Said Jeb about me at work today. Apparently it's my new nickname. No idea where it originated.
Only in Nebraska can it jump from 60 degrees to 30 within minutes. Ridiculous. At noon everyone was walking in in shorts. Then suddenly it's dark and windy. Yikes.
Today was another great day. My boss - the one that called me capable yay! - called in sick today so Girlscout from the other branch came over and helped me open. We call ourselves "Team Awesome" which Superwoman thinks is funny, as do we. But we are awesome.
And since Superwoman grades me - it's part of my training that's kind of stuck around, I think she enjoys it - I asked what my current score was. 95 is passing so it's hardcore. I currently have a 115 out of 100. Mostly because I've covered for everyone and their mother since a plague of disease wiped out everyone the smaller branch. Crazy hours. But still fun. Also because I sent the email commending my coworker and for testing my supervisor aka Girlscout which apparently was a secret test for me. Hmmm... my boss is too smart for me.
After small branch was larger branch, more fun, and driving home to the farmhouse. Carter was so excited to see me.
The quote of the day besides Girlscout's "We are Team Awesome," which also made me feel special, comes from my mother who let my cat out accidently. "I don't know that I can catch him. He's so stupid." Ouch. He may be stupid but he's still super cute. And fat. But cute.
Okay, so we're watching the Husker game and the weirdest thing just happened. Martinez our star quarterback just threw the ball straight to the defender, it bounces off the defender straight back to Martinez who grabs it and runs out of bounce. Weirdness. "Are you gonna watch or are you gonna talk?" My dad to my mom. BRING OUT THE WILDCAT! Go with Burkhead!
Hahahahahaha, my sister-in-law just texted me that my brother is cussing up a storm, "can you hear him over there?" As we live only a few miles apart. Hilarious.
Okay, so injuries and penalties are killing us but we will pull it off. I'm still sticking with my prediction. 40-10 us. Mom says 28-14 us. Kathy says 34-17. Sheri says 49-10. All for us.
And yikes for the UConn girls loss. 90 game win-streak is impressive. Wait, was that Condi Rice?!
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Stop, Stop, Stop all the dancing give me time to breeeeeathe....
Stop, stop, stop all the dancing or I'll have to leeeeeeave..... stuck in my head.
Today was actually pretty great. This morning I got to open with one of my favorite coworkers. We got everything done way early. She's always efficient and fun. So I e-mailed my boss and said that, among other things. My boss e-mails back and says she showed the e-mail to the coworker, that they both enjoy working with me and get this, my boss's exact words: "I don't think we've ever had an aide who was so capable."
Awwww. I feel special.
After the opening of awesomeness I head to the other branch to eat lunch with other fun coworkers. I share some of my awesome Scooby Doo crazy bands with coworkers and security guard - I love our security guards - eat my chili and cheetos, then go to work. Got off at 4 because yesterday I went in three times, hooray for a quick day.
Meanwhile, get call from sister saying she and her husband brought me an extra tv and entertainment unit for my apartment. Yay for spare keys.
After work was supper with sister and family while we watched Dr. Who and the end of Pirates 3. It was so funny, we both stood up from the table at the same time to move where we could actually see the tv. It was, after all, the best part of the movie where *spoiler alert* Will and his ship basically rise from the dead, join up with the Black Pearl and take down Beckett and his ship. More awesomeness. Then we both sat back down like whatever. Haha. I took my drain cleaner and left. Which leads to the next exciting event.
My bathtub has stopped draining. Like for a while it just took forever but now it just stopped. So got some drain unclogging stuff from oldest sister. That didn't work. Went to target to go get more. Poured into tub, now am waiting for it to sit then I will drown it in hot water and see what happens. If nothing I get to call maintenance tomorrow, hooray?
My only real frustration of the day didn't happen until tonight. 8:30ish. Guy in target ticked me off. So here's your shoutout.
Dear Target dude. I'm not some teenager you can boss around. I'm an adult working two jobs in grad school to get my masters. You're a jerk. Thank your coworker for taking over so I didn't have to yell at you.
And that's my day. Excitement. I'd give it a 8/10 on my scale of awesome.
Now I'm out and looking forward to the Husker game tomorrow night!
My pick Huskers 40 - Washington 10
Today was actually pretty great. This morning I got to open with one of my favorite coworkers. We got everything done way early. She's always efficient and fun. So I e-mailed my boss and said that, among other things. My boss e-mails back and says she showed the e-mail to the coworker, that they both enjoy working with me and get this, my boss's exact words: "I don't think we've ever had an aide who was so capable."
Awwww. I feel special.
After the opening of awesomeness I head to the other branch to eat lunch with other fun coworkers. I share some of my awesome Scooby Doo crazy bands with coworkers and security guard - I love our security guards - eat my chili and cheetos, then go to work. Got off at 4 because yesterday I went in three times, hooray for a quick day.
Meanwhile, get call from sister saying she and her husband brought me an extra tv and entertainment unit for my apartment. Yay for spare keys.
After work was supper with sister and family while we watched Dr. Who and the end of Pirates 3. It was so funny, we both stood up from the table at the same time to move where we could actually see the tv. It was, after all, the best part of the movie where *spoiler alert* Will and his ship basically rise from the dead, join up with the Black Pearl and take down Beckett and his ship. More awesomeness. Then we both sat back down like whatever. Haha. I took my drain cleaner and left. Which leads to the next exciting event.
My bathtub has stopped draining. Like for a while it just took forever but now it just stopped. So got some drain unclogging stuff from oldest sister. That didn't work. Went to target to go get more. Poured into tub, now am waiting for it to sit then I will drown it in hot water and see what happens. If nothing I get to call maintenance tomorrow, hooray?
My only real frustration of the day didn't happen until tonight. 8:30ish. Guy in target ticked me off. So here's your shoutout.
Dear Target dude. I'm not some teenager you can boss around. I'm an adult working two jobs in grad school to get my masters. You're a jerk. Thank your coworker for taking over so I didn't have to yell at you.
And that's my day. Excitement. I'd give it a 8/10 on my scale of awesome.
Now I'm out and looking forward to the Husker game tomorrow night!
My pick Huskers 40 - Washington 10
scale of awesome,
scooby doo,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Things that make you go hmmm....
Thing 1 - (yes I'm going Dr. Seuss on you)
Come out to car for lunch break and find mysterious envelope on windshield. A little creepy. Upon opening text possible person of origin and get it confirmed. Not a stalker. Yay for small victories.
Thing 2 - Almost got shmeered *smeared? **shmeared?? ***schmeared??? on route back to work. Truck pulled out in front of me, I slammed on my breaks (yay for new tires on a new car) as did the car immediately behind me. Both thankfully on time. Incident shook me up but Jarvis and I are okay. Yes I've settled on a name. He's Jarvis and he's still shiny. Sort of.
Thing 3 - Cousin whom I haven't seen in ages - like, literally ages cause she's freaky smart and goes to Yale - shows up mysteriously at library with my aunt! Total awesomeness! We talked school, roller derby - of course - family, future plans, dance dance revolution and the like. Was nice to see her again. Now flashing back to family roadtrips to Florida and California... writing songs about bears and listening to Shania Twain's "That don't impress me much" on repeat. I love both sides of my family but on that side I actually have cousins my own age so that's kind of nice. We do family reunions and weddings are a big deal and all that. It's fun.
Thing 4 - I'm debating New Year's Resolutions. I'm down to a few that are doable. I feel like I should make an official list. And like plan for that list. Because every year I say I'm going to do something and never even attempt to do it. I'm sure that's true for many people but I think now is the time I should change things in my life aka health and routine stuff.
Thing 5 - Missouri is playing Iowa. Since I'm technically going to grad school through the Univerisity of Missouri I feel obligated to cheer for them. Not that I'm a big fan of Iowa anyway. I will probably fall asleep by halftime anyway. Maybe I should add in a social life change to that resolution list as well.
Anybody out there have any good resolutions?
Out for the night.
Come out to car for lunch break and find mysterious envelope on windshield. A little creepy. Upon opening text possible person of origin and get it confirmed. Not a stalker. Yay for small victories.
Thing 2 - Almost got shmeered *smeared? **shmeared?? ***schmeared??? on route back to work. Truck pulled out in front of me, I slammed on my breaks (yay for new tires on a new car) as did the car immediately behind me. Both thankfully on time. Incident shook me up but Jarvis and I are okay. Yes I've settled on a name. He's Jarvis and he's still shiny. Sort of.
Thing 3 - Cousin whom I haven't seen in ages - like, literally ages cause she's freaky smart and goes to Yale - shows up mysteriously at library with my aunt! Total awesomeness! We talked school, roller derby - of course - family, future plans, dance dance revolution and the like. Was nice to see her again. Now flashing back to family roadtrips to Florida and California... writing songs about bears and listening to Shania Twain's "That don't impress me much" on repeat. I love both sides of my family but on that side I actually have cousins my own age so that's kind of nice. We do family reunions and weddings are a big deal and all that. It's fun.
Thing 4 - I'm debating New Year's Resolutions. I'm down to a few that are doable. I feel like I should make an official list. And like plan for that list. Because every year I say I'm going to do something and never even attempt to do it. I'm sure that's true for many people but I think now is the time I should change things in my life aka health and routine stuff.
Thing 5 - Missouri is playing Iowa. Since I'm technically going to grad school through the Univerisity of Missouri I feel obligated to cheer for them. Not that I'm a big fan of Iowa anyway. I will probably fall asleep by halftime anyway. Maybe I should add in a social life change to that resolution list as well.
Anybody out there have any good resolutions?
Out for the night.
dr. seuss,
grad school,
new years,
Monday, December 27, 2010
Work rocks, I know
You know your work is exciting when you get to see someone being led out in handcuffs. I love my job. It's never boring. Ever. Like, it'll be slow one second and then the next you'll be surrounded by crazies asking if you keep track of what books they check out, or a patron pukes in the back stairwell then barricades themself inside the men's restroom, or another patron walks up and says "someone tried to flush a copy of the economist down the toilet" (then yourself and your supervisor laugh hysterically at the irony), or you get hit on repeatedly by the little shelver boy. There's never a dull moment.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Text if you make it to your apartment, call if you go to the hospital
My mother said to me so lovingly as I left tonight. She's going to bed early understandably. Long day tomorrow, taking her mom to her sister's funeral. Alzheimer's is not a fun disease. They've told her twice and she's forgotten both times. I can only imagine how hard tomorrow will be. Grams is one of my favorite people. She's the nicest lady, so patient - although I guess you'd have to be if you had eight kids, madness - and really funny. I think I talked about her comments about 'old people' at her 'apartment.'
I'm being spontaneous. I'm typing this on the floor while listening to Weird Al on cassette tape. Found my Doris Day!!
Today was awesome. I laid around in my pajamas and watched a marathon of World's Dumbest. I used to watch (fall asleep) to that show practically every night of my senior year of college. When it was on at least. It was either that or Pastor Melissa Scott. Gotta love televangelists. Even though it's where celebrities' careers go to die I think it's hilarious. Judy Gold, Danny Bonaduce, Leif Garrett, Tonya Harding, Daniel Baldwin, although Brad Loekle is the best. Today's were World's Dumbest Performers 3, Drivers 11 and 15, and Brawlers like 2 and 3 I think. I love that show, and I'm not ashamed. Even though it's awful. But today's were grand, mostly because I missed it so much. One of the performers was this lady who had a show about the importance of cat massaging.
"And the mountain gods said we will spare your life!!!....but we're taking your jeep!" - Jaime Andrews she's one of the good ones.
Here's an example of the stupid/funny
Carter is staying with mom and dad this week since I'm going back out there for New Years. It's so weird, I can actually stretch out my legs without him at the bottom of the couch and I won't wake up to him laying on my stomach or have to barricade the door every time I leave so he doesn't pounce on it and make noise.
Okay, back on the couch watching The Nanny and eating goldfish. My spontaneity can only last so long. Tomorrow is full day of work then the Closer then Castle. Hopefully. Plus have to go get food, and the only liquid in my fridge is alcoholic. Which is why right now I'm drinking a strawberry margarita out of a bottle - thanks to the grab bag and Teina.
Alright, I'm out. Hope you all had a fun and safe holiday.
I'm being spontaneous. I'm typing this on the floor while listening to Weird Al on cassette tape. Found my Doris Day!!
Today was awesome. I laid around in my pajamas and watched a marathon of World's Dumbest. I used to watch (fall asleep) to that show practically every night of my senior year of college. When it was on at least. It was either that or Pastor Melissa Scott. Gotta love televangelists. Even though it's where celebrities' careers go to die I think it's hilarious. Judy Gold, Danny Bonaduce, Leif Garrett, Tonya Harding, Daniel Baldwin, although Brad Loekle is the best. Today's were World's Dumbest Performers 3, Drivers 11 and 15, and Brawlers like 2 and 3 I think. I love that show, and I'm not ashamed. Even though it's awful. But today's were grand, mostly because I missed it so much. One of the performers was this lady who had a show about the importance of cat massaging.
"And the mountain gods said we will spare your life!!!....but we're taking your jeep!" - Jaime Andrews she's one of the good ones.
Here's an example of the stupid/funny
Carter is staying with mom and dad this week since I'm going back out there for New Years. It's so weird, I can actually stretch out my legs without him at the bottom of the couch and I won't wake up to him laying on my stomach or have to barricade the door every time I leave so he doesn't pounce on it and make noise.
Okay, back on the couch watching The Nanny and eating goldfish. My spontaneity can only last so long. Tomorrow is full day of work then the Closer then Castle. Hopefully. Plus have to go get food, and the only liquid in my fridge is alcoholic. Which is why right now I'm drinking a strawberry margarita out of a bottle - thanks to the grab bag and Teina.
Alright, I'm out. Hope you all had a fun and safe holiday.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Came Indeed!
Even though I didn't watch the Grinch - will have to tomorrow - or listen to any Doris Day - left cd at apartment - or watch Home Alone - watched old dvr'd xmas episodes of favorite shows instead, Christmas did indeed come.
My great aunt came out after church and we played some pitch and watched the parade, (hooray for Amber Riley!!) Dad and I won 3 games out of 4. After she left we opened presents, ate more food, mom and dad danced to Squeezebox - long story - then we laid around and watched tv. Well, I laid around and watched, Mom fell asleep in her chair as usual, and I'm sure Dad watched football or something in the other room. We're very social. The presents were fun, Dad was excited about his The Who cd which he put in immediately and Mom liked all her stuff from me - asti, earrings and bath n body stuff. Some of my highlights were pajama pants, a sweatshirt with headphones in it as the strings, fancy vodka with shot glasses (my aunt picked out. mom was like "how does kathy know you collect shot glasses?" Cause I got one in Kansas when we went to the last Husker game down there. Mom thinks it's bizarre that I collect them but I got it from my brother - he does it too.) and wine in a bottle shaped like a cat. Seriously. It's awesome. I'm going to have to upload a picture.
All-in-all it was a good day.
Xmas episodes I've watched this weekend - NCIS, The Closer, Bones, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, NCIS Los Angeles
Wow, I totally need a life. But it's Christmas. I'm entitled to be lazy, right?
I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. It always feels so weird, that you wait so long for it to come and in like 24 hours it's over. Oh well, technically ours isn't over since our family xmas isn't until New Years. Since all my siblings have in-laws and lives and stuff it was the only free day. This means I get to go back to work this week and buy more stuff, woohoo!
I'm still missing something for my sister. And I think I'm gonna go find more for mom since we're getting her one big thing - which she'll love - but I dunno how much other things they're getting her. And I gave her all my other stuff today.
