Lots of little stuff and some big stuff. I'll attempt to go in order.
1. Mayor's Award
:: So I received the Mayor's Award last month and it was a whole production. A bunch of my family, coworkers and bosses were in attendance. It all took place during a City Council meeting. We went in, the mayor made a speech, two of my bosses made speeches and then I said a bunch of stuff. Was a nervous wreck, but I didn't pass out so I'm calling it a victory. After that we took a TON of pictures with the mayor which was pretty cool. If you want to see the pictures or the video - yes, city council meetings are recorded - it's all on Facebook. I was super nervous but it felt like it was over in a flash. Glad I did have something prepared to say in advance, otherwise I probably would have passed out.
2. Library Life
:: Things at work are good. I've been pretty busy lately with TAB stuff. We did a movie day where we watched HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Jurassic Park and Sherlock Holmes - the Robert Downey Jr. version. A bunch of teens showed up which is good. We had Jimmy John's sandwiches and basically jammed out the whole day. Was nice. We also went to Barnes and Noble and picked out a bunch of paperbacks for the library to buy which is always fun. Now I'm in like total Summer Reading mode where basically all I do during my off desk time is plan for upcoming events - submitting proposals, ordering supplies, and all that. Is stressful but usually is worth it in the end.
3. Apocalypse Now
:: Not the only stressful thing at work - I had a patron come up to the desk and she was like "there's a leak in your bathroom." I'm thinking she meant a small leak so I went and got the guard and we meandered over there, opened the door and it was freaking Apocalypse Now baby! Water coming out of the ceiling, down the walls, in the light fixtures...I've never seen the guard run so fast. There was a plumber upstairs who burst a pipe and she ran to get him to shut off the water. For a while there were huge chunks missing out of the ceiling but it's all fixed up now.

Still gross.
4. Trivia Night
:: And speaking of running we had Trivia Night and I was the runner again running our answers to the judges before the clock expired. This year our table's theme was Huskers so I wore a jersey and obnoxious Husker hat. Second Sister went all out, turning herself into a corn cob which was highly entertaining. My brother-in-law was Faux Pelini - cat included. This year we actually did pretty well. Finished in about the middle of the pack but got a higher score than anticipated. I was pretty proud cause I got a bunch of the media stuff. Two of the questions were actually about The Voice - who's the host? Carson Daly - and who won in May of 2014? Josh Kaufman. This year's costume winners were Sound of Music people which just happened to contain my RA from back in college. Though our table voted for the Red Green table. Yes, a Red Green table. Please tell me you've seen that show.
Duct tape?
Possum Lodge?
Ranger Gord?
Keep your stick on the ice?
Think it was mainstream TV in Canada.
Anyway, I didn't know the people that won the actual trivia contest. We're not really there to win, just to have fun.
5. The Archaeologist
:: Other fun stuff is I've been jamming more with the archaeologist. The one that also has season tickets for hockey. Think I mentioned something about it last post. Went out for some lunches, talked about hockey and life and all that. She's cool, it's good to have someone with similar interests here close by. Plus now I have someone to high five every time we score.
As often as that happens.
That was sarcasm, we average like 1 goal per game...But if we score goals in two consecutive periods we get free chicken from Canes and for the first time in months it actually happened so we totally went to Canes the other night too. Was fun.
6. Library Goddess
:: She's not the only one I've been having lunch with - I actually met up with the Library Goddess for lunch a few weeks ago. Was nice to catch up. So weird going from seeing her every week to like once every 6 months. We got fancy salads and soups. And I swear that woman knows everyone on earth. Knew the owner and his mother. Anywhere I go with her everyone knows her. You can only imagine what the library conferences were like, everyone was chasing her down giving her hugs. Was hilarious. I love that woman, she was so great to me and really got me through the whole library school thing.
I blame my current job completely on her.
And now....she just happens to retire from that particular part of the program? She totally waited until I was done, I'm telling you. Probably not actually, but I'm sticking with it cause it makes me feel special.
7. Birthday
:: Then of course it was my birthday and food day at work - woohoo! The birthday thing meant multiple celebrations cause no one is ever free at the same time...First was Mexican food with the boyfriend's family. They really didn't have to take me out, it was very nice. I even avoided wearing the sombrero and being pied in the face. Don't ask. After that it was Applebees with my parents and Second Sister's family. Her youngest is adorable and wouldn't let me eat. She always had to be on my lap. Made me feel special. I didn't avoid the singing there - in fact I got sang to twice there. Once by the staff and another time by my family. Then third was the Cool Aunt, Cool Cousin, and the Library Goddess - I know, twice in a month, totally weird. Was cool, we went for sushi and they send me home with all the leftovers.
Sushi is awesome at like 3AM. I don't know if you're aware of that or not, but you should try it cause it's just fabulous.
Then fourth was on my actual birthday at Lazlo's. I met up with some of my siblings. Got my awesome rainbow chicken and fries with honey mustard. It was fabulous. Except that was the boyfriend was missing. He was sick for like a week, it was madness.
8. Valentine's Day
:: And speaking of the boyfriend, look at these beautiful flowers he got me for Valentine's Day.

