I love small town fast food places.
"Please pull up to the first window."
I pull up to the first window and there's no one there.
Still no one there.
I pull up to the second window.
Chick at second window takes my money to the register at the first window then brings me change at the second window.
"Sorry, there was no one there."
"Yeah, I don't know where they went."
Well that's professional.
It was one of those oddball days.
Well, oddball weeks.
2 Incident Reports in 2 days.
And a potential 3rd today!
Good thing I have the weekend off!
I sent out a Q&A e-mail about the YA project and Fearless Leader called it cute.
I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
But the project is a mess.
I scanned the whole YA aka Young Adult section and now we're having to deal with the things that were checked out when I scanned the rest.
Basically they're pulling all the incoming stuff and I'm dealing with it individually before shelving it with the rest.
It's gonna be a mess.
It already is a mess.
But I'll handle it, I have a plan.
And I sent out like 5 e-mails about it so hopefully people have some sort of understanding on why there are piles and carts of YA material spread throughout the first floor when the YA area is on the second floor.
Like I said, mess, but I'm handling it.
Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them - SYKBFYKT
yes this is an ongoing series but like i said, ipod on shuffle you run into a lot of these.
"Run-Around" Blues Traveler
sound so similar to barenaked ladies that it just blends in with their music. even though it's not them. hence the forgetting part.
the music video freaks me out. the whole first half is zoomed out so far that you have no idea if this is the real video cause it looks like he's singing something completely different. but i guess that's kind of the point...if you watch it all the way to the end.
anybody else tempted to throw in "and i love the java jive and it loves me" at 3:22? or is that just me. might be me. high school choir. long story.
and then one you probably don't know at all. it's pretty much anti-that song. just cause that is like happy happy joy joy with its rhythm and upbeat melody and this is more like death and destruction with its yelling and drum overload
"The Kill" 30 Seconds to Mars
the video is like a mix of the backstreet boys "everybody" and the movie 1408. plus some titanic last scene of the movie at 4:38. weird factor.
I'm officially off until the 3rd, huzzah! Getting spoiled with another 3 day weekend. I could get used to this. Tomorrow is comedy show and some ddr, next day is family christmas, after that it's the husker game and then back to work.
I'm off to sleep in.
Just glad I get to jam with my cat again, he was excited to see me. Watched Castle season three with me and mom. Just finished the alien invasion firefly reference episode, love it!
I'd let him sleep in my room but I have a feeling he'd do more knocking things over in my closet than sleeping on the bed. So he's in the basement teasing the outdoor cats.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Leverage, My cat the chair thief, Crocodile vs Lawnmower, and more SYKBFYKT
I love Leverage!
Halfway through season three and I can't stop. Stoked they're on the fourth season on TV. Will have to find those online.
I was completely productive today.
So productive, in fact, that when I took the time to actually look at the clock I realized, "holy crap it's 5:30". I had to literally stop being so productive and sit at a desk, physically stop working so much. Or I would have continued another project and left it half-finished. And I can start that tomorrow. Or next week.
That's how I know I have a great job, I look at the clock and I can say "holy cow it's already" *insert number here* It doesn't drag on to the point where I would say, "Aw man, it's only" *insert number here* Big difference between that "already" and "only".
I gotta space these things out. What if I do everything now and then I won't have anything to do later? That was my fear as an Aide. If I shelve everything right away, then the rest of the day I'm screwed!
I'm kind of excited about a new display, I did one in the YA section on books to movie and tv shows. Wish there was more space, but I do what I can.
Gave Superwoman some Angry Birds. Apparently they were a big hit. I got some as Xmas presents for some of the tiny children as well. You squeeze them and they make noises. Though I'm tempted to build obstacles and throw them at it like the game, just to see if they can knock things over and kill the pigs.
But I'd need a pig.
And some wood planks.
A few glass panels.
It'd be like Ultimate Angry Birds. Sounds like a good thing to film and put up on youtube.
Which reminds me, I still need to throw out that tree and film the process.
Freakin' Christmas tree. The new one rocks. Super easy.
Time to throw out the old one and burn it.
It will bring good news of great joy which will be for all the people.
Sorry. Christmas program.
Christmas isn't over yet!! Family party 3 days and counting. Woohoo!
Though it still doesn't feel like Christmas, where is the snow? This feels like Spring or something. It was nice all day today. It's messing with my head.
Mom showed up today at the library. Scared the crap out of me. Apparently my cat likes her new furniture and steals her spot when she leaves the room.
Which, you get used to, eventually.
