Today and yesterday were kind of crappy. I told my grad rep why they were crappy, because apparently I like to ramble to people who have nothing to do with the situation but are very supportive, (which suddenly sounds a lot like a blog) And she said, and I quote, "You do more things right than wrong. Your colleagues speak highly of your energy, good ideas and work ethic." Awwwww... right? Totally lying, but I'll take it. She's awesome. Jalapeno Margaritas awesome! Which is like a 10/10 coming from me.
Hmmm... maybe I should make an official "Scale of Awesome". That might be interesting. Like a 7/10 would be the NCIS marathon that was on tv today. They were all seasons 3 and later and although Ziva is awesome I love Sasha Alexander and Kate was my favorite character until they killed her off. So, good episodes but I had seen them all. Which, I guess, makes sense since I own all the seasons. But there were commercial breaks which seriously made me want to pull out the dvds and watch those episodes without them. And usually I do. But today I cleaned instead.
A 5/10 would be the average day - not too awesome but not crappy enough that I want to yell and throw things.
A 3/10 would be today and yesterday because of the incident, but also because it was good day up until that point.
And a -10/10 would be the movie Rushmore. Two hours of my life that I want back. Seriously. I compare all crappy movies to it.
On a different subject, you know, it's amazing how many chores you can get done when you're avoiding doing something else. Like usually, I put off cleaning my apartment. Because it takes forever and I have no motivation unless my mother is coming to visit. Today, after putting it off for weeks, I needed to register for my grad school class. But, since I didn't want to do that because it involved calling the IT people and having them walk me through it, my apartment is now practically spotless. Like, you can actually see the floor, like all of it! My cat walked around meowing like, "whoa? what's going on? what's that big gray loud thing she's pushing around? maybe i should run and hide in the closet." Which he did, so I vacuumed and now it's all pretty. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't last long.
And, because it's been a crappy week so far, I watched Glee and here's the clip of the week. I bought the song on itunes and have had it blasting in my headphones on repeat. I feel it fits my life at this time.
It's reversely screened but it does the trick. Is that a word? Reveresly? I'm making it one. It seems to me that it's the cast singing it as themselves instead of their characters and that it's not really choreographed. Which I loved.
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