Such a nice guy. The beer in the background was his. I decided that was the guy equivalent of flowers.
9. Hockey
:: But since he was sick I ended up taking the Queen of the Known Universe to one of the hockey games. She loved it. There were lots of fights and we actually won this time which is new for her. In a shootout no less, to the number one team in the league.

Have I mentioned we're last in the league? Yeah, it's not pretty. But we are only losing two players next year due to age and then we have a crapton of draft picks that we traded for.
Yeah, they basically traded a bunch of our good ones once we got out of playoff contention so that we could have draft picks for next year. Which sucks for this season, but probably is smart for next season.
Anyway, it was an excellent game but my favorite player got majorly injured. Or my "infatuation" as the boyfriend likes to call him. It's not like I think he's cute or something I just think he's a really good yet underrated player. Plus he's a teenager so that would be gross. But he got smashed into the wall and got a concussion. So, poor guy. Hopefully he'll be okay to play again soon.
I still haven't emailed them about my sign.
So, I made a sign that says "I wish I only got 2 minutes for hooking"
Here, think I have a picture of it somewhere.
Yeah, here:

But I'm hesitant to take it to the games because they're super picky about what stuff they let people bring in. Like horns and bells and all that.
And I don't want to get like a black mark on my record or something, so I was gonna email them. But I'm pretty sure they'll be like...um, no. So I'm putting it off. Maybe I'll just hang it on my wall. I still have to hang up that signed flag and posters anyway. I'll just make the whole wall behind my couch a hockey collage of sorts. No one will see it anyway, except the boyfriend. My sister. Mother. Eh, whatever. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight.
10. Second Sister got a new puppy.
::I'm sorry I have no transition from hockey to dogs.
But she got a new puppy and it's adorable.

The first time I saw him he sat on my lap for like an hour. Super cute. Then the next time he was climbing all over my back.

I want one, but Carter would not go for that. Or my apartment complex. Maybe later on.
What else?
11. Oh, yeah, the Voice is back.
:: I know, you're so excited to hear that. Cause I don't ramble about it at all....For the first season ever I'm having trouble picking out 20 people that I actually like. Maybe I'm growing out of the show or something, but the artists this year are really not all that impressive. I have about 10 that I think are pretty good but that's it. Maybe I'll just do a top ten instead. I guess we do have 1 more night of Blind Auditions left. Tonight. Maybe they're saving the best for last. Let's hope so. I'll post my top whatever list after tonight's episode.
12. Scale of Awesome's for you.
:: Have quite a few lined up. Wow, it really has been a while.
Scale of Awesome says 4/10. I know everyone loved it but I did not. The ending just confused me and I'm still frustrated about it. Is he magic or is he insane? I thought it was one way but then the end confused me.
Scale of Awesome says 6/10. Was okay. Better than Birdman but nothing special.
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Another out of the box type, I loved the kid in this, he is crazy talented and of course there is JK Simmons who I loved from the Closer but it wasn't all that great either.
St. Vincent
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. See, the preview makes this look like a comedy but there's a lot more serious to it. I actually liked this one a lot.
Grand Budapest Hotel
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. This movie was hilarious. Total Wes Anderson style the whole way through. Loved it.
Scale of Awesome says 3/10. This movie was god-awful. Totally killed the whole thing. Makes me want to watch the original again just to fix it all.
American Sniper
Scale of Awesome says 9/10. Best movie I've seen in a long time. Super long but you didn't even notice because it was that good.
Taken 3
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. Not as good as the original.
Way Way Back
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. SAM ROCKWELL!!! I love him. This movie was great. Funny and emotional, I liked it a lot. Plus it had Allison Janney and you can never go wrong with her.
John Wick
Scale of Awesome says 4/10. Kind of like Red but really not funny. Not that it was supposed to be. It was alright, but not fantastic.
Stonehearst Asylum
Scale of Awesome says 3/10. This movie was just plain weird.
Dear White People
Scale of Awesome says 5/10. It started out so good!! But then it turned into not so good.
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. Very good.
Alright, on to the music.
Xtina on Jimmy Fallon
Her Britney is dead on. Dude.
Clint Eastwood
Very catchy, I dig it.
Sugar - Maroon 5
Did it again. Love these guys. My favorites. Cool video.
Alright, will try not to wait so long in between in the future...