I'm not allowed to buy my niece anything more - or so my sister says. I've spent far too much on her, but honestly I spoil her. It's true. She's the oldest and she thinks I'm the cool aunt and she's funny. So's my nephew. They're both really funny. But she takes after me with the writing and the one-liners she's stolen from me and the red highlights - her mother hates me for that last one. I hope she doesn't inherit my talent for procrastination. And she's taller than me already. I honestly can't stand next to her anymore.
I mentioned last time that I love the songs. That's one of my favorite parts of Christmas, right after crazy moments with family. My all-time favorite xmas song is Oh Holy Night - well, depending on who's singing it. Christina Aguilara's version isn't my favorite, Lea Michelle did it justice on the Glee xmas cd. Another gift from mom. But my second favorite is the 12 Days of Christmas. Relient K has a great version but no matter which version I listen to the only ones I end up singing over the actual lyrics are Jeff Foxworthy's or Janice Dickinson's. Weird combination, huh? Especially when it ends up as something like "5 Flannel Shirts, 4 Italian Suits, 3 Former Husbands, 2 Giant Breasts and some parts to a Mustang GT."
Since it's officially Christmas I'll share my favorites.
Number one xmas video on my list is of course Janice Dickinson's. I die every time I watch it. It's highly inappropriate but it's sooo funny.
I love 1:03 I literally fall over laughing at that part and 1:13...and 2:12...too funny.
Second is Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Xmas which you can find here:
Is it just me or does the Mustang GT part recipient look suspiciously like Jim Carrey?
And a close third is the Indian 12 Days of Christmas. Very funny. And catchy...
Love the look on the wife's face.
Peace on earth.
My great aunt came out after church and we played some pitch and watched the parade, (hooray for Amber Riley!!) Dad and I won 3 games out of 4. After she left we opened presents, ate more food, mom and dad danced to Squeezebox - long story - then we laid around and watched tv. Well, I laid around and watched, Mom fell asleep in her chair as usual, and I'm sure Dad watched football or something in the other room. We're very social. The presents were fun, Dad was excited about his The Who cd which he put in immediately and Mom liked all her stuff from me - asti, earrings and bath n body stuff. Some of my highlights were pajama pants, a sweatshirt with headphones in it as the strings, fancy vodka with shot glasses (my aunt picked out. mom was like "how does kathy know you collect shot glasses?" Cause I got one in Kansas when we went to the last Husker game down there. Mom thinks it's bizarre that I collect them but I got it from my brother - he does it too.) and wine in a bottle shaped like a cat. Seriously. It's awesome. I'm going to have to upload a picture.
All-in-all it was a good day.
Xmas episodes I've watched this weekend - NCIS, The Closer, Bones, How I Met Your Mother, Glee, NCIS Los Angeles
Wow, I totally need a life. But it's Christmas. I'm entitled to be lazy, right?
I'm actually kind of sad that it's over. It always feels so weird, that you wait so long for it to come and in like 24 hours it's over. Oh well, technically ours isn't over since our family xmas isn't until New Years. Since all my siblings have in-laws and lives and stuff it was the only free day. This means I get to go back to work this week and buy more stuff, woohoo!
I'm still missing something for my sister. And I think I'm gonna go find more for mom since we're getting her one big thing - which she'll love - but I dunno how much other things they're getting her. And I gave her all my other stuff today.
I'm not allowed to buy my niece anything more - or so my sister says. I've spent far too much on her, but honestly I spoil her. It's true. She's the oldest and she thinks I'm the cool aunt and she's funny. So's my nephew. They're both really funny. But she takes after me with the writing and the one-liners she's stolen from me and the red highlights - her mother hates me for that last one. I hope she doesn't inherit my talent for procrastination. And she's taller than me already. I honestly can't stand next to her anymore.
I mentioned last time that I love the songs. That's one of my favorite parts of Christmas, right after crazy moments with family. My all-time favorite xmas song is Oh Holy Night - well, depending on who's singing it. Christina Aguilara's version isn't my favorite, Lea Michelle did it justice on the Glee xmas cd. Another gift from mom. But my second favorite is the 12 Days of Christmas. Relient K has a great version but no matter which version I listen to the only ones I end up singing over the actual lyrics are Jeff Foxworthy's or Janice Dickinson's. Weird combination, huh? Especially when it ends up as something like "5 Flannel Shirts, 4 Italian Suits, 3 Former Husbands, 2 Giant Breasts and some parts to a Mustang GT."
Since it's officially Christmas I'll share my favorites.
Number one xmas video on my list is of course Janice Dickinson's. I die every time I watch it. It's highly inappropriate but it's sooo funny.
I love 1:03 I literally fall over laughing at that part and 1:13...and 2:12...too funny.
Second is Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Xmas which you can find here:
Is it just me or does the Mustang GT part recipient look suspiciously like Jim Carrey?
And a close third is the Indian 12 Days of Christmas. Very funny. And catchy...
Love the look on the wife's face.
Peace on earth.
Friday, December 24, 2010
We can hardly stand to wait, please Christmas don't be late.....
Is it honestly Christmas Eve already? It so doesn't feel like it. Or like it'll be Christmas in half an hour. Crazy. It doesn't really even feel like December, it feels like August! I mean, not weather-wise, but...I don't really know how to explain. It just doesn't feel like Christmas. Maybe it's just because I haven't done any of my ritual things.
Usually, at this exact moment, I sit in my living room and play pool online with a friend while watching the santa tracker on msn - that's not happening. I haven't watched any of my favorite Christmas movies - Home Alone 1, The Grinch - the original animated classic - let alone listen to any Doris Day. Another ritual. I think it's the whole not being in school thing. I don't really have a calendar to live by. Work is the same almost every day and I'm guessing that since Grad School is just going to be a show up once a month thing that's not going to help either.
I love Christmas. Everything about it actually. The snow, the family, the music that continues to play on my ipod through at least July, the spiced tea, the candycanes especially, presents are fun, peanut-butter balls yum, good food. Listening to my mom trying to persuade me to watch It's a Wonderful Life which I can only put up with once every five years - too depressing. I'm going with Phoebe on that one. Although I did get to listen to my parents bicker about the food. It was actually kind of funny. "Oh god, not pizza again!" "We don't want old chicken!" My favorite was, "You drink anymore of that you'll be all giggly in church!" "I can be all giggly, no one else will be there!" Which is true most years since our Christmas Eve service is rarely on Christmas Eve as families usually have their own routines. This year there were a lot of people there. And I got to see an old classmate so that was fun.
Instead of the usual holiday traditions I spent today sleeping in, watching movies, cleaning my room and going to church. We watched Night and Day then Get Smart then Killers. All very similar with the secret agent thing. Get Smart is my favorite of the three but I originally just wanted to compare Night and Day to Killers. I think I like the latter better. I mean, I love Cameron Diaz. She was excellent in Charlie's Angels and she's really funny in real life - plus best friends with Drew - but I think I'm going with Katherine Heigl on this one. I've never really been a big fan of Tom Cruise. I mean, I don't have a problem with him but he's not my favorite actor. Ashton playing someone different than his usual crackhead was nice to watch. It was funny and the parents were hilarious - Catherine O'Hara was drinking in every scene! Every time I see her I just want to scream KEVIN!!! and Tom Selleck was excellent as always. And don't get me wrong, Night and Day was good also, pretty funny but not as good as Killers. I think my Scale of Awesome ratings would go something like:
Get Smart 10/10
Killers 8/10
Night and Day 7/10
All in all not bad.
Tomorrow is presents in the morning with parentals, then watch parade - perhaps while opening presents - then food followed by the probability of more movies - I'll have to throw in Home Alone (KEVIN!!! good weekend for Catherine O'Hara) and The Grinch.
Alright, signing off as the countdown continues...
13 minutes...
Usually, at this exact moment, I sit in my living room and play pool online with a friend while watching the santa tracker on msn - that's not happening. I haven't watched any of my favorite Christmas movies - Home Alone 1, The Grinch - the original animated classic - let alone listen to any Doris Day. Another ritual. I think it's the whole not being in school thing. I don't really have a calendar to live by. Work is the same almost every day and I'm guessing that since Grad School is just going to be a show up once a month thing that's not going to help either.
I love Christmas. Everything about it actually. The snow, the family, the music that continues to play on my ipod through at least July, the spiced tea, the candycanes especially, presents are fun, peanut-butter balls yum, good food. Listening to my mom trying to persuade me to watch It's a Wonderful Life which I can only put up with once every five years - too depressing. I'm going with Phoebe on that one. Although I did get to listen to my parents bicker about the food. It was actually kind of funny. "Oh god, not pizza again!" "We don't want old chicken!" My favorite was, "You drink anymore of that you'll be all giggly in church!" "I can be all giggly, no one else will be there!" Which is true most years since our Christmas Eve service is rarely on Christmas Eve as families usually have their own routines. This year there were a lot of people there. And I got to see an old classmate so that was fun.
Instead of the usual holiday traditions I spent today sleeping in, watching movies, cleaning my room and going to church. We watched Night and Day then Get Smart then Killers. All very similar with the secret agent thing. Get Smart is my favorite of the three but I originally just wanted to compare Night and Day to Killers. I think I like the latter better. I mean, I love Cameron Diaz. She was excellent in Charlie's Angels and she's really funny in real life - plus best friends with Drew - but I think I'm going with Katherine Heigl on this one. I've never really been a big fan of Tom Cruise. I mean, I don't have a problem with him but he's not my favorite actor. Ashton playing someone different than his usual crackhead was nice to watch. It was funny and the parents were hilarious - Catherine O'Hara was drinking in every scene! Every time I see her I just want to scream KEVIN!!! and Tom Selleck was excellent as always. And don't get me wrong, Night and Day was good also, pretty funny but not as good as Killers. I think my Scale of Awesome ratings would go something like:
Get Smart 10/10
Killers 8/10
Night and Day 7/10
All in all not bad.
Tomorrow is presents in the morning with parentals, then watch parade - perhaps while opening presents - then food followed by the probability of more movies - I'll have to throw in Home Alone (KEVIN!!! good weekend for Catherine O'Hara) and The Grinch.
Alright, signing off as the countdown continues...
13 minutes...
ashton kutcher,
cameron diaz,
catherine o'hara,
get smart,
katherine heigl,
night and day,
scale of awesome,
the grinch,
tom selleck,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
Friends Phoebe reference.
Another journey back home means another list of artists my cat does not enjoy. The new list includes Bonnie Tyler, All American Rejects, Snoop Dogg, Owl City, Cobra Starship, and yet he went completely silent for Dracula from Houston - was he in shock or did it drive him crazy? Oh Carter.
So, home for the holidays, woohoo! The trees are set up, my presents are almost all wrapped, my cat is sleeping happily in the basement (his favorite room of the house) and I'm off to bed.
Today was great - line of the day came from my boss. First thing she says to me, comes up behind me and whispers "Do you have a hangover?" "WHAT?!" I told her about the pitch tournament yesterday and how there's usually a lot of drinking. It was just funny at the time because I was like, "Do I look that bad?!" Oh Superwoman.
The pitch tourney was still the highlight of the week. That and Grams opening presents. She ended up with a Huskers sign for her "apartment" door compliments of the grab bag. She said she'd put it up and then said "They probably don't even know who the Huskers are. They're OLD People!" The tone of voice when she said 'old people' made me keel over. I wasn't the only one. Oh Grams.
But tonight when I got home Dad of course made me watch some dude playing guitar on HeeHaw which is what he does every time I come home, and Mom all the sudden broke out with "These are old people! Who are the Huskers?!" Hilarious.
Hope you have a happy christmas eve eve. And that I remember to post again tomorrow night.
This is me, signing out.
-guy said that to me on the phone today at the library after I answered his reference question
Another journey back home means another list of artists my cat does not enjoy. The new list includes Bonnie Tyler, All American Rejects, Snoop Dogg, Owl City, Cobra Starship, and yet he went completely silent for Dracula from Houston - was he in shock or did it drive him crazy? Oh Carter.
So, home for the holidays, woohoo! The trees are set up, my presents are almost all wrapped, my cat is sleeping happily in the basement (his favorite room of the house) and I'm off to bed.
Today was great - line of the day came from my boss. First thing she says to me, comes up behind me and whispers "Do you have a hangover?" "WHAT?!" I told her about the pitch tournament yesterday and how there's usually a lot of drinking. It was just funny at the time because I was like, "Do I look that bad?!" Oh Superwoman.
The pitch tourney was still the highlight of the week. That and Grams opening presents. She ended up with a Huskers sign for her "apartment" door compliments of the grab bag. She said she'd put it up and then said "They probably don't even know who the Huskers are. They're OLD People!" The tone of voice when she said 'old people' made me keel over. I wasn't the only one. Oh Grams.
But tonight when I got home Dad of course made me watch some dude playing guitar on HeeHaw which is what he does every time I come home, and Mom all the sudden broke out with "These are old people! Who are the Huskers?!" Hilarious.
Hope you have a happy christmas eve eve. And that I remember to post again tomorrow night.
This is me, signing out.
-guy said that to me on the phone today at the library after I answered his reference question
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Pitch tourney + The Hero of Canton, the Man They Call Jayne.....
Ohhh, emotional high. Such a good day. Went to work downtown this morning, and aside from the creepy guy in the lab staring at me (like i moved and his eyes followed, it was creepy) that was fun. Short and sweet. Then went to Barnes and Noble for some last minute shopping, then came home to wrap and THEN family xmas at my aunts! Not like immediate family but aunts and uncles xmas. We used to have these big pitch tournaments that lasted all night and we thought we should bring them back. It was awesome. I got partnered up with my cousin and we finished the night at the winner's table! Yeah!! Took down my undefeated sister and brother but then lost to my nephew and sister-in-law. My nephew somehow ended up with the perfect hand on the last hand. AKQJJ2. Seriously. Who gets those? Ever?! So they won toasters for being "hot" and my dad and sister got snowmen for being "cold". They were the ultimate losers. Ha. Too much fun.
And I got some awesome presents. This wicked cool hat from my aunt. I loved it so much I wore it for the rest of the night - tournament included. Got a bunch of pics taken, will have to upload one. It's very "the man they call jayne" except black and multi-colored instead of yellow and orange. If you get the reference.
Tomorrow is work then head to the farmhouse with my cat and all my presents since I have 24-26th off. Woohoo!
Now is eating breadsticks, watching the Nanny and then crashing.
In case you don't get the reference, here's Adam Baldwin singing the song from his favorite episode and wearing his hat. Video of the week.
Have a merry xmas!
And I got some awesome presents. This wicked cool hat from my aunt. I loved it so much I wore it for the rest of the night - tournament included. Got a bunch of pics taken, will have to upload one. It's very "the man they call jayne" except black and multi-colored instead of yellow and orange. If you get the reference.
Tomorrow is work then head to the farmhouse with my cat and all my presents since I have 24-26th off. Woohoo!
Now is eating breadsticks, watching the Nanny and then crashing.
In case you don't get the reference, here's Adam Baldwin singing the song from his favorite episode and wearing his hat. Video of the week.
Have a merry xmas!
clip of the week,
the nanny,
video clip,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Well, at least the baby stopped crying...
So, I suck at this whole posting thing. I've been crazy busy which really isn't an excuse because I've made time to do other things.
In an attempt to make up for lost time I will come up with a list of the random events that have occurred throughout the week.
1. Had a conversation with coworkers about the fashion of troll dolls. Apparently their bold fashion statement of flamboyant hair and shirts that show off their big stomachs are making a comeback. That's what you get when you work downtown and see all the crazies. Thankfully they are wearing pants. Well, most of them.