See, you can be sitting on the couch.
And he could be sitting right next to you.
Then you get up, leave the room, come back and he'll be sitting where you were sitting.
I don't know if it's like warmer there or something, I'm guessing he's just playing mindgames with you. See what you do next.
But beware, he will bite you if you try to move him.
But I have strategy. Cause I will just lay next to him.
And he'll get tired of it, jump off the couch and find a new spot.
HA! Victory!
Then I reclaim my old spot, he'll sit on the floor and glare at me cause I've figured him out.
Guess he gets the mindgames from me.
Alright, on to the rec's then I'm out.
Full day tomorrow then more fun at the farmhouse. Woohoo!
Remind me to pack controllers. As much fun as Road Rage was on DDR mats, it's a lot easier with actual controllers.
Songs You Know But Forget You Know Them aka SYKBFYKT continued
this may just become a recurring theme, but i did think of these today.
"New Soul" Yael Naim
i know you know this one cause it was on every ipod/ipad commercial for like a year
"A-Punk" Vampire Weekend
pretty sure i've posted this one already, i just remember them singing it on SNL, his guitar strings and giant scarf drove me nuts.
you probably know it from the hp printer commercials
check this out
Crocodile vs Lawnmower
i think the mower's dead.
i like that it's named elvis.
Halfway through season three and I can't stop. Stoked they're on the fourth season on TV. Will have to find those online.
I was completely productive today.
So productive, in fact, that when I took the time to actually look at the clock I realized, "holy crap it's 5:30". I had to literally stop being so productive and sit at a desk, physically stop working so much. Or I would have continued another project and left it half-finished. And I can start that tomorrow. Or next week.
That's how I know I have a great job, I look at the clock and I can say "holy cow it's already" *insert number here* It doesn't drag on to the point where I would say, "Aw man, it's only" *insert number here* Big difference between that "already" and "only".
I gotta space these things out. What if I do everything now and then I won't have anything to do later? That was my fear as an Aide. If I shelve everything right away, then the rest of the day I'm screwed!
I'm kind of excited about a new display, I did one in the YA section on books to movie and tv shows. Wish there was more space, but I do what I can.
Gave Superwoman some Angry Birds. Apparently they were a big hit. I got some as Xmas presents for some of the tiny children as well. You squeeze them and they make noises. Though I'm tempted to build obstacles and throw them at it like the game, just to see if they can knock things over and kill the pigs.
But I'd need a pig.
And some wood planks.
A few glass panels.
It'd be like Ultimate Angry Birds. Sounds like a good thing to film and put up on youtube.
Which reminds me, I still need to throw out that tree and film the process.
Freakin' Christmas tree. The new one rocks. Super easy.
Time to throw out the old one and burn it.
It will bring good news of great joy which will be for all the people.
Sorry. Christmas program.
Christmas isn't over yet!! Family party 3 days and counting. Woohoo!
Though it still doesn't feel like Christmas, where is the snow? This feels like Spring or something. It was nice all day today. It's messing with my head.
Mom showed up today at the library. Scared the crap out of me. Apparently my cat likes her new furniture and steals her spot when she leaves the room.
Which, you get used to, eventually.
See, you can be sitting on the couch.
And he could be sitting right next to you.
Then you get up, leave the room, come back and he'll be sitting where you were sitting.
I don't know if it's like warmer there or something, I'm guessing he's just playing mindgames with you. See what you do next.
But beware, he will bite you if you try to move him.
But I have strategy. Cause I will just lay next to him.
And he'll get tired of it, jump off the couch and find a new spot.
HA! Victory!
Then I reclaim my old spot, he'll sit on the floor and glare at me cause I've figured him out.
Guess he gets the mindgames from me.
Alright, on to the rec's then I'm out.
Full day tomorrow then more fun at the farmhouse. Woohoo!
Remind me to pack controllers. As much fun as Road Rage was on DDR mats, it's a lot easier with actual controllers.
Songs You Know But Forget You Know Them aka SYKBFYKT continued
this may just become a recurring theme, but i did think of these today.
"New Soul" Yael Naim
i know you know this one cause it was on every ipod/ipad commercial for like a year
"A-Punk" Vampire Weekend
pretty sure i've posted this one already, i just remember them singing it on SNL, his guitar strings and giant scarf drove me nuts.
you probably know it from the hp printer commercials
check this out
Crocodile vs Lawnmower
i think the mower's dead.
i like that it's named elvis.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
So lonely inside, So busy out there
Today was crazy, it was 6:00 already and it felt like I had just got there.
