physical book in her hand whereas me, I haven't read a book all the way through since I started working in the library system! Irony. Maybe if I did own one I would have more motivation.
Anyway, with call after call we still have to remain enthusiastic about them. Yay e-readers! Which is where the title comes in. We kept throwing out "yay e-readers!" and "we're enthusiastic about e-readers!" throughout the night. Meanwhile, we started talking about simple pleasures like how my shower drain works now - more on that later - and how her husband is very handyman-like and fixes things around the house. One thing he's fixing is the ceiling fan. Apparently the lights flicker - which he fixed - now the fan won't stop running, even when you pull the string. I was like, "well maybe you should get a new fan", and she was like "it is new!" So I yelled "Well then screw the fan! You want an e-reader!" She died. Hilarious. I think you had to be there.
Then there was the conversation about how I'm gonna get a master's in library science and I'll always be enthusiastic. "You'll be like shame Vicki shame!" I said I'd probably be more likely to say, "Why am I doing this again?" I mean, I just got away from doing homework!! Now I'm going back? Voluntarily?!
"Shamey, Shamey." Her words not mine. Although it's catchy.
Okay, so while paying rent I talked to the manager in the office and mentioned that my bathtub had stopped draining. She said she'd send someone over tomorrow. Like fifteen minutes later maintenance shows up. Luckily I was already cleaning my apartment so it wasn't a total mess. But I love it here. People are friendly and things get done quickly. He was cool and fixed it right away while talking about my awesomely fat cat. Apparently he has a fat cat as well.
So, simple pleasures. Fun coworkers. A shower that drains. A mother who buys me groceries. A fat cat who falls asleep in my lap but bites everyone else. Life is good.

Watching her write with a pen bent in half. "Did you do that?" "Yes, I took out my rage against e-readers on this pen!"
And to all a good-night.
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