2. Went to see Harry Potter 7 again, this time with Nic and Megan. Still awesome. And we ran into Becky so that was cool. We sat in the back and made sarcastic comments - mostly because people kept going up and down the stairs to the balcony and it constantly sounded like a stampede and because someone brought their baby. Why would you bring a baby to Harry Potter? It's loud and scary! Strange, right? Anyway, the kid cried a lot and the best line of the whole experience took place in the middle. Nicole and I were making faces about the stampede and Nic leans over and says, "well, at least the baby stopped crying." I died. I think that's one of those you have to be there moments, but it made my night.
3. Vicki and I have either been working too much lately or we just need to get more sleep. Every morning we've worked together we've both been completely out of it. I'm like a walking zombie and she almost falls asleep at the desk. She has declared us to be sleep-deprived space cadets. Today was fun though because she decided we should box up all the donations - both of us - so I commented that maybe between the two of us space cadets we could form one fully functional human being. That worked well.
4. Xmas program at church was Sunday. They decided to do it early this year because last year it almost didn't happen. With all the snow and power outtages - it was a mess. But this year's went well. My niece was the best. And I'm not saying that because of favoritism. She said her line loud and clear and not too fast. I was quite proud actually. Everyone else mumbled theirs. I remember that though, you're nervous cause everyone is staring at you. I looked everywhere but the crowd. This time I just got to sing in the choir. Dad gave me crap for never looking up from my music but it was the first time I'd sang it! I didn't practice with them, I just show up and sing since I can't make it to practices. It was easy enough. After that it was Pizza Hut for lunch then practice to sing at Heritage. We went gypsy caroling. We call it gypsy caroling because earlier in the year we had gone around Heritage singing camp songs on family day. One of our friends called us the gypsies. Liz became our "gypsy leader" and now that nickname is totally going to stick. I'll make it stick. Camp should be fun.
5. Along with being a sleep-deprived space cadet I am also very giggly at inappropriate times. It's bizarre. I was trying to tell a story to a coworker in the staff room and I couldn't get through it. I laughed so hard I started crying. It was bad. But the story was just funny, because I can still picture... okay, so this dude was on one of the internet computers and his phone rang. Meanwhile, we have this amazing older lady who comes in and volunteers at the smaller branch. She processes new materials and does the holds and yeah. She's awesome and hilarious. She was attempting to use the self-check and even though it hates me I was trying to help. (it's new and never accepts my barcode. evil.) We couldn't get it to work so we stood there for a while. Back to the guy, his phone rings, he answers, and the speaker is set on like high so you can hear everything the person on the line is saying. At first it's all hi, how are you. Then out of nowhere she's like "I have diahrrhea...bad!" And the volunteer turns to me and makes this face like she's like scandelized or something. I seriously died on the spot. That expression will come to mind every time I see her, I swear it's burned into my brain. So I tried to tell that story at work, and just like now when I was typing it out, it took me a couple tries to make all the way through it without collapsing on myself. Too funny.
6. Speaking of the smaller branch, we had our xmas party today. I brought the silverware and plates and stuff and I found these napkins that say, "what happens at the holiday party stays at the holiday party!" They were a big hit. We're sending one to our boss who was sick and couldn't make it. I love those people, they're too fun.
7. Another thing this sleep-deprived space cadet couldn't stop laughing at inappropriately was this line from Just Shoot Me. It's a Nina Van Horn specialty, she always had the best ones, but I died. I couldn't stop. It was endless, but I had to hold it in as I was up in the lab and it was like dead silent. I'm sure my coworker thought I was going nutso. Maybe I am nutso. Here's the short version, Nina and Maya went walking somewhere and Maya sees a guy juggling. Nina turns up at the office with a cast on her arm. When asked why she replies, "Little tip: never yell, 'Look, he's got six balls!' at someone who's about to step off a curb."
Today was not a serious day for me at all.
8. I actually got to watch Mike and Molly. Mom dvr'd a few, they are pretty funny. I'm glad, I like Melissa McCarthy, I hope it stays on. It had some good one-liners as well. "You're a closed book!"
"No, I'm not! I'm an open catalogue laying on the night stand!"
"I don't know what that means, I'm lost!"
"You wanted space, go sit on a missile!"
9. Another fun library moment - a coworker of mine is a true librarian. In like the truest sense. A patron returned a book - big picure of Lana Turner on the cover. She picks up the book and says, "look at this binding!" "Yeah, who's that on the cover?" "I don't know, I was just admiring the binding." I noticed. But I love this woman. She's great with the patrons and answered every one of my stupid questions during training.
10. Fun reference questions I've had lately - "what is the average salary of an roman emporer?"
"what is the opposite of pianissimo?"
"when does that green lantern movie come out?" He asked mainly because I was wearing a green lantern shirt. I wear fun shirts when I'm an aid.
11. Got to play video games with my niece and nephew - TMNT mostly. We love it - and while hitting robots with my big stick (i'm donatello...always. we have our usual characters. joe likes to fly so he's mikey. mandy likes red so she's rafael.) I frequented the response "yeah! stick that in your speedo jacuzzi bob!" thank you Big Bang Theory.
12. I got to catch up on The Closer - I'm about to watch the new one right now - and NCIS when I went home so that was nice. I liked serious Tony in this one. I thought he was pulling a prank, good ending, good ending.
13. Isn't it unlucky to end on 13? Oh well. I'm taking the chance. I'm off for the night to watch The Closer and Castle. Then more work tomorrow, hooray! I'm crazy. It's official.
ps- why is the bad guy from ncis and literally every other show he's in watching robots break through walls on the directv commercials? isn't he in jail? didn't they just lock him up?
In an attempt to make up for lost time I will come up with a list of the random events that have occurred throughout the week.
1. Had a conversation with coworkers about the fashion of troll dolls. Apparently their bold fashion statement of flamboyant hair and shirts that show off their big stomachs are making a comeback. That's what you get when you work downtown and see all the crazies. Thankfully they are wearing pants. Well, most of them.
2. Went to see Harry Potter 7 again, this time with Nic and Megan. Still awesome. And we ran into Becky so that was cool. We sat in the back and made sarcastic comments - mostly because people kept going up and down the stairs to the balcony and it constantly sounded like a stampede and because someone brought their baby. Why would you bring a baby to Harry Potter? It's loud and scary! Strange, right? Anyway, the kid cried a lot and the best line of the whole experience took place in the middle. Nicole and I were making faces about the stampede and Nic leans over and says, "well, at least the baby stopped crying." I died. I think that's one of those you have to be there moments, but it made my night.
3. Vicki and I have either been working too much lately or we just need to get more sleep. Every morning we've worked together we've both been completely out of it. I'm like a walking zombie and she almost falls asleep at the desk. She has declared us to be sleep-deprived space cadets. Today was fun though because she decided we should box up all the donations - both of us - so I commented that maybe between the two of us space cadets we could form one fully functional human being. That worked well.
4. Xmas program at church was Sunday. They decided to do it early this year because last year it almost didn't happen. With all the snow and power outtages - it was a mess. But this year's went well. My niece was the best. And I'm not saying that because of favoritism. She said her line loud and clear and not too fast. I was quite proud actually. Everyone else mumbled theirs. I remember that though, you're nervous cause everyone is staring at you. I looked everywhere but the crowd. This time I just got to sing in the choir. Dad gave me crap for never looking up from my music but it was the first time I'd sang it! I didn't practice with them, I just show up and sing since I can't make it to practices. It was easy enough. After that it was Pizza Hut for lunch then practice to sing at Heritage. We went gypsy caroling. We call it gypsy caroling because earlier in the year we had gone around Heritage singing camp songs on family day. One of our friends called us the gypsies. Liz became our "gypsy leader" and now that nickname is totally going to stick. I'll make it stick. Camp should be fun.
5. Along with being a sleep-deprived space cadet I am also very giggly at inappropriate times. It's bizarre. I was trying to tell a story to a coworker in the staff room and I couldn't get through it. I laughed so hard I started crying. It was bad. But the story was just funny, because I can still picture... okay, so this dude was on one of the internet computers and his phone rang. Meanwhile, we have this amazing older lady who comes in and volunteers at the smaller branch. She processes new materials and does the holds and yeah. She's awesome and hilarious. She was attempting to use the self-check and even though it hates me I was trying to help. (it's new and never accepts my barcode. evil.) We couldn't get it to work so we stood there for a while. Back to the guy, his phone rings, he answers, and the speaker is set on like high so you can hear everything the person on the line is saying. At first it's all hi, how are you. Then out of nowhere she's like "I have diahrrhea...bad!" And the volunteer turns to me and makes this face like she's like scandelized or something. I seriously died on the spot. That expression will come to mind every time I see her, I swear it's burned into my brain. So I tried to tell that story at work, and just like now when I was typing it out, it took me a couple tries to make all the way through it without collapsing on myself. Too funny.
6. Speaking of the smaller branch, we had our xmas party today. I brought the silverware and plates and stuff and I found these napkins that say, "what happens at the holiday party stays at the holiday party!" They were a big hit. We're sending one to our boss who was sick and couldn't make it. I love those people, they're too fun.
7. Another thing this sleep-deprived space cadet couldn't stop laughing at inappropriately was this line from Just Shoot Me. It's a Nina Van Horn specialty, she always had the best ones, but I died. I couldn't stop. It was endless, but I had to hold it in as I was up in the lab and it was like dead silent. I'm sure my coworker thought I was going nutso. Maybe I am nutso. Here's the short version, Nina and Maya went walking somewhere and Maya sees a guy juggling. Nina turns up at the office with a cast on her arm. When asked why she replies, "Little tip: never yell, 'Look, he's got six balls!' at someone who's about to step off a curb."
Today was not a serious day for me at all.
8. I actually got to watch Mike and Molly. Mom dvr'd a few, they are pretty funny. I'm glad, I like Melissa McCarthy, I hope it stays on. It had some good one-liners as well. "You're a closed book!"
"No, I'm not! I'm an open catalogue laying on the night stand!"
"I don't know what that means, I'm lost!"
"You wanted space, go sit on a missile!"
9. Another fun library moment - a coworker of mine is a true librarian. In like the truest sense. A patron returned a book - big picure of Lana Turner on the cover. She picks up the book and says, "look at this binding!" "Yeah, who's that on the cover?" "I don't know, I was just admiring the binding." I noticed. But I love this woman. She's great with the patrons and answered every one of my stupid questions during training.
10. Fun reference questions I've had lately - "what is the average salary of an roman emporer?"
"what is the opposite of pianissimo?"
"when does that green lantern movie come out?" He asked mainly because I was wearing a green lantern shirt. I wear fun shirts when I'm an aid.
11. Got to play video games with my niece and nephew - TMNT mostly. We love it - and while hitting robots with my big stick (i'm donatello...always. we have our usual characters. joe likes to fly so he's mikey. mandy likes red so she's rafael.) I frequented the response "yeah! stick that in your speedo jacuzzi bob!" thank you Big Bang Theory.
12. I got to catch up on The Closer - I'm about to watch the new one right now - and NCIS when I went home so that was nice. I liked serious Tony in this one. I thought he was pulling a prank, good ending, good ending.
13. Isn't it unlucky to end on 13? Oh well. I'm taking the chance. I'm off for the night to watch The Closer and Castle. Then more work tomorrow, hooray! I'm crazy. It's official.
ps- why is the bad guy from ncis and literally every other show he's in watching robots break through walls on the directv commercials? isn't he in jail? didn't they just lock him up?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Sketch and Edit Bake a Pie
since today was the holiday breakfast at work and there was awesome food leftover i figured i'd post this. plus i've been gone since sunday so gotta make up for it.
Bake a Pie
S – “What are you doing in the kitchen?”
E – “What do you mean?”
S – “You’re never in the kitchen.”
E – “Yes I am.”
S – “Why are you wearing an apron? And why does it smell like smoke in here? What did you do?”
E – “I’m making a pie.”
S – “You don’t make pies.”
E – “Well now I do.”
S – “Right.”
E – “In fact I’ve already made 3 today.”
S – “What are we going to do with all that pie?”
E – “I threw them out.”
S – “What, why?”
E – “I said I made them I didn’t say they came out right.”
S – “Ugh.”
Bake a Pie
S – “What are you doing in the kitchen?”
E – “What do you mean?”
S – “You’re never in the kitchen.”
E – “Yes I am.”
S – “Why are you wearing an apron? And why does it smell like smoke in here? What did you do?”
E – “I’m making a pie.”
S – “You don’t make pies.”
E – “Well now I do.”
S – “Right.”
E – “In fact I’ve already made 3 today.”
S – “What are we going to do with all that pie?”
E – “I threw them out.”
S – “What, why?”
E – “I said I made them I didn’t say they came out right.”
S – “Ugh.”
Sleep-Deprived Space Cadets
So, I'm falling asleep as I type this and Carter is laying on my stomach so I'll make this short. It's not easy to type. He loves being the center of attention. Like, I've been wrapping all my xmas presents and he lays down on the wrapping paper. My friend attempted to wrap him and he jumped out so fast he ripped the paper.
Life has been good. Kind of a blur actually. All that covering for people did actually burn me out. And people are sick at the other library as well. I can't escape it. I don't know how I have so far. I hadn't been to that one since the 5th. I went back to it yesterday. My boss got back from her vacation and I was gone longer than she was. Madness.
As I mentioned earlier I am exhausted. All the time. The title came from a coworker. Her and I have been kind of out of it all week and she said we were space cadets since our heads weren't there. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I'm only working for three hours. Then headed home for xmas program and possibly harry potter yet again. Woohoo!
Now I have a craving for cheetos. Mmm...cheetos. Then I will crash and sleep.
Over and out.
Life has been good. Kind of a blur actually. All that covering for people did actually burn me out. And people are sick at the other library as well. I can't escape it. I don't know how I have so far. I hadn't been to that one since the 5th. I went back to it yesterday. My boss got back from her vacation and I was gone longer than she was. Madness.
As I mentioned earlier I am exhausted. All the time. The title came from a coworker. Her and I have been kind of out of it all week and she said we were space cadets since our heads weren't there. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I'm only working for three hours. Then headed home for xmas program and possibly harry potter yet again. Woohoo!
Now I have a craving for cheetos. Mmm...cheetos. Then I will crash and sleep.
Over and out.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
"I'm getting the pig!"
So, yesterday's half day got turned into a whole day, not surprising, but not bad. I actually don't mind spending time there. At one point there was no one else there besides myself and my coworker. It snowed and was windy and cold and blah. But then everyone came in at once so we were pretty busy. What is surprising is that I didn't get called in today! So this is what a day off feels like. Wow.
Fun fact #1 - I saw "Red" twice this weekend. Once last night with my brother and again tonight with two friends. So funny. Would totally give it a 9/10 on my Scale of Awesome. "Moldova sucks!"
Today was nice and relaxing. Slept in, went to church, caught up on tv episodes I've missed aka NCIS and The Closer. I watched a Criminal Minds one too, back when it was still good aka pre AJ/JJ incident. Creative Differences whatever.
Tomorrow I'm only scheduled in the morning but it wouldn't be surprising if that changed. I have the afternoon off only because of how many hours I've worked this past week. Gotta make up for it so I don't get past my 20 hours. It's crazy, I haven't been to the big library since the 5th and I'm not scheduled to go back until the 16th! Madness, I'm telling you.
"This is just like Love's Savage Secret!"
Fun fact #1 - I saw "Red" twice this weekend. Once last night with my brother and again tonight with two friends. So funny. Would totally give it a 9/10 on my Scale of Awesome. "Moldova sucks!"
Today was nice and relaxing. Slept in, went to church, caught up on tv episodes I've missed aka NCIS and The Closer. I watched a Criminal Minds one too, back when it was still good aka pre AJ/JJ incident. Creative Differences whatever.
Tomorrow I'm only scheduled in the morning but it wouldn't be surprising if that changed. I have the afternoon off only because of how many hours I've worked this past week. Gotta make up for it so I don't get past my 20 hours. It's crazy, I haven't been to the big library since the 5th and I'm not scheduled to go back until the 16th! Madness, I'm telling you.