I love my job.
So, I finished my Christmas shopping!
Which you probably scoffed at, but hey we aren't having our family Christmas until the 1st.
Ran into both a high school friend and college one in the process. Grateful to be done with those yet apparently masochistic since I'm going back voluntarily.
I don't need the degree as I already have the job, but it's actually proven to be quite helpful in my daily life.
Freakin' Shackleton.
Tomorrow is another ordinary day.
Which is weird, I'm so used to un-ordinary ones traveling back and forth. This is simple and easy. I like it.
Recs of the night:
These are the first in a series I'm going to call "Songs you know but forgot you knew them", or SYKBFYKT for short.
Yes, that's the short version.
"All You Wanted" Michelle Branch
yes, a lot of my alphabet rec's came from her, so it's not all that surprising i'm bringing her back. this is the song that started it all, it started playing and I was like, when did this come out? and why do i know it?
hence the songs you know but forgot you know them.
so you can blame this new segment on michelle branch.
but you shouldn't cause she's awesome. as are the wreckers, my favorite aside from lily allen.
i think it's more like they have one big smash hit and then smaller ones that aren't as big but are still semi-big so you know them too, just don't remember them like you do the big hit.
"Girlfriend" Nsync
this video amuses me on so many levels
there's a lot of 90's and early 00's in this list.
more later.
I love my job.
So, I finished my Christmas shopping!
Which you probably scoffed at, but hey we aren't having our family Christmas until the 1st.
Ran into both a high school friend and college one in the process. Grateful to be done with those yet apparently masochistic since I'm going back voluntarily.
I don't need the degree as I already have the job, but it's actually proven to be quite helpful in my daily life.
Freakin' Shackleton.
Tomorrow is another ordinary day.
Which is weird, I'm so used to un-ordinary ones traveling back and forth. This is simple and easy. I like it.
Recs of the night:
These are the first in a series I'm going to call "Songs you know but forgot you knew them", or SYKBFYKT for short.
Yes, that's the short version.
"All You Wanted" Michelle Branch
yes, a lot of my alphabet rec's came from her, so it's not all that surprising i'm bringing her back. this is the song that started it all, it started playing and I was like, when did this come out? and why do i know it?
hence the songs you know but forgot you know them.
so you can blame this new segment on michelle branch.
but you shouldn't cause she's awesome. as are the wreckers, my favorite aside from lily allen.
i think it's more like they have one big smash hit and then smaller ones that aren't as big but are still semi-big so you know them too, just don't remember them like you do the big hit.
"Girlfriend" Nsync
this video amuses me on so many levels
there's a lot of 90's and early 00's in this list.
more later.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Treading trodden trails for a long long time
Called in sick, spent the day on the couch.
Couldn't even stand up this morning, was all light-headed, burning up and just dead.
Second Sister says that it must be serious as I never call in even if I am sick. Even Mom was worried.
But I figured Superwoman would take away points if I crashed at the public service desk.
Called Girlscout and she took care of it, then took my temperature and ended up with 100.1 - probably best I called in.
No idea where it came from.
Hope it's not the flu. Then Glee-Loving Boss will give me even more crap about that flu shot thing. I told him I'd rather get the flu than the shot. Probably shot myself in the foot with that.
So it was a lazy day, the only semi-productive things I did all day were open the door for the repairman who came to fix my water heater - I've been living on cold showers, not cool in winter - and talked to my sister-in-law on the phone about a Christmas present thing.
The rest of the day I slept, didn't even turn on the TV until the repair guy got here. Figured it would be awkward if I was sleeping while he was here.
Now I'm up again. Figured I should eat something. Chicken noodle it is. Though I don't have much of an appetite.
And my cat isn't even here to keep me company, he's living it up at the farm. He stayed there since I'm just going back out again this weekend and packing him up and driving him back didn't seem all that appealing since I would just be taking him back again in a few days. Plus he likes it there. As long as he doesn't go outside and have to deal with the gangwar between the North Side and South Side cats.
Anyway, of all the days to be sick, I actually had plans tonight.
Shocking, I know.
But it's true.
I'm headed back to bed after the soup, should be back to at least 90% by tomorrow.
If not I'll probably go anyway.
Coach Otte, our high school assistant basketball coach, used to say "It's all mental."
I used to hate it when he said that.
We all did.
Now I live by it.
I'm a workaholic and love my job. Get used to it.
Alright, a music rec and I'm out.
"So Much to Say" Dave Matthews Band
stuck in my head.
no idea where that came from either.
and now i'm singing jimmy fallon. dangit sarah, i blame you.
must turn on movie or something to get music out of head.
Couldn't even stand up this morning, was all light-headed, burning up and just dead.
Second Sister says that it must be serious as I never call in even if I am sick. Even Mom was worried.
But I figured Superwoman would take away points if I crashed at the public service desk.
Called Girlscout and she took care of it, then took my temperature and ended up with 100.1 - probably best I called in.
No idea where it came from.
Hope it's not the flu. Then Glee-Loving Boss will give me even more crap about that flu shot thing. I told him I'd rather get the flu than the shot. Probably shot myself in the foot with that.
So it was a lazy day, the only semi-productive things I did all day were open the door for the repairman who came to fix my water heater - I've been living on cold showers, not cool in winter - and talked to my sister-in-law on the phone about a Christmas present thing.
The rest of the day I slept, didn't even turn on the TV until the repair guy got here. Figured it would be awkward if I was sleeping while he was here.
Now I'm up again. Figured I should eat something. Chicken noodle it is. Though I don't have much of an appetite.
And my cat isn't even here to keep me company, he's living it up at the farm. He stayed there since I'm just going back out again this weekend and packing him up and driving him back didn't seem all that appealing since I would just be taking him back again in a few days. Plus he likes it there. As long as he doesn't go outside and have to deal with the gangwar between the North Side and South Side cats.
Anyway, of all the days to be sick, I actually had plans tonight.
Shocking, I know.
But it's true.
I'm headed back to bed after the soup, should be back to at least 90% by tomorrow.
If not I'll probably go anyway.
Coach Otte, our high school assistant basketball coach, used to say "It's all mental."
I used to hate it when he said that.
We all did.
Now I live by it.
I'm a workaholic and love my job. Get used to it.
Alright, a music rec and I'm out.
"So Much to Say" Dave Matthews Band
stuck in my head.
no idea where that came from either.
and now i'm singing jimmy fallon. dangit sarah, i blame you.
must turn on movie or something to get music out of head.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wake me up before you go-go
It was a day for reunions.
A few old friends came to the farmhouse today - my new years crew - and we played a lot of Dance Dance Revolution, watched some Hot In Cleveland, ate some good food, and laughed about old times. It was fun seeing them again.
But now I either really suck at DDR or I need new mats.
I'm gonna go with the second one.
Cause it wasn't a pretty sight.
And even though there was a lot of old things I also learned some new things today as well such as:
-You CAN play Simpson's Road Rage with a DDR mat, I just don't recommend it. It's a little hard to steer when you have to keep your foot on the X button while trying to go left and right with the arrows. See, these are the friends that have literally known me forever so they're used to my forgetfulness. Totally forgot the regular controllers which does't matter for DDR but it does make other games a heck of a lot easier.
-There are a serious amount of episodes on one disc of Hot In Cleveland. I thought there would be like 4 there's actually like 10. Which I should know because it's mine.
-There's a show called "Big Shrimping" on the History Channel cause my dad made me watch before I could leave. It's a lot like Swamp People but it's with shrimp instead of alligators. Not as cool. But I also watched an entire season of Red Green with him this weekend and enjoyed it so not all of his shows are bad.
-Also, NCIS LA isn't so bad. I didn't like it as much as the original so I stopped watching but Deeks is fantastic, I like him so I might start that up again. Just what I need, another show in my lineup. My DVR is full as it is now!
-Carter will jump a barricade to be in the room that I am in. Cause he loves me and he's cute. But he chews on trees and would go all Catzilla! on the snow village so he gets sectioned off when he's upstairs. So he jumped the table blocking the door. He's a mama's boy. And spoiled rotten, though he stayed at the farm cause I'm just going back next weekend.
It was an awesome vacation, a little sad it's over but Christmas is still not past for our family as we're not having ours until the 1st. Huzzah!
And now for some reunion music.
In honor of my Warped friends, yes these are the Denver Warped Tour friends mentioned in multiple posts but mostly here: My Life in Closed Captions: New Shoes, the Cheese Speech, Warped Tour and MXPX... I give you some Gogol Bordello. Cause this song never gets old. We saw them live at Warped and it was so different from every other act, they really are gypsy punks. I really need to upload the pictures. Will work on that over New Years.
"Start Wearing Purple" Gogol Bordello
and now for my other reunion, amusing when you're planning to meet for half an hour and end up talking for 3 hours. this may actually work.
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" Wham
nice short shorts.