"This is just like Love's Savage Secret!"
Friday, December 10, 2010
"Yeah, but what's the long name of it?"
So, it's official. I've covered for all of my coworkers at one of the branches. There's some kind of virus plague going around or something because everyone's been out and since I work as an LA2 at the other library I just basically get promoted when I walk through the door. But not a big deal, I'm getting paid more and it's not like I have something else to do really. Yesterday I went in three times. 9-12 1-3 then 6-8. Today was just 9-6. Which is still busy, especially since there was just two of us all day. But since it's so fast if you're there yourself the day flies by pretty quickly. My highlight though was when this older lady called and was like,
"which branch is this one?" i told her
"is it the one by the pizza place?" i suppose that's us
"what's the name of it" i repeated the name
"yeah, but what's the long name of it?" what? then it hit me, the other branches are named after people but we're just named after the street we're on. so i was like, Nope, we're not that creative.
Then she wanted to buy the new George Bush book from us. Again, not booksellers so had to find her the number for Barnes and Noble. But she ended the call with a "oh, bless your heart" so i feel pretty special.
The best part of the whole thing were the other patrons reactions as they were clearly eavesdropping on the conversation and my coworker was on break so it was just me. The guy was like "you should tell her it's the George (street name) branch."
In other news, I get to sleep in tomorrow so I just watched the Bones episode and the Glee episode that I missed. Both very emotional. I actually cried at like each scene that Coach Beiste was in. Damn these strange girl emotions. I'm not sure if I like this season as much as last year. I bought the Xmas album last week tonight I bought the volume 4 soundtrack.
Bones was excellent as always, Enrico Colantoni guest starred!!! and all I could think of was Elliot from Just Shoot Me. I love that show. I like that even Brennan has a little crazy to her.
Tomorrow planning on going to see RED with my brother. Hooray! Gotta love small town theaters that get the movies 3 months after they've been released. But the Deathly Hallows is next week already so that one came pretty quickly. Should be fun. My oldest sister makes fun of me when I go with him though. "Are you that hard up for a date?!" Nope. Just like going to see movies with him. He's a good brother.
"which branch is this one?" i told her
"is it the one by the pizza place?" i suppose that's us
"what's the name of it" i repeated the name
"yeah, but what's the long name of it?" what? then it hit me, the other branches are named after people but we're just named after the street we're on. so i was like, Nope, we're not that creative.
Then she wanted to buy the new George Bush book from us. Again, not booksellers so had to find her the number for Barnes and Noble. But she ended the call with a "oh, bless your heart" so i feel pretty special.
The best part of the whole thing were the other patrons reactions as they were clearly eavesdropping on the conversation and my coworker was on break so it was just me. The guy was like "you should tell her it's the George (street name) branch."
In other news, I get to sleep in tomorrow so I just watched the Bones episode and the Glee episode that I missed. Both very emotional. I actually cried at like each scene that Coach Beiste was in. Damn these strange girl emotions. I'm not sure if I like this season as much as last year. I bought the Xmas album last week tonight I bought the volume 4 soundtrack.
Bones was excellent as always, Enrico Colantoni guest starred!!! and all I could think of was Elliot from Just Shoot Me. I love that show. I like that even Brennan has a little crazy to her.
Tomorrow planning on going to see RED with my brother. Hooray! Gotta love small town theaters that get the movies 3 months after they've been released. But the Deathly Hallows is next week already so that one came pretty quickly. Should be fun. My oldest sister makes fun of me when I go with him though. "Are you that hard up for a date?!" Nope. Just like going to see movies with him. He's a good brother.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sketch and Edit Decorate a Tree
Today was awesome. Only had to work until 1 then I met up with my grad advisor and we basically planned out the next couple years of my life. Serious weight off my mind. I'm still freaking out about the whole grad school thing but knowing which classes to take and when helps a lot.
Tomorrow is back to work as usual, but in the mean time here's another Sketch and Edit to get you into the holiday spirit. This was actually the first one I ever wrote. It's kind of funny that this is where they originated and it went on from here. Hope you enjoy.
Sketch and Edit Decorate a tree
S – “Got the lights?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Tinsel?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Ornaments?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Booze?”
E – “Check.” *gets on chair*
S – “You’re not going to fall again this year are you?”
E – “That was one time! Two years ago! You were the one that spiked my cocoa! I was helpless.”
S – “You took out the tree!”
E – “Again, you spiked my drink.”
S – “You crushed the ornaments!”
E – “They were ugly, still your fault.”
S – “You killed the reindeer!”
E – “They were staring at me, again your fault.”
S – “Then the lights went psycho and caught the tree on fire.”
E – “Which I successfully put out!”
S – “With the tree skirt!”
E – “It was in grabbing distance.”
S – “Now the tree doesn’t even stand straight anymore.”
E – “Still your fault.”
S – “And it makes the room smell like smoke.”
E – “New tradition, part of the Christmas spirit.”
S – “We need a new star.”
E – “Why?”
S – “Because this one’s old and cracked from when it broke your fall.”
E – “Can I light it on fire?”
S – “Sure pyro…as long as you stay away from the house…”
E – “Sweet!”
S – “Be sure to grab the hose to put out the grass fire!”
E – “Haha, very funny.” *grabs matches, lights on fire, drops it, starts grass fire* “Crap!”
ps- Apparently I say the word "crap" a lot at work which Chris thinks is funny and Superwoman also said it so he claims it stands for Chris Really Acts Professional. Gotta love fun coworkers.
Tomorrow is back to work as usual, but in the mean time here's another Sketch and Edit to get you into the holiday spirit. This was actually the first one I ever wrote. It's kind of funny that this is where they originated and it went on from here. Hope you enjoy.
Sketch and Edit Decorate a tree
S – “Got the lights?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Tinsel?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Ornaments?”
E – “Check.”
S – “Booze?”
E – “Check.” *gets on chair*
S – “You’re not going to fall again this year are you?”
E – “That was one time! Two years ago! You were the one that spiked my cocoa! I was helpless.”
S – “You took out the tree!”
E – “Again, you spiked my drink.”
S – “You crushed the ornaments!”
E – “They were ugly, still your fault.”
S – “You killed the reindeer!”
E – “They were staring at me, again your fault.”
S – “Then the lights went psycho and caught the tree on fire.”
E – “Which I successfully put out!”
S – “With the tree skirt!”
E – “It was in grabbing distance.”
S – “Now the tree doesn’t even stand straight anymore.”
E – “Still your fault.”
S – “And it makes the room smell like smoke.”
E – “New tradition, part of the Christmas spirit.”
S – “We need a new star.”
E – “Why?”
S – “Because this one’s old and cracked from when it broke your fall.”
E – “Can I light it on fire?”
S – “Sure pyro…as long as you stay away from the house…”
E – “Sweet!”
S – “Be sure to grab the hose to put out the grass fire!”
E – “Haha, very funny.” *grabs matches, lights on fire, drops it, starts grass fire* “Crap!”
ps- Apparently I say the word "crap" a lot at work which Chris thinks is funny and Superwoman also said it so he claims it stands for Chris Really Acts Professional. Gotta love fun coworkers.
grad school,
sketch and edit,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
"You get the jerky, I'll get the nuts."
So I was actually productive today. Shocker for a day off. I got to see my best friend this weekend, hooray! We watched a movie that we both don't remember the plot - I totally konked out of the couch.
Then I got my car registered, it didn't take as long as I thought it would. But I'm just comparing it to what it looks like in the movies and how the lines are so long. Apparently they usually are but at 10:30ish there's kind of a break. There you go, Tip #1, if forced to go to the DMV, do so more than an hour after opening but more than an hour before lunch. Everyone tries to fit it in in the morning or during their lunch hour.
Then I met up with my sisters and got a lot of christmas shopping done. We went to like four places that were on completely different sides of town. Madness. But awesome. It's exciting, I love christmas. And now I have the kids - aka my nieces and nephews - done so all I have left are the brothers and sisters plus my parents. And my cat. But he's not picky. I'll buy him treats and he'll love me forever.
So I bought a lot of books, legos, mario brothers stuff, crafty things and clothing. The hardest part was carrying everything all the way up the stairs in my apartment by myself. I got everything in one trip which was ridiculous but it's freezing outside and I seriously just wanted to be done.
Now I just have the adults to worry about. They're harder than the kids. My sisters usually give me hints or tell me what they want, but what do you get for grown men for christmas? Like brothers-in-law? Other than like socks, which is usually what my mom does. And like pajama pants or something. Sarah says to get her husband "snacky" foods. That's her word not mine. (that's where the title came from.) Which I guess is easy enough and every year I get my other b-i-l coffee from starbucks - like a set of coffee beans, he likes the ethiopian blend - so maybe I'll do that again.
Then there's the parentals. Mom always says she doesn't need anything. And Dad I'm never sure about but I want to get them something good because I just got a car with a lot of their help. They are hard to buy for. But I look forward to the challenge.
Now I'm exhausted. We were all over the place today, hence the tired ramblings. I'm gonna konk out here again soon. Hope you all had a great Monday.
"Cause you were just too busy being fabulous..." That's an actual song? Really? I had never heard of it until today in Sarah's van. Seriously?
Then I got my car registered, it didn't take as long as I thought it would. But I'm just comparing it to what it looks like in the movies and how the lines are so long. Apparently they usually are but at 10:30ish there's kind of a break. There you go, Tip #1, if forced to go to the DMV, do so more than an hour after opening but more than an hour before lunch. Everyone tries to fit it in in the morning or during their lunch hour.
Then I met up with my sisters and got a lot of christmas shopping done. We went to like four places that were on completely different sides of town. Madness. But awesome. It's exciting, I love christmas. And now I have the kids - aka my nieces and nephews - done so all I have left are the brothers and sisters plus my parents. And my cat. But he's not picky. I'll buy him treats and he'll love me forever.
So I bought a lot of books, legos, mario brothers stuff, crafty things and clothing. The hardest part was carrying everything all the way up the stairs in my apartment by myself. I got everything in one trip which was ridiculous but it's freezing outside and I seriously just wanted to be done.
Now I just have the adults to worry about. They're harder than the kids. My sisters usually give me hints or tell me what they want, but what do you get for grown men for christmas? Like brothers-in-law? Other than like socks, which is usually what my mom does. And like pajama pants or something. Sarah says to get her husband "snacky" foods. That's her word not mine. (that's where the title came from.) Which I guess is easy enough and every year I get my other b-i-l coffee from starbucks - like a set of coffee beans, he likes the ethiopian blend - so maybe I'll do that again.
Then there's the parentals. Mom always says she doesn't need anything. And Dad I'm never sure about but I want to get them something good because I just got a car with a lot of their help. They are hard to buy for. But I look forward to the challenge.
Now I'm exhausted. We were all over the place today, hence the tired ramblings. I'm gonna konk out here again soon. Hope you all had a great Monday.
"Cause you were just too busy being fabulous..." That's an actual song? Really? I had never heard of it until today in Sarah's van. Seriously?
Friday, December 3, 2010
Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler than your boss."
She called me four times this morning and we figured out my schedule. Apparently I'm working too much! Or so she says. How cool is that? Who's boss says that, seriously?
And she called me sidekick. Woohoo! I love my boss. She's Superwoman.
And she called me sidekick. Woohoo! I love my boss. She's Superwoman.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sketch Gets Some Flowers
This is the real life Sketch's favorite.
S&E Get Some Flowers
E – “What’s with the flowers?”
S – “Just this guy’s demented way of apologizing.”
E – “‘Sorry I tried to run you down with my car?’ I bet the florist doesn’t get to write that one very often.”
S – “Yeah, I thought it was pretty catchy. He’s probably just trying to avoid a lawsuit.”
E – “You gonna tell me what’s going on?”
S – “I can’t right now.”
E – “Why not?”
S – “I gotta go.”
E – “Trolling for Saders? What’s with the outfit?”
S – “I have a date.”
E – “With whom?”
S – “Him.”
E – “The guy who tried to run you down?”
S – “Yeah.”
E – “I’m confused. Who is this guy?”
S – “He’s a jerk. How do I look?”
E – “I don’t like secrets.”
S – “Just the ones you aren’t in on.”
E – “How come you haven’t mentioned him before?”
S – “There was nothing to say.”
E – “He’s not Michael Jackson with a facelift is he?”
S – “No, that card would read ‘I’m sorry I dangled your child off my balcony.’”
E – “Or it’s an invitation to Neverland Ranch.”
S – “I gotta go.”
E – “Watch out for cars...”
S – “Yeah, yeah.”
I'm exhausted, but it was a good day. Tomorrow should be too, I'm off at noon and nothing to avoid!
S&E Get Some Flowers
E – “What’s with the flowers?”
S – “Just this guy’s demented way of apologizing.”
E – “‘Sorry I tried to run you down with my car?’ I bet the florist doesn’t get to write that one very often.”
S – “Yeah, I thought it was pretty catchy. He’s probably just trying to avoid a lawsuit.”
E – “You gonna tell me what’s going on?”
S – “I can’t right now.”
E – “Why not?”
S – “I gotta go.”
E – “Trolling for Saders? What’s with the outfit?”
S – “I have a date.”
E – “With whom?”
S – “Him.”
E – “The guy who tried to run you down?”
S – “Yeah.”
E – “I’m confused. Who is this guy?”
S – “He’s a jerk. How do I look?”
E – “I don’t like secrets.”
S – “Just the ones you aren’t in on.”
E – “How come you haven’t mentioned him before?”
S – “There was nothing to say.”
E – “He’s not Michael Jackson with a facelift is he?”
S – “No, that card would read ‘I’m sorry I dangled your child off my balcony.’”
E – “Or it’s an invitation to Neverland Ranch.”
S – “I gotta go.”
E – “Watch out for cars...”
S – “Yeah, yeah.”
I'm exhausted, but it was a good day. Tomorrow should be too, I'm off at noon and nothing to avoid!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thank God the Dog Days Are Over
Today and yesterday were kind of crappy. I told my grad rep why they were crappy, because apparently I like to ramble to people who have nothing to do with the situation but are very supportive, (which suddenly sounds a lot like a blog) And she said, and I quote, "You do more things right than wrong. Your colleagues speak highly of your energy, good ideas and work ethic." Awwwww... right? Totally lying, but I'll take it. She's awesome. Jalapeno Margaritas awesome! Which is like a 10/10 coming from me.
Hmmm... maybe I should make an official "Scale of Awesome". That might be interesting. Like a 7/10 would be the NCIS marathon that was on tv today. They were all seasons 3 and later and although Ziva is awesome I love Sasha Alexander and Kate was my favorite character until they killed her off. So, good episodes but I had seen them all. Which, I guess, makes sense since I own all the seasons. But there were commercial breaks which seriously made me want to pull out the dvds and watch those episodes without them. And usually I do. But today I cleaned instead.
A 5/10 would be the average day - not too awesome but not crappy enough that I want to yell and throw things.
A 3/10 would be today and yesterday because of the incident, but also because it was good day up until that point.
And a -10/10 would be the movie Rushmore. Two hours of my life that I want back. Seriously. I compare all crappy movies to it.
On a different subject, you know, it's amazing how many chores you can get done when you're avoiding doing something else. Like usually, I put off cleaning my apartment. Because it takes forever and I have no motivation unless my mother is coming to visit. Today, after putting it off for weeks, I needed to register for my grad school class. But, since I didn't want to do that because it involved calling the IT people and having them walk me through it, my apartment is now practically spotless. Like, you can actually see the floor, like all of it! My cat walked around meowing like, "whoa? what's going on? what's that big gray loud thing she's pushing around? maybe i should run and hide in the closet." Which he did, so I vacuumed and now it's all pretty. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't last long.
And, because it's been a crappy week so far, I watched Glee and here's the clip of the week. I bought the song on itunes and have had it blasting in my headphones on repeat. I feel it fits my life at this time.
It's reversely screened but it does the trick. Is that a word? Reveresly? I'm making it one. It seems to me that it's the cast singing it as themselves instead of their characters and that it's not really choreographed. Which I loved.
Hmmm... maybe I should make an official "Scale of Awesome". That might be interesting. Like a 7/10 would be the NCIS marathon that was on tv today. They were all seasons 3 and later and although Ziva is awesome I love Sasha Alexander and Kate was my favorite character until they killed her off. So, good episodes but I had seen them all. Which, I guess, makes sense since I own all the seasons. But there were commercial breaks which seriously made me want to pull out the dvds and watch those episodes without them. And usually I do. But today I cleaned instead.
A 5/10 would be the average day - not too awesome but not crappy enough that I want to yell and throw things.
A 3/10 would be today and yesterday because of the incident, but also because it was good day up until that point.
And a -10/10 would be the movie Rushmore. Two hours of my life that I want back. Seriously. I compare all crappy movies to it.
On a different subject, you know, it's amazing how many chores you can get done when you're avoiding doing something else. Like usually, I put off cleaning my apartment. Because it takes forever and I have no motivation unless my mother is coming to visit. Today, after putting it off for weeks, I needed to register for my grad school class. But, since I didn't want to do that because it involved calling the IT people and having them walk me through it, my apartment is now practically spotless. Like, you can actually see the floor, like all of it! My cat walked around meowing like, "whoa? what's going on? what's that big gray loud thing she's pushing around? maybe i should run and hide in the closet." Which he did, so I vacuumed and now it's all pretty. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't last long.
And, because it's been a crappy week so far, I watched Glee and here's the clip of the week. I bought the song on itunes and have had it blasting in my headphones on repeat. I feel it fits my life at this time.
It's reversely screened but it does the trick. Is that a word? Reveresly? I'm making it one. It seems to me that it's the cast singing it as themselves instead of their characters and that it's not really choreographed. Which I loved.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Cause of accident: Lack of adhesive ducks.
Today was interesting, to say the least. Work was crazy busy and my friend and I yet again haven't made it to Noodlewhatsits. We planned to go like weeks ago but keep getting distracted - it's this new sandwich and soup place downtown, really close to the library. (That's not it's real name - I can never remember the real name so I substitute it with funnier sounding things that involve noodle in the title, even though noodle isn't in the actual title.) Anyway, every time we plan to go someone shows up at the library or we forget or family calls. Today was yet another instance.
So I came home and took a shower instead, totally almost wiping out in the process and all I could think about was the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon has to take Penny to the hospital because she fell in the shower and he blames it on the lack of adhesive ducks.
Penny: I slipped in the shower, and I think I dislocated my shoulder.
Sheldon: Not surprising. You have no safety mat or adhesive stickers to allow for purchase on a surface with a low coefficient of static friction.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: Tubs are slippery.
Penny: I know. I slipped.
Sheldon: I have a series of whimsical duck stickers on the bottom of my tub.
Penny: Yeah, okay, whatever. Will you just turn the water off and help me up?
Sheldon: They’re holding umbrellas.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: The ducks in my tub.
Penny: Uh-huh.
Sheldon: They’re whimsical because ducks have neither the need for, nor the ability to use umbrellas.
Here's the scene
Here's the episode cliffnotes for Penny and Sheldon
Cut and paste into browser heading. I'm thorough like that.
But this week has been going well, aside from the registration crap I still can't figure out. I feel like an idiot because I've been back and forth with these IT people and they're great but I still have no idea what I'm doing. I know how to search for the class but it won't let me add it to my schedule or whatever. And I need a student ID but they didn't give me one. I'm so lost. So I'm calling tomorrow and will hopefully get through and they can talk me through it.
Now I feel like pulling out Big Bang Theory. Why not? I don't have to be to work tomorrow until 11 anyway...
So I came home and took a shower instead, totally almost wiping out in the process and all I could think about was the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon has to take Penny to the hospital because she fell in the shower and he blames it on the lack of adhesive ducks.
Penny: I slipped in the shower, and I think I dislocated my shoulder.
Sheldon: Not surprising. You have no safety mat or adhesive stickers to allow for purchase on a surface with a low coefficient of static friction.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: Tubs are slippery.
Penny: I know. I slipped.
Sheldon: I have a series of whimsical duck stickers on the bottom of my tub.
Penny: Yeah, okay, whatever. Will you just turn the water off and help me up?
Sheldon: They’re holding umbrellas.
Penny: What?
Sheldon: The ducks in my tub.
Penny: Uh-huh.
Sheldon: They’re whimsical because ducks have neither the need for, nor the ability to use umbrellas.
Here's the scene
Here's the episode cliffnotes for Penny and Sheldon
Cut and paste into browser heading. I'm thorough like that.
But this week has been going well, aside from the registration crap I still can't figure out. I feel like an idiot because I've been back and forth with these IT people and they're great but I still have no idea what I'm doing. I know how to search for the class but it won't let me add it to my schedule or whatever. And I need a student ID but they didn't give me one. I'm so lost. So I'm calling tomorrow and will hopefully get through and they can talk me through it.
Now I feel like pulling out Big Bang Theory. Why not? I don't have to be to work tomorrow until 11 anyway...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Christmas Tree Nightmare
I put the trees up at the farmhouse today and gotta say wow. I've never wanted to burn something more in my life. The first tree, the one of awesomeness, is seriously a piece by piece thing. Every branch you have to put in individually. And even though it takes forever I love it. It's relaxing. I'm the only one who knows the order they go in. It's all red and gold and pretty.
The second tree...oh man. It's only three pieces, bottom, middle then top. It should take maybe 5 minutes to put up, right? No. Two hours and I finally had the thing standing up straight. By this time I was just plain ticked. It was bad. My secret plan is to take it out to the trash hole the day after Christmas, cover it in lighter fluid and light a match. Oh man. The problem is that the bottom thing that goes into the stand isn't like a pole. It's this triangle thing. Why would you make it a triangle? It's the base, it's supposed to be perpendicular to the floor so the thing can stand up straight. You'd think anyway. But no. Then you have to tighten the screws, there are three, and they have to be completely even or the tree is crooked. And they don't screw in easy, it takes pliers. Plus you're getting stabbed in the face by the branches because they're in the way. Then the branches all look weird because it's one of those that has the lights already on it. So the branches are all tied together and sticking in different directions. And of course none of the lights work anymore anyway. We've had the thing four years and I honestly don't remember them ever working. So I took a scissors to some of them, (sh, don't tell mom). Anyway, two hours later and it's up.
Then I have to decorate the stupid thing. And it's the cheesy tree - the one that gets all the childhood-art-class-made-ornaments, pictures of grandkids, random ornaments that make noise when plugged into the light sockets, toys and random objects with string on them but clearly not meant for a Christmas tree, silver tinsel and colored lights galore. But it works. So I distracted myself from the gag-worthiness with Rizzoli and Isles episodes I have DVR'd from earlier this year.
Now they are both up and have special things attached to the chord so all you have to do is hit a button and you can turn them on and off without even having to unplug anything. Hooray. I can sleep in peace. Or have another dream about my dad being murdered and mom and I being held hostage. So weird. It's been a banner day.
The second tree...oh man. It's only three pieces, bottom, middle then top. It should take maybe 5 minutes to put up, right? No. Two hours and I finally had the thing standing up straight. By this time I was just plain ticked. It was bad. My secret plan is to take it out to the trash hole the day after Christmas, cover it in lighter fluid and light a match. Oh man. The problem is that the bottom thing that goes into the stand isn't like a pole. It's this triangle thing. Why would you make it a triangle? It's the base, it's supposed to be perpendicular to the floor so the thing can stand up straight. You'd think anyway. But no. Then you have to tighten the screws, there are three, and they have to be completely even or the tree is crooked. And they don't screw in easy, it takes pliers. Plus you're getting stabbed in the face by the branches because they're in the way. Then the branches all look weird because it's one of those that has the lights already on it. So the branches are all tied together and sticking in different directions. And of course none of the lights work anymore anyway. We've had the thing four years and I honestly don't remember them ever working. So I took a scissors to some of them, (sh, don't tell mom). Anyway, two hours later and it's up.
Then I have to decorate the stupid thing. And it's the cheesy tree - the one that gets all the childhood-art-class-made-ornaments, pictures of grandkids, random ornaments that make noise when plugged into the light sockets, toys and random objects with string on them but clearly not meant for a Christmas tree, silver tinsel and colored lights galore. But it works. So I distracted myself from the gag-worthiness with Rizzoli and Isles episodes I have DVR'd from earlier this year.
Now they are both up and have special things attached to the chord so all you have to do is hit a button and you can turn them on and off without even having to unplug anything. Hooray. I can sleep in peace. Or have another dream about my dad being murdered and mom and I being held hostage. So weird. It's been a banner day.
Friday, November 26, 2010
And you're the only one...who...MEOW!
So, after spending hours alone with my cat in a car I realized a few things. One, that drive was a lot longer than I remember it, and two, my cat hates the following musical artists: Michael Buble, Elton John, Outkast, Billy Joel, The Midnight Beast and virtually every song from the Rocky Horror soundtrack. But, he loves the Glee soundtrack. Like, he meowed constantly and loudly for everything but Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson. I was shocked.
Today was a good day. I ate good food, I watched the Huskers beat Colorado (big twelve championship here we come!), I saw my aunt and uncle, I attempted to sign up for grad school classes but failed - something is wrong with my account - annnnd.... I got my new car! Hooray! It's red and shiny. But now I'm paranoid because I have to work downtown and that's not the safest area. So time will tell, I guess. I'll just have to get used to it. But I'm super excited because, since this is Nebraska and it is freezing now, it has this remote start feature so I can turn it on from my apartment and it will be warm by the time I get there. Hooray!
I was sad though, because I had to clean out my old car cause they're selling it to a friend. It was a good car. I've driven it since high school. I liked it. It wasn't new, but it was my car! Maggie... now I have to name the new one. I'll need some time to think about that.
Right now I'm watching Alias season one. I suck at this whole watching library dvd's because I get distracted with my own. Oh well, I'll finish Dr. Who next week.
Hope you all had a happy holiday.
Today was a good day. I ate good food, I watched the Huskers beat Colorado (big twelve championship here we come!), I saw my aunt and uncle, I attempted to sign up for grad school classes but failed - something is wrong with my account - annnnd.... I got my new car! Hooray! It's red and shiny. But now I'm paranoid because I have to work downtown and that's not the safest area. So time will tell, I guess. I'll just have to get used to it. But I'm super excited because, since this is Nebraska and it is freezing now, it has this remote start feature so I can turn it on from my apartment and it will be warm by the time I get there. Hooray!
I was sad though, because I had to clean out my old car cause they're selling it to a friend. It was a good car. I've driven it since high school. I liked it. It wasn't new, but it was my car! Maggie... now I have to name the new one. I'll need some time to think about that.
Right now I'm watching Alias season one. I suck at this whole watching library dvd's because I get distracted with my own. Oh well, I'll finish Dr. Who next week.
Hope you all had a happy holiday.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Spontaneous Combustion is pretty awesome, unless it happens to you."
Okay, today was just fun, not surprisingly. I love my family. But today was just funny fun. We went to my sister's for Thanksgiving and had amazing food. Then we played Apples to Apples for four hours. Not kidding. We played until we ran out of red cards. It was ridiculous. But hilarious. The title is one of the many one-liners that came from it. It fits right in with the others - "I always win soft" (my sister) "Bull fights? Really?" (sister-in-law) "Nothing more casual than having a baby" (brother-in-law) "Charming is the part you play in our friendship" (my sister to my sister-in-law trying to win her way with a create your own card. She laughed so hard she cried. Then my brother was like, "you might be the first one to lose with a create your own card!")
Plus the card combinations were funny. My mother, MY MOTHER! threw me "angry hornets" when I laid down "elitist" then there was "calm" which I picked "creamed corn" cause I mean, what's more calm than that? Unless of course it's "in a coma" which won the "relaxing" card. We're awful. But it's just funny stuff. And then there's the fact that my mom kept calling it "apples to oranges" and learned that that was not, in fact, it's name when my aunt texted her back and asked, "Is that anything like apples to apples?"
Long story short, it was fun and we were crazy. Who plays apples to apples for four hours? Seriously? Are we mental? No, we were just having fun. And even mom lasted about 3 hours before she gave in. The final tally ended with my brother and sister tying with 24, my niece getting 18, and then myself, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law pulling in 17.
After that it was driving home and talking more about the car I still haven't picked out. Actually, I have it picked out already but they want me to keep looking. It's not like it was the first car I looked at or something. I know what kind of stuff I'm looking for. But whatever. I'm going with it. As long as it happens before Christmas I'm fine with it.
Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.
"The word is explosive. Choices are: hot lava, nice. atomic bombs, wow. electricity, yeah....bubble gum? what?!" (sister-in-law)
Plus the card combinations were funny. My mother, MY MOTHER! threw me "angry hornets" when I laid down "elitist" then there was "calm" which I picked "creamed corn" cause I mean, what's more calm than that? Unless of course it's "in a coma" which won the "relaxing" card. We're awful. But it's just funny stuff. And then there's the fact that my mom kept calling it "apples to oranges" and learned that that was not, in fact, it's name when my aunt texted her back and asked, "Is that anything like apples to apples?"
Long story short, it was fun and we were crazy. Who plays apples to apples for four hours? Seriously? Are we mental? No, we were just having fun. And even mom lasted about 3 hours before she gave in. The final tally ended with my brother and sister tying with 24, my niece getting 18, and then myself, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law pulling in 17.
After that it was driving home and talking more about the car I still haven't picked out. Actually, I have it picked out already but they want me to keep looking. It's not like it was the first car I looked at or something. I know what kind of stuff I'm looking for. But whatever. I'm going with it. As long as it happens before Christmas I'm fine with it.
Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.
"The word is explosive. Choices are: hot lava, nice. atomic bombs, wow. electricity, yeah....bubble gum? what?!" (sister-in-law)
Sketch and Edit Cook a Turkey
Sketch and Edit Cook a Turkey
E – “Aw, poor G. This will only hurt for a minute!”
S – “G?”
E – “Short for ‘Gobbler.’”
S – “He’s already dead, you know that right?”
E – “Hey, I would want someone to commentate my afterlife. It would be boring to just lay there not knowing what’s going on.”
S – “You would want to hear about someone cooking you very slowly?”
E – “Okay, no. I think I just became a vegetarian. Karma’s totally gonna come back and bite me in the ass for this.” *silence* “We need a code word.”
S – “For what?”
E – “I don’t know, it just seems like something we should have. Like a panic word.”
S – “We already have ‘the code.’”
E – “‘The code’ consists of hitting a bunch of nonsensical characters on a phone keyboard in a text message sent so the receiver knows to call so the sender can get away from their stalker exes or possible future exes.”
S – “So what’s the difference?”
E – “You can’t use that code in person. It would look like you’re having a seizure… ‘alkwekcselsfi6634lkanskjdf7’ …. ‘Huh? Should I call the medic?’ … ‘No I was trying to tell you there’s a psychokiller standing behind you.’”
S – “Why couldn’t you just say ‘there’s a psychokiller standing behind you’?”
E – “Because that would alert the psychokiller that we know they’re a psychokiller and that we were on to them which would make us viable targets for them to stab!” *motions with knife*
S – “Would you put down the dagger please, before you hurt one of us.”
E – “Sorry, I was deep in it.”
S – “So… code word…”
E – “Code word.”
S – “For psychokillers…”
E – “And crazy exes who might potentially become psychokillers…”
S – “You do know how many people are on that list now, right?”
E – “Just because I have more exes than I do years in my life doesn’t make me a bad person!”
S – “Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.”
E – “What about ‘bananas’?”
S – “No, because you’re constantly using the phrase ‘driving me bananas’ and I would just get confused.”
E – “Right. ‘Pineapple’?”
S – “What’s with the fruit? Shouldn’t a code word be inconspicuous?”
E – “Pineapple is inconspicuous.”
S – “Not if you’re standing somewhere in the middle of winter surrounded by people. Yelling that would just draw attention.”
E – “Okay, so not fruit.”
S – “Pookie.”
E – “No, that would just make me want to smack you… or let the psychokiller get you.”
S – “Awww, mean. You’d think a future-librarian could think of a better code word reference.”
E – “Kilgore Trout?”
S – “I’ll get back to you on that.”
happy thanksgiving!
E – “Aw, poor G. This will only hurt for a minute!”
S – “G?”
E – “Short for ‘Gobbler.’”
S – “He’s already dead, you know that right?”
E – “Hey, I would want someone to commentate my afterlife. It would be boring to just lay there not knowing what’s going on.”
S – “You would want to hear about someone cooking you very slowly?”
E – “Okay, no. I think I just became a vegetarian. Karma’s totally gonna come back and bite me in the ass for this.” *silence* “We need a code word.”
S – “For what?”
E – “I don’t know, it just seems like something we should have. Like a panic word.”
S – “We already have ‘the code.’”
E – “‘The code’ consists of hitting a bunch of nonsensical characters on a phone keyboard in a text message sent so the receiver knows to call so the sender can get away from their stalker exes or possible future exes.”
S – “So what’s the difference?”
E – “You can’t use that code in person. It would look like you’re having a seizure… ‘alkwekcselsfi6634lkanskjdf7’ …. ‘Huh? Should I call the medic?’ … ‘No I was trying to tell you there’s a psychokiller standing behind you.’”
S – “Why couldn’t you just say ‘there’s a psychokiller standing behind you’?”
E – “Because that would alert the psychokiller that we know they’re a psychokiller and that we were on to them which would make us viable targets for them to stab!” *motions with knife*
S – “Would you put down the dagger please, before you hurt one of us.”
E – “Sorry, I was deep in it.”
S – “So… code word…”
E – “Code word.”
S – “For psychokillers…”
E – “And crazy exes who might potentially become psychokillers…”
S – “You do know how many people are on that list now, right?”
E – “Just because I have more exes than I do years in my life doesn’t make me a bad person!”
S – “Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.”
E – “What about ‘bananas’?”
S – “No, because you’re constantly using the phrase ‘driving me bananas’ and I would just get confused.”
E – “Right. ‘Pineapple’?”
S – “What’s with the fruit? Shouldn’t a code word be inconspicuous?”
E – “Pineapple is inconspicuous.”
S – “Not if you’re standing somewhere in the middle of winter surrounded by people. Yelling that would just draw attention.”
E – “Okay, so not fruit.”
S – “Pookie.”
E – “No, that would just make me want to smack you… or let the psychokiller get you.”
S – “Awww, mean. You’d think a future-librarian could think of a better code word reference.”
E – “Kilgore Trout?”
S – “I’ll get back to you on that.”
happy thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Do cats get cold?
So, I've been busy - that's my lame excuse for not posting for a few days. I met up with my grad rep at this Mexican restaurant (I swear I always spell that word wrong and have to google it to make sure I don't look like an idiot, why couldn't they have made it simpler?) along with my aunt and mom. We had far too many jalapeno margaritas (which if you haven't tried one I highly recommend) while we watched the Huskers lose to A&M. It was sad and pathetic. And I love our coach, but he's a bit over dramatic about some things. But I guess that's just me as an outsider. If I were down there I would probably yell and throw things too.
I'm working on registration stuff and figuring which classes to take and how long it's going to take to get the degree. I'm thinking maybe three or four years, depending on how many classes I want to take while still working. To get back into the groove of classes and homework I'm only starting out with one. We meet one Friday a month and go to libraries across the state that people don't even know exist.
Besides all that I've been looking for a new car. Well, a new used car, since mine has 180,000 miles on it, not kidding. But I love it so it's going to be difficult. Tomorrow we're going to see a red 2008 Chevy Cobalt that looks promising. My brother went in today to talk to the dealer and they worked out pricing. But I get to judge when I get there. Gotta love big brothers. He's been very helpful.
I love Tuesdays though. I work in the morning then go back at night so I have the whole afternoon off which I spent intending to clean but ended up watching Dr. Who and taking a nap. It's a weird show but filled with constant surprises. I literally don't know what's going to come next because it's so off the wall. I think I like it, I mean it's not something I'd buy to watch over and over but I did get seasons one and two from the library so I'll go through those pretty quickly.
But after tomorrow I'm off until Saturday. So I'll go home and clean our my closets - ha, like that will actually happen - plus I'm taking my cat with me cause it's too long for him to stay alone. He loves the farm so he'll be happy to go back. It's the car ride with the constant meowing that I'm dreading. Speaking of Carter, do cats get cold? Should I actually turn on my heat so he doesn't like freeze? I mean, it's not freezing in here but do they get cold?
All for now. Gonna sleep, then work, then eat out with a friend, then farm house, then car shopping, then back to farm house, then sleep some more. Should be fun.
I'm working on registration stuff and figuring which classes to take and how long it's going to take to get the degree. I'm thinking maybe three or four years, depending on how many classes I want to take while still working. To get back into the groove of classes and homework I'm only starting out with one. We meet one Friday a month and go to libraries across the state that people don't even know exist.
Besides all that I've been looking for a new car. Well, a new used car, since mine has 180,000 miles on it, not kidding. But I love it so it's going to be difficult. Tomorrow we're going to see a red 2008 Chevy Cobalt that looks promising. My brother went in today to talk to the dealer and they worked out pricing. But I get to judge when I get there. Gotta love big brothers. He's been very helpful.
I love Tuesdays though. I work in the morning then go back at night so I have the whole afternoon off which I spent intending to clean but ended up watching Dr. Who and taking a nap. It's a weird show but filled with constant surprises. I literally don't know what's going to come next because it's so off the wall. I think I like it, I mean it's not something I'd buy to watch over and over but I did get seasons one and two from the library so I'll go through those pretty quickly.
But after tomorrow I'm off until Saturday. So I'll go home and clean our my closets - ha, like that will actually happen - plus I'm taking my cat with me cause it's too long for him to stay alone. He loves the farm so he'll be happy to go back. It's the car ride with the constant meowing that I'm dreading. Speaking of Carter, do cats get cold? Should I actually turn on my heat so he doesn't like freeze? I mean, it's not freezing in here but do they get cold?
All for now. Gonna sleep, then work, then eat out with a friend, then farm house, then car shopping, then back to farm house, then sleep some more. Should be fun.
Friday, November 19, 2010
"Dobby didn't mean to kill, Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure!"
Went to see Harry Potter 7 with my aunt and 2 cousins. It was brilliant, excellent and seriously made of awesome. I know the cliffnotes version of the book because my sister told me about it when she was reading it, and I've read all the other ones but haven't had a chance to read this one.
It was really really good. I was on the edge for the whole time. It was very sad a lot of the time, but also very funny some of the time. A little darker than the rest of the movies, but afterwards we went out to eat and the waitress was chatting with us about it. She went to the midnight showing and was wearing a button that said 'muggle' on it. I love it and my awesome family.
Anyway, I'd rate it about 9/10. Very good drama.
It was really really good. I was on the edge for the whole time. It was very sad a lot of the time, but also very funny some of the time. A little darker than the rest of the movies, but afterwards we went out to eat and the waitress was chatting with us about it. She went to the midnight showing and was wearing a button that said 'muggle' on it. I love it and my awesome family.
Anyway, I'd rate it about 9/10. Very good drama.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"I'll meet you there, I'm gonna go jam out to Gwyneth Paltrow!"
Who knew there would be a day when those words came out of my mouth?! I mean, I loved her in Iron Man, Shallow Hal and of course View From the Top but before Glee she wasn't that high on my list of awesome. Now she's quickly rising to the top. Did you see that episode of Glee? She rocked it! And called Rachel on her crap at the same time! "Rachel - you suck! You're a total drag!"
Immediately after watching I had to go to itunes and buy the song. I love it!
Today was amazing. Went downtown for work in the morning then back to the smaller library in the afternoon which is backwards for me but still fun. I got to stop for coffee and a cinnamon roll, they were both fabulous. We had a staff meeting this morning and talked about the wonders of google. There's actually a lot of cool stuff you can do with it and now we have permission to mess around with it, woohoo! I love my job. Worked a little at the desk and heard a coworker use "p-slip" as a verb aka "p-slipping" and we paused. (P-slip as in paper-slips that we write notes on.) Was there 'til twelve then got an actual lunch break during which I watched the Glee episode I missed.
Then went to the other library, shelved everything there was to shelve and scanned the board books and first readers. I love my coworkers so much, you have no idea. Okay, I'm a shy person. Or at least I am at first, until I get to know you. Then I talk and you know say sentences that are longer than "no sir" or "yes ma'am." But today was about perfect timing. We were scanning books and my coworker claimed that I can't be a shy person because I was in drama in high school and I direct a kids camp and I sing and I'm on youtube. And I was like "But I AM shy!" And with seriously perfect timing my boss walks up to the desk and says "Since when?!" And we all busted out laughing. Apparently I have this air of confidence around me that I'm not aware of.
After all that I met up with my grade school teacher and we went to visit a buddy who's in the hospital. He's doing a lot better than last time so that made the day so much better. Then Nic and I hit up Old Chicago and I took half my meal home with me, woohoo for lunch tomorrow! Now I'm in for the night and will probably konk out watching The Nanny. Hoping for a good day tomorrow too. We are going to see Harry Potter 7 part 1! Woohoo!
Let's go get some tacos!!
Immediately after watching I had to go to itunes and buy the song. I love it!
Today was amazing. Went downtown for work in the morning then back to the smaller library in the afternoon which is backwards for me but still fun. I got to stop for coffee and a cinnamon roll, they were both fabulous. We had a staff meeting this morning and talked about the wonders of google. There's actually a lot of cool stuff you can do with it and now we have permission to mess around with it, woohoo! I love my job. Worked a little at the desk and heard a coworker use "p-slip" as a verb aka "p-slipping" and we paused. (P-slip as in paper-slips that we write notes on.) Was there 'til twelve then got an actual lunch break during which I watched the Glee episode I missed.
Then went to the other library, shelved everything there was to shelve and scanned the board books and first readers. I love my coworkers so much, you have no idea. Okay, I'm a shy person. Or at least I am at first, until I get to know you. Then I talk and you know say sentences that are longer than "no sir" or "yes ma'am." But today was about perfect timing. We were scanning books and my coworker claimed that I can't be a shy person because I was in drama in high school and I direct a kids camp and I sing and I'm on youtube. And I was like "But I AM shy!" And with seriously perfect timing my boss walks up to the desk and says "Since when?!" And we all busted out laughing. Apparently I have this air of confidence around me that I'm not aware of.
After all that I met up with my grade school teacher and we went to visit a buddy who's in the hospital. He's doing a lot better than last time so that made the day so much better. Then Nic and I hit up Old Chicago and I took half my meal home with me, woohoo for lunch tomorrow! Now I'm in for the night and will probably konk out watching The Nanny. Hoping for a good day tomorrow too. We are going to see Harry Potter 7 part 1! Woohoo!
Let's go get some tacos!!
gwyneth paltrow,
old chicago,
the nanny,
youtube clip
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Books, Movies, TV ramblings
Okay, so since there's not much to talk about other than work I'll have to improvise. I've started making lists. After all, it is the time of year when lists are most appropriate - xmas shopping mostly.
Here's one for entertainment:
Finished reading - "Naked Heat" by Richard Castle. It's not as good as the first book in the series but i'd still give it around a 8/10. it's cool to be able to get the jokes since i watch the show. it really helps to understand the characters and their quirks.
Currently reading - "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley and she is very much like the female version of David Sedaris. I love it.
On my list - "Holidays on Ice" by David Sedaris. I love his writings and since this one is all about holidays with family I think it's an appropriate read for right about now.
Last movie watched - "Serenity" the finale to the Firefly series. It was sad, I'm not sure I liked it, I think I would have ended it differently.
Before that one it was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" which was funny only because the english subtitles didn't match with what they were saying in the dubbed version. Too funny. But the movie was excellent, I was hooked from the start. And a little disturbed.
On my list aka the dvds sitting on top of my tv that I haven't gotten around to watching yet - "The Bounty Hunter" Jennifer Aniston is amazing and hilarious,"Robin Hood" have always been a fan of the robin hood story
And on Friday I'm going to the new Harry Potter movie with my aunt, woohoo!
Current tv phase - You've probably figured out that Firefly was going to make this list. And I love how there are so many subtle references to it in Castle. I mostly just got hooked into Firefly because I checked it in, saw it had Nathan Fillion in it and it sounded interesting. Now that I've seen it all I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's cheesy but it's good. And I think I like it.
Also watching a lot of The Nanny. No idea why. Maybe because it's on. But it has so many good one-liners. Especially those between Niles and C.C. Hilarious.
3rd is "Boy Meets World." I picked up the first three season, excellent, I love the Cory and Topanga relationship. I used to watch it all the time on TGIF.
Shows I've sworn off - Criminal Minds because of the AJ/JJ departure. "Creative Differences" whatever. I figure 5 seasons are enough for me
Shows I want to watch but haven't had time for: "Detroit 187" - a friend was an extra, "Mike and Molly" I love Melissa Mccarthy, and "No Ordinary Family" just looks fun.
Here's one for entertainment:
Finished reading - "Naked Heat" by Richard Castle. It's not as good as the first book in the series but i'd still give it around a 8/10. it's cool to be able to get the jokes since i watch the show. it really helps to understand the characters and their quirks.
Currently reading - "I was told there'd be cake" by Sloane Crosley and she is very much like the female version of David Sedaris. I love it.
On my list - "Holidays on Ice" by David Sedaris. I love his writings and since this one is all about holidays with family I think it's an appropriate read for right about now.
Last movie watched - "Serenity" the finale to the Firefly series. It was sad, I'm not sure I liked it, I think I would have ended it differently.
Before that one it was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" which was funny only because the english subtitles didn't match with what they were saying in the dubbed version. Too funny. But the movie was excellent, I was hooked from the start. And a little disturbed.
On my list aka the dvds sitting on top of my tv that I haven't gotten around to watching yet - "The Bounty Hunter" Jennifer Aniston is amazing and hilarious,"Robin Hood" have always been a fan of the robin hood story
And on Friday I'm going to the new Harry Potter movie with my aunt, woohoo!
Current tv phase - You've probably figured out that Firefly was going to make this list. And I love how there are so many subtle references to it in Castle. I mostly just got hooked into Firefly because I checked it in, saw it had Nathan Fillion in it and it sounded interesting. Now that I've seen it all I'm still not sure how I feel about it. It's cheesy but it's good. And I think I like it.
Also watching a lot of The Nanny. No idea why. Maybe because it's on. But it has so many good one-liners. Especially those between Niles and C.C. Hilarious.
3rd is "Boy Meets World." I picked up the first three season, excellent, I love the Cory and Topanga relationship. I used to watch it all the time on TGIF.
Shows I've sworn off - Criminal Minds because of the AJ/JJ departure. "Creative Differences" whatever. I figure 5 seasons are enough for me
Shows I want to watch but haven't had time for: "Detroit 187" - a friend was an extra, "Mike and Molly" I love Melissa Mccarthy, and "No Ordinary Family" just looks fun.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday = Work + Castle + Firefly + Countdown to Thanksgiving
Today was good for a Monday. Even amusing at times. One moment especially, my boss's boss's boss saw me and went to introduce herself then realized she already knew me. It's all in the red hair man. Didn't even recognize me. Then she laughed, so that was good. So, with Monday over only ten days until Thanksgiving and two whole days off filled with family, food and frivolity.
Oh my god, I'm watching Castle and FIREFLY REFERENCE! FIREFLY REFERENCE! FIREFLY REFERENCE! "Semester abroad?" "No, TV show I used to love."
.........Wait........seriously? I'm not turning into one of those people. I'm already crazy enough.
Although, a supervisor and I did talk about Firefly at work today. I said it was so cheesy it was funny and it has some good one-liners and he replied that it's no crazier than Star Wars. And I like Star Wars, so I guess I'm okay with that.
And what's worse is that I totally just watched Serenity and it got over like two minutes before Castle started. So it's like a Nathan Fillion marathon here. This whole getting dvd's from the library is killing my social life. Not that I had one before. But now it's almost gone completely. And my cat is staring at me like he knows. "Get a life." Another dirty secret? I fall asleep every night watching The Nanny on nick@nite. Oh my god. I am that stereotypical librarian. Help?!
Oh my god, I'm watching Castle and FIREFLY REFERENCE! FIREFLY REFERENCE! FIREFLY REFERENCE! "Semester abroad?" "No, TV show I used to love."
.........Wait........seriously? I'm not turning into one of those people. I'm already crazy enough.
Although, a supervisor and I did talk about Firefly at work today. I said it was so cheesy it was funny and it has some good one-liners and he replied that it's no crazier than Star Wars. And I like Star Wars, so I guess I'm okay with that.
And what's worse is that I totally just watched Serenity and it got over like two minutes before Castle started. So it's like a Nathan Fillion marathon here. This whole getting dvd's from the library is killing my social life. Not that I had one before. But now it's almost gone completely. And my cat is staring at me like he knows. "Get a life." Another dirty secret? I fall asleep every night watching The Nanny on nick@nite. Oh my god. I am that stereotypical librarian. Help?!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
Okay, here's a second post. In honor of the potluck I had for lunch - awesomeness - I give you a Sketch and Edit based on another real life experience in which I injured myself while making grilled cheese. I should never be allowed in a kitchen.
Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
S – “Should I get the fire extinguisher?”
E – “Uncalled for…”
S – “Have you seen yourself cook?”
E – “Point taken…”
S – “Please don’t burn down the house.”
E – “This is why you’re here. I got the bread, now what?”
S – “Now you need some butter to put on the outside of the bread so it will cook.”
E – “Okay, butter…butter…we have that somewhere.”
S – “Check the fridge, spazoid.”
E – “Right…fridge…” *opens door, glass bowl falls out and shatters everywhere*
S – “Real smooth there X-lax.”
E – “Woops. I’ll clean it up.” *sweeps up the glass* “Okay.” *applies butter to bread*
S – “Now cut the cheese and put it in the middle.”
E – “Cut the cheese…hehehe…” *gets smacked in the back of the head* “Okay, cutting cheese.”
S – “Now put it in the pan and watch it carefully. Don’t let it burn.”
E – “Okay.” *goes to put butter back in the fridge and steps on glass shard effectively slicing the foot open* “Ouch! Ow! Pain! Vulgar language, vulgar language!” *grabs paper towels and hops to bathroom*
S – “Thanks for the censor. You’re getting blood all over my clean floor.”
E – “It’s my floor too.”
S – “You never use the kitchen, it’s mine.”
E – “Thanks for caring so much about my health.”
S – “You’ll be fine.”
E – “You didn’t even see it!”
S – “You’re still conscious; I think you’ll make it.”
E – “It won’t stop bleeding!”
S – “Should I call the doctor?” *sarcastically*
E – “I don’t like going to the doctor.”
S – “Yes, I’m aware.”
E – *re-enters kitchen with towel wrapped tightly around foot* “Ow, ow, ow…”
S – “That’s hot, Spazoid.”
E – “Thanks, I try so hard. Aw, man, I burnt my grilled cheese!!”
S – “I said, ‘don’t burn it!’ Shame on you…and your cheese!”
Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
S – “Should I get the fire extinguisher?”
E – “Uncalled for…”
S – “Have you seen yourself cook?”
E – “Point taken…”
S – “Please don’t burn down the house.”
E – “This is why you’re here. I got the bread, now what?”
S – “Now you need some butter to put on the outside of the bread so it will cook.”
E – “Okay, butter…butter…we have that somewhere.”
S – “Check the fridge, spazoid.”
E – “Right…fridge…” *opens door, glass bowl falls out and shatters everywhere*
S – “Real smooth there X-lax.”
E – “Woops. I’ll clean it up.” *sweeps up the glass* “Okay.” *applies butter to bread*
S – “Now cut the cheese and put it in the middle.”
E – “Cut the cheese…hehehe…” *gets smacked in the back of the head* “Okay, cutting cheese.”
S – “Now put it in the pan and watch it carefully. Don’t let it burn.”
E – “Okay.” *goes to put butter back in the fridge and steps on glass shard effectively slicing the foot open* “Ouch! Ow! Pain! Vulgar language, vulgar language!” *grabs paper towels and hops to bathroom*
S – “Thanks for the censor. You’re getting blood all over my clean floor.”
E – “It’s my floor too.”
S – “You never use the kitchen, it’s mine.”
E – “Thanks for caring so much about my health.”
S – “You’ll be fine.”
E – “You didn’t even see it!”
S – “You’re still conscious; I think you’ll make it.”
E – “It won’t stop bleeding!”
S – “Should I call the doctor?” *sarcastically*
E – “I don’t like going to the doctor.”
S – “Yes, I’m aware.”
E – *re-enters kitchen with towel wrapped tightly around foot* “Ow, ow, ow…”
S – “That’s hot, Spazoid.”
E – “Thanks, I try so hard. Aw, man, I burnt my grilled cheese!!”
S – “I said, ‘don’t burn it!’ Shame on you…and your cheese!”
So, I should post twice as long since I didn't post at all yesterday, but I'm doubting that will happen. Weekends are slow with me (which I appreciate since my days are fast) so there's not a lot to talk about.
Went home for the weekend and got to relax. Slept in, went to church, saw my friends, ate good food and caught up on NCIS, Bones and Glee. Excellent day.
Now I'm jamming out and watching Firefly's last disc since it's due some time this week. What kind of horse can catch up with a hovercraft? Seriously? "We're deep in space. Corner of No and Where." Nice. The theme song is still driving me nuts, I have to fast forward every time.
This week is going to be all over the place because my schedule is different every day. Plus going to visit an old friend in the hospital, going to Harry Potter 7 with my aunt, then going out to eat with my grad rep. Should be fun!
Went home for the weekend and got to relax. Slept in, went to church, saw my friends, ate good food and caught up on NCIS, Bones and Glee. Excellent day.
Now I'm jamming out and watching Firefly's last disc since it's due some time this week. What kind of horse can catch up with a hovercraft? Seriously? "We're deep in space. Corner of No and Where." Nice. The theme song is still driving me nuts, I have to fast forward every time.
This week is going to be all over the place because my schedule is different every day. Plus going to visit an old friend in the hospital, going to Harry Potter 7 with my aunt, then going out to eat with my grad rep. Should be fun!
Friday, November 12, 2010
When Eddie said he didn't like his teddy you knew he was a no good kid...
Today was ridiculous. My alarm didn't go off on my cellphone because there's something wrong with my cellphone. It's probably a virus since I keep getting calls from these weird numbers and after I answered the first one (and no one was there) my texting stopped working until I took out my battery and put it back in. Needless to say I've stopped answering numbers I don't recognize. But I don't know what that has to do with the alarm.
Anyway, I was late and after calling both bosses and getting a hold of no one I got dressed, ran to my car and sped to work. When I got there they started cheering. Like cheering cheering as in clapping and victory dancing (or Chris and my version of victory dancing aka raising the roof). I mean, I know I'm crazy, but I didn't think that the people I worked with were crazy. Apparently, the last time a coworker didn't show up they were dead. Literally. That's lovely. And they tried calling me but of course my cellphone is messed up so they couldn't get through. My boss told me she had visions of me laying bleeding on the side of the road. I'm scared to ask what happened to that last guy... but it's nice to know they care enough to dance since I'm not dead. Yay! I love fun coworkers.
But, since I had the afternoon off I was able to stay a half an hour later so I made up for the time lost. Then sped to my college to pick up my writing portfolio - missed the prof I was aiming to meet with but caught up with some other cool ones. Forgot to tell them I got into grad school, should probably email that since one of them wrote me a recommendation letter...woops. Will do that tonight.
Anyway, after that and running into an old classmate who's back in Nebraska I headed to my hometown and the Verizon office there to try to explain what's up with my phone. The lady there had no idea either but her boss had just dealt with someone who had the same problem. Of course her boss wasn't there so she called the IT people and did some sort of technical stuff while I ran to yet another town to get my hair dyed leaving my mom there with my phone.
To make a long story short - too late - my hair is now red and blonde and awesome. Then I went home, ate supper with parentals, went to brother's house to talk about cars (apparently mine is old and I need a new one) then drove back to my apartment in the snow. Hooray! I love snow!
My original aim when I went home was to clean out my closets and get winter clothes but by the time I got there I just ate and left. Dinner was interesting though. According to dad I was a good kid (opposed to the other three who apparently fought a lot) but then mom came back with "That's because she didn't have anyone to fight with! She would have if she did!" Thanks Mom. That's love.
Anyway, working tomorrow - my first workday in the snow. I wonder how bad it is in the mornings. I guess I'll find out.
Anyway, I was late and after calling both bosses and getting a hold of no one I got dressed, ran to my car and sped to work. When I got there they started cheering. Like cheering cheering as in clapping and victory dancing (or Chris and my version of victory dancing aka raising the roof). I mean, I know I'm crazy, but I didn't think that the people I worked with were crazy. Apparently, the last time a coworker didn't show up they were dead. Literally. That's lovely. And they tried calling me but of course my cellphone is messed up so they couldn't get through. My boss told me she had visions of me laying bleeding on the side of the road. I'm scared to ask what happened to that last guy... but it's nice to know they care enough to dance since I'm not dead. Yay! I love fun coworkers.
But, since I had the afternoon off I was able to stay a half an hour later so I made up for the time lost. Then sped to my college to pick up my writing portfolio - missed the prof I was aiming to meet with but caught up with some other cool ones. Forgot to tell them I got into grad school, should probably email that since one of them wrote me a recommendation letter...woops. Will do that tonight.
Anyway, after that and running into an old classmate who's back in Nebraska I headed to my hometown and the Verizon office there to try to explain what's up with my phone. The lady there had no idea either but her boss had just dealt with someone who had the same problem. Of course her boss wasn't there so she called the IT people and did some sort of technical stuff while I ran to yet another town to get my hair dyed leaving my mom there with my phone.
To make a long story short - too late - my hair is now red and blonde and awesome. Then I went home, ate supper with parentals, went to brother's house to talk about cars (apparently mine is old and I need a new one) then drove back to my apartment in the snow. Hooray! I love snow!
My original aim when I went home was to clean out my closets and get winter clothes but by the time I got there I just ate and left. Dinner was interesting though. According to dad I was a good kid (opposed to the other three who apparently fought a lot) but then mom came back with "That's because she didn't have anyone to fight with! She would have if she did!" Thanks Mom. That's love.
Anyway, working tomorrow - my first workday in the snow. I wonder how bad it is in the mornings. I guess I'll find out.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Minus the whole Space Cowboy thing...
So, it was as expected. Spent the day *not* cleaning. But I slept in, did laundry, ate food and watched Firefly which is due back at the library next week so I had to get through it. It's not bad, aside from the theme song which is kind of annoying the show is actually quite funny. Nathan Fillion said he did his best acting here and there are moments when I scream out "Castle!" because the characters are kind of similar, I mean minus the whole outer space cowboy thing. I did stop mid season to watch Bones though. Wasn't my favorite episode but I'm glad it's back and I'm looking forward to next week's. They find a body in a chocolate bar...which sort of kills chocolate for me but I guess it could be worth it.
Tomorrow should be fun though. Only working in the morning then headed home to get my hair dyed red, woohoo! Stopping by my college on the way there to pick up my writing portfolio. Maybe I'll actually get inspiration to finish some of my stories that way. I do have some ideas at least...
Tomorrow should be fun though. Only working in the morning then headed home to get my hair dyed red, woohoo! Stopping by my college on the way there to pick up my writing portfolio. Maybe I'll actually get inspiration to finish some of my stories that way. I do have some ideas at least...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
"Magnet Magnet Magnet..."
I'm a magnet, plain and simple. When will I find someone who's crazy about me but isn't actually crazy?
My sisters and I went out tonight for Indian food. It was excellent as always. We go out to some random restaurant basically once a month and during this time they tease me and prod me about my life - social life, work life, love life, etc. It's what big sisters do, I get that. My oldest sister thinks I'm a delicate little flower - bs - to which my other sister replied, "No, you are not a flower. You are like a pane of glass." Translation: breakable. Aw, sibling love.
I've learned, that outside of work, I really don't have much of a social life. I work in public service, the last thing I want to do after work is go out where there are hundreds of people. But that's fine with me. I'm perfectly content going home to my fat cat, eating dinner and watching Castle or Bones.
My work life is excellent. I love both places and the people are fun to work with. I really have no complaints. It keeps me pretty busy but I enjoy going every day and I don't think that's been something I've been able to truly say in a while.
So we got around to the boyfriend topic. To which I have no answer, so they've decided jokingly to each bring a guy for Thanksgiving. They will sit them on the couch and I can choose - very much like a Friends episode. I'm sure my mother would love that. Sometimes I think about bringing home someone with a mowhawk and a bunch of piercings. Maybe that way they would stop asking about the people I date.
Then it progressed to the baby topic and how yes, someday I will have one. They don't understand that their future niece or nephew would be named "Batgirl" or "The Chad" and would probably grow up with some kind of complex because of it.
It's not that I don't want someone to be with or to come home to. It would be nice. But I'm exhausted all the time from work, I'm about to start grad school and seriously, where am I gonna go to meet someone? At work? Some crazy bar downtown? All my friends are getting married or have someone they're serious with. I'm 22. Am I seriously supposed to find someone I want to spend the next 80 years with already? Besides, the last time I put myself out there I got burned. What's the point in the end? Life isn't like the movies. Just another thing to think about I guess.
Things to look forward to:
-Have tomorrow off for Veteran's Day. Will spend the day cleaning my apartment - or attempting to anyway. What will more than likely happen is I will sleep in past noon then get up, pull out all the boxes I need to go through, turn on the tv and feel like taking a nap instead leaving boxes scattered all over the place.
-Get hair dyed red on Friday, woohoo! No one at work believes I had fire-engine red hair so I'm bringing it back. My boss says I'll go up in her estimation. Awesomeness.
-Got the official notification from grad school that I'm accepted.
Other than that I'm out for the night. My big fat cat and I are going to turn on some Boy Meets World and crash. Have a good night.
Turn around bright eyes.
My sisters and I went out tonight for Indian food. It was excellent as always. We go out to some random restaurant basically once a month and during this time they tease me and prod me about my life - social life, work life, love life, etc. It's what big sisters do, I get that. My oldest sister thinks I'm a delicate little flower - bs - to which my other sister replied, "No, you are not a flower. You are like a pane of glass." Translation: breakable. Aw, sibling love.
I've learned, that outside of work, I really don't have much of a social life. I work in public service, the last thing I want to do after work is go out where there are hundreds of people. But that's fine with me. I'm perfectly content going home to my fat cat, eating dinner and watching Castle or Bones.
My work life is excellent. I love both places and the people are fun to work with. I really have no complaints. It keeps me pretty busy but I enjoy going every day and I don't think that's been something I've been able to truly say in a while.
So we got around to the boyfriend topic. To which I have no answer, so they've decided jokingly to each bring a guy for Thanksgiving. They will sit them on the couch and I can choose - very much like a Friends episode. I'm sure my mother would love that. Sometimes I think about bringing home someone with a mowhawk and a bunch of piercings. Maybe that way they would stop asking about the people I date.
Then it progressed to the baby topic and how yes, someday I will have one. They don't understand that their future niece or nephew would be named "Batgirl" or "The Chad" and would probably grow up with some kind of complex because of it.
It's not that I don't want someone to be with or to come home to. It would be nice. But I'm exhausted all the time from work, I'm about to start grad school and seriously, where am I gonna go to meet someone? At work? Some crazy bar downtown? All my friends are getting married or have someone they're serious with. I'm 22. Am I seriously supposed to find someone I want to spend the next 80 years with already? Besides, the last time I put myself out there I got burned. What's the point in the end? Life isn't like the movies. Just another thing to think about I guess.
Things to look forward to:
-Have tomorrow off for Veteran's Day. Will spend the day cleaning my apartment - or attempting to anyway. What will more than likely happen is I will sleep in past noon then get up, pull out all the boxes I need to go through, turn on the tv and feel like taking a nap instead leaving boxes scattered all over the place.
-Get hair dyed red on Friday, woohoo! No one at work believes I had fire-engine red hair so I'm bringing it back. My boss says I'll go up in her estimation. Awesomeness.
-Got the official notification from grad school that I'm accepted.
Other than that I'm out for the night. My big fat cat and I are going to turn on some Boy Meets World and crash. Have a good night.
Turn around bright eyes.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tuesday Bloody Tuesday
Tuesdays are usually my day for errands and cleaning. The only cleaning I got done today was putting away laundry. My place is a mess and all I want to do is crash. So, here is my lazy attempt at an entry before I konk out.
Sketch and Edit Go Grocery Shopping
S – “I’ve never seen someone stare at packages of cheese for half an hour straight.”
E – “I am an enigma like that. It’s all a part of my charm.”
S – “Why are you being so particular?”
E – “Yes because I’m the picky eater out of us…”
S – “Point taken. What are you stuck on exactly?”
E – “Well, the ingredients in this one sound tastier, but this one looks prettier. I was going to go with the prettier one but then I was afraid it was too pretty to eat.”
S – “So go with the ugly one.”
E – “But I don’t want to eat anything that ugly when I could have something much prettier.”
S – “It is a quandry.”
E – “Uh yeah! The hardest kind!”
S – “Why don’t you ask someone who works here for their opinion?”
E – “Are you going to go find me a mediocre looking employee?”
S – “Why mediocre?”
E – “Well he can’t be pretty because what kind of pickup line would that be? Hey, can you help me pick out some cheese? While you’re at it point me in the direction of some coconut milk.”
S – “Coconut milk?”
E – “We’re out.”
S – “Do I want to know why?” *Edit picks up another package * “What if I run into an ugly one first?”
E – “Ugly what?”
S – “Employee.”
E – “Run?”
S – “Alright, you continue to stare intensely. I’ll be back with a mediocre looking employee.”
This one is actually based on a true story. A friend and I went looking for coconut milk and they didn't have any so we ended up getting this coconut goo stuff instead, the drinks didn't turn out as well but they were still fun to make. But we're kind of random and the cute employee vs. ugly one just kind of came out.
Sketch and Edit Go Grocery Shopping
S – “I’ve never seen someone stare at packages of cheese for half an hour straight.”
E – “I am an enigma like that. It’s all a part of my charm.”
S – “Why are you being so particular?”
E – “Yes because I’m the picky eater out of us…”
S – “Point taken. What are you stuck on exactly?”
E – “Well, the ingredients in this one sound tastier, but this one looks prettier. I was going to go with the prettier one but then I was afraid it was too pretty to eat.”
S – “So go with the ugly one.”
E – “But I don’t want to eat anything that ugly when I could have something much prettier.”
S – “It is a quandry.”
E – “Uh yeah! The hardest kind!”
S – “Why don’t you ask someone who works here for their opinion?”
E – “Are you going to go find me a mediocre looking employee?”
S – “Why mediocre?”
E – “Well he can’t be pretty because what kind of pickup line would that be? Hey, can you help me pick out some cheese? While you’re at it point me in the direction of some coconut milk.”
S – “Coconut milk?”
E – “We’re out.”
S – “Do I want to know why?” *Edit picks up another package * “What if I run into an ugly one first?”
E – “Ugly what?”
S – “Employee.”
E – “Run?”
S – “Alright, you continue to stare intensely. I’ll be back with a mediocre looking employee.”
This one is actually based on a true story. A friend and I went looking for coconut milk and they didn't have any so we ended up getting this coconut goo stuff instead, the drinks didn't turn out as well but they were still fun to make. But we're kind of random and the cute employee vs. ugly one just kind of came out.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Jalapeno Margaritas!
Today was fabulous - got to sleep in because I didn't start work until 2 then it was a slow day in which I didn't get yelled at by a patron - that's new - and I went out to eat with some good friends for supper. Jalapeno margaritas and fajitas at this awesome Mexican place off O Street. Now I'm doing laundry and watching Castle.
Here's another Sketch and Edit for you.
Sketch and Edit Install a Navigational System
S – “Do you think we can set it up so it can say ‘You are driving too fast, slow down or you will be arrested?’”
Mom – “How about, ‘Slow down, your mother doesn’t like it when you drive this fast.’”
E – “I’m kind of hoping for ‘Put on your seatbelt you filthy whore.’”
S – “‘Watch the road you dirty hooker.’”
Mom – “You two are terrible.”
S – “What are you going to name it?”
E – “Either Fred or Thomas.”
S – “As in Cindy Thomas?”
E – “Of course.” *starts driving* “Make it so it talks with an accent.”
Machine – *talks with feminine voice* “Turn right at the next corner.”
E – “Thomas it is, awesome!” *turns left*
S – “Wrong way.”
E – “I know I want to see what it says.”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.”
E – “Nope!”
Machine – “Make a left and then a left.”
E – “What’s the difference between that and a u-turn? Is she trying to trick me? What’ll she do if I keep driving this way?”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.”
E – “Alright, alright, I’m turning around.” *does so, then takes a different route*
Machine – “Turn right at the next corner.”
E – “You don’t take a right here, you go straight and turn right at the stoplight!”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.” *stops talking for a while*
S – “I think you pissed it off.”
E – “Thomas, are you mad at me?”
Machine – “Turn left at the next corner, you filthy whore.”
Here's another Sketch and Edit for you.
Sketch and Edit Install a Navigational System
S – “Do you think we can set it up so it can say ‘You are driving too fast, slow down or you will be arrested?’”
Mom – “How about, ‘Slow down, your mother doesn’t like it when you drive this fast.’”
E – “I’m kind of hoping for ‘Put on your seatbelt you filthy whore.’”
S – “‘Watch the road you dirty hooker.’”
Mom – “You two are terrible.”
S – “What are you going to name it?”
E – “Either Fred or Thomas.”
S – “As in Cindy Thomas?”
E – “Of course.” *starts driving* “Make it so it talks with an accent.”
Machine – *talks with feminine voice* “Turn right at the next corner.”
E – “Thomas it is, awesome!” *turns left*
S – “Wrong way.”
E – “I know I want to see what it says.”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.”
E – “Nope!”
Machine – “Make a left and then a left.”
E – “What’s the difference between that and a u-turn? Is she trying to trick me? What’ll she do if I keep driving this way?”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.”
E – “Alright, alright, I’m turning around.” *does so, then takes a different route*
Machine – “Turn right at the next corner.”
E – “You don’t take a right here, you go straight and turn right at the stoplight!”
Machine – “Make a u-turn if possible.” *stops talking for a while*
S – “I think you pissed it off.”
E – “Thomas, are you mad at me?”
Machine – “Turn left at the next corner, you filthy whore.”
Sunday, November 7, 2010
It's your turn, honey bunches of crap...

So said my sister to her husband when we played monopoly. That's true love.
I'm sick. Literally. With a sore throat, how lovely for my day off. Anyway, I plan to spend the day on the couch eating ice cream, drinking green tea and watching Boy Meets World. They have seasons 1-3 at Best Buy for 15 bucks I say as subtly as a plug can be.
I'm also still refusing to get a flu shot. Even though the library is basically a breeding ground for germs, I think I'd rather get sick than get the shot. Needles aren't my thing. Ask the sister who inspired the title to this post. She got to see me at my grandest blood test where I almost passed out while sitting with my head between my knees and trash can at my feet. Or Beej, a high school friend who merely talked about giving blood at the blood drive and I ran to the bathroom, passed out, hit my head on the sink and woke up in the dorm mom's apartment. It's embarrassing, but I guess it's just another entry in my line of strange quirks squeezed between my obsession with a show that ended three years ago and my flinch for every time someone pronounces the word "supposebly" instead of "supposedly." Yes Sarah, I'm talking to you.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sketch and Edit Order Takeout
Okay, so I think it's time I introduce you to Sketch and Edit. Basically, the story behind them is that my best friend is an artist who used to draw me all sorts of pictures. One day she stopped and said she wouldn't draw me anymore pictures until I wrote her something. Since my correspondence sucks (except for the summer in which I wrote to a friend every day because she was at navy bootcamp) I started writing her these short little skits. The character's names (that I came up with at one of my sister's craftshows) are Sketch since she's an artist and Edit since I'm a writer.
Here's one for you, let me know what you think.
Sketch and Edit Order Takeout
Edit – “What do you want for supper?”
Sketch – “Whatever.” *enthralled in a TV show*
E – “Wanna eat here or out?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Want to make something?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Want me to order something?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Well thank you for all that help General Vague. I’ll call and get some pizza. What kind do you want?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Is pepperoni okay?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Are you even listening to me?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Do you like cheese?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I borrow some cash?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I go take a joy ride in your car?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I look through the classifieds and set you up on a blind date?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I think Godzilla is attacking!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “The sky is falling!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I hear the call of the wild!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I’m calling your mother!”
S – “Huh?”
Here's one for you, let me know what you think.
Sketch and Edit Order Takeout
Edit – “What do you want for supper?”
Sketch – “Whatever.” *enthralled in a TV show*
E – “Wanna eat here or out?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Want to make something?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Want me to order something?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Well thank you for all that help General Vague. I’ll call and get some pizza. What kind do you want?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Is pepperoni okay?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Are you even listening to me?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Do you like cheese?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I borrow some cash?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I go take a joy ride in your car?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “Can I look through the classifieds and set you up on a blind date?”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I think Godzilla is attacking!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “The sky is falling!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I hear the call of the wild!”
S – “Whatever.”
E – “I’m calling your mother!”
S – “Huh?”
Friday, November 5, 2010
*Insert Clever Title Here*
I never know how to start these things off so I guess I'll just tell you a little about myself and go from there. I'm 22, work at two libraries and just got accepted into grad school for a Master's in Library Science.
Here are some random facts you probably don't care to know but I'm going to tell you anyway:
- I hail from a small town population 3000, but moved to the big city to work in the library system.
- I can play trombone, guitar and piano - none of them well.
- I have a big fat garfield-like cat named Carter - he likes to eat, sleep and bite people. I secretly wonder what he does when I'm away at work.
- I have dyed my hair the following colors: red, blonde, purple, orange, blue, black and back to the original brown that we forgot it was.
- I have a weakness for cereal and chocolate.
- I don't have kids, mostly because if I did I would name them "Batgirl" or "The Chad."
- All three of my siblings are at least ten years older than me.
- I went to a dorm high school and college. I graduated with a BA in English and minor in Sociology.
- I can't cook and I burn grilled cheese.
- I got attacked by a dresser once in my sleep and had to be rescued by my roommate who slept through the whole thing - that's more of a long story.
- I lived with my grandma for a while after she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. We had a lot of fun going for walks and watching Law and Order.
- I have a laptop named Kate, another named Ziva, a car named Maggie, and an annoying navigational system named Thomas. (As in Cindy Thomas not as in Tom-Tom)
- I like cheese but I don't like cheese - there's a whole speech attached to that one. I'll give it to you later.
- My real passion is writing. You will probably soon be overloaded with Sketch and Edit's.
- I'm a media freak and own far too many DVDs.
- I'm STILL completely obsessed with Women's Murder Club the television series that aired on ABC for one season back in 2007.
- I can quote every line in the first two Mummy movies, but not the third cause it's terrible - have you heard Maria Bello's British accent?!
- If you quote something from Friends I can tell you what episode and season it came from.
- I have notebooks filled with quotes from all through college and now come home from work every day with my pockets full of quotes written on paper slips. They're accumulating in a basket.
- I'm in two bands "Delayed...Reaction" which was formed at a children's camp I direct and "The Teacher and The Part-Time Librarian" (formerly known as "The Teacher and The Failed Librarian") that formed for the musical I help direct every year at my old grade school. Neither is a serious band but I play guitar in both. D...R's biggest hit is "His Name Was Gade" which is up on Youtube and Part-Time's is "Snippets of Conversation" which was a smash hit during last year's play.
That's all for now.
Here are some random facts you probably don't care to know but I'm going to tell you anyway:
- I hail from a small town population 3000, but moved to the big city to work in the library system.
- I can play trombone, guitar and piano - none of them well.
- I have a big fat garfield-like cat named Carter - he likes to eat, sleep and bite people. I secretly wonder what he does when I'm away at work.
- I have dyed my hair the following colors: red, blonde, purple, orange, blue, black and back to the original brown that we forgot it was.
- I have a weakness for cereal and chocolate.
- I don't have kids, mostly because if I did I would name them "Batgirl" or "The Chad."
- All three of my siblings are at least ten years older than me.
- I went to a dorm high school and college. I graduated with a BA in English and minor in Sociology.
- I can't cook and I burn grilled cheese.
- I got attacked by a dresser once in my sleep and had to be rescued by my roommate who slept through the whole thing - that's more of a long story.
- I lived with my grandma for a while after she was diagnosed with Alzheimers. We had a lot of fun going for walks and watching Law and Order.
- I have a laptop named Kate, another named Ziva, a car named Maggie, and an annoying navigational system named Thomas. (As in Cindy Thomas not as in Tom-Tom)
- I like cheese but I don't like cheese - there's a whole speech attached to that one. I'll give it to you later.
- My real passion is writing. You will probably soon be overloaded with Sketch and Edit's.
- I'm a media freak and own far too many DVDs.
- I'm STILL completely obsessed with Women's Murder Club the television series that aired on ABC for one season back in 2007.
- I can quote every line in the first two Mummy movies, but not the third cause it's terrible - have you heard Maria Bello's British accent?!
- If you quote something from Friends I can tell you what episode and season it came from.
- I have notebooks filled with quotes from all through college and now come home from work every day with my pockets full of quotes written on paper slips. They're accumulating in a basket.
- I'm in two bands "Delayed...Reaction" which was formed at a children's camp I direct and "The Teacher and The Part-Time Librarian" (formerly known as "The Teacher and The Failed Librarian") that formed for the musical I help direct every year at my old grade school. Neither is a serious band but I play guitar in both. D...R's biggest hit is "His Name Was Gade" which is up on Youtube and Part-Time's is "Snippets of Conversation" which was a smash hit during last year's play.
That's all for now.
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