A few old friends came to the farmhouse today - my new years crew - and we played a lot of Dance Dance Revolution, watched some Hot In Cleveland, ate some good food, and laughed about old times. It was fun seeing them again.
But now I either really suck at DDR or I need new mats.
I'm gonna go with the second one.
Cause it wasn't a pretty sight.
And even though there was a lot of old things I also learned some new things today as well such as:
-You CAN play Simpson's Road Rage with a DDR mat, I just don't recommend it. It's a little hard to steer when you have to keep your foot on the X button while trying to go left and right with the arrows. See, these are the friends that have literally known me forever so they're used to my forgetfulness. Totally forgot the regular controllers which does't matter for DDR but it does make other games a heck of a lot easier.
-There are a serious amount of episodes on one disc of Hot In Cleveland. I thought there would be like 4 there's actually like 10. Which I should know because it's mine.
-There's a show called "Big Shrimping" on the History Channel cause my dad made me watch before I could leave. It's a lot like Swamp People but it's with shrimp instead of alligators. Not as cool. But I also watched an entire season of Red Green with him this weekend and enjoyed it so not all of his shows are bad.
-Also, NCIS LA isn't so bad. I didn't like it as much as the original so I stopped watching but Deeks is fantastic, I like him so I might start that up again. Just what I need, another show in my lineup. My DVR is full as it is now!
-Carter will jump a barricade to be in the room that I am in. Cause he loves me and he's cute. But he chews on trees and would go all Catzilla! on the snow village so he gets sectioned off when he's upstairs. So he jumped the table blocking the door. He's a mama's boy. And spoiled rotten, though he stayed at the farm cause I'm just going back next weekend.
It was an awesome vacation, a little sad it's over but Christmas is still not past for our family as we're not having ours until the 1st. Huzzah!
And now for some reunion music.
In honor of my Warped friends, yes these are the Denver Warped Tour friends mentioned in multiple posts but mostly here: My Life in Closed Captions: New Shoes, the Cheese Speech, Warped Tour and MXPX... I give you some Gogol Bordello. Cause this song never gets old. We saw them live at Warped and it was so different from every other act, they really are gypsy punks. I really need to upload the pictures. Will work on that over New Years.
"Start Wearing Purple" Gogol Bordello
and now for my other reunion, amusing when you're planning to meet for half an hour and end up talking for 3 hours. this may actually work.
"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" Wham
nice short shorts.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
and a totally insufficient dowry
Alright, the episode count is on.
Mom and I are watching Castle Season Three. How many episodes until she falls asleep in her chair?
So, apparently there's a gang war going on at the farmhouse.
Between the North and the South Cats.
Aka the ones that stay on the North Side of the house on the deck and the South Side ones that sleep in the window wells in the front.
The North Side ones are more vicious so Mom gave the leftovers to the South Side ones. "Here South Cats! Here South Cats!" Gotta give them something, Carter is probably staring them down at the moment - the window wells look straight into the basement where he's living it up.
He was good today, didn't chew on the Christmas trees at all. I was proud. Yeah, why do cats decide to chew on green things? They just throw them up later! I don't get it.
Alright, we're on the second episode and she's still doing sudoku's.
Oh, might have spoke too soon. No wait, she moved. Back to sodoku's.
It was an excellent Christmas. Opened some presents, went to church, ate some good food, played some pitch, watched some more Red Green, took a nap, ate some more good food, now Mom and I are watching Castle.
"And now it's back with a vengeance, course it brought along its friends high maintenance and shopaholic." I love Castle.
Alright, it's that time. Made it down to the last day which means it's time for the best Christmas song of all time.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Twelve
The Twelve Days of Christmas
and since it's the best song ever I'll give you my favorite versions.
Indian 12 Days of Christmas by boymongoose
and a totally insufficient dowry
Mashup version by Straight No Chaser
I blame this new found fascination on Sensei. Thanks for that by the way.
Rock version by Relient K
I jam to this often no matter the season
Redneck Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy
and my personal favorite
Janice Dickinson's modeling version
choose this one, seriously it's fantastic. i love 1:03. that's my favorite.
Okay, but see, the problem with listening to this many versions is trying to remember the actual words.
Whenever I attempt to sing it it comes out a little like this.
12 Pack of Bud
11 Charges pending
10 Minute yoga
9 Years probation
8 Table Dancers
7-11 Workers
6 Cans of Spam
5 Flannel Shirts
4 Italian Suits
3 Former Husbands
2 Giant Breasts
and a totally insufficient dowry.
So now the question is...what is a partridge in a pear tree? And why would you want one?
Also how exactly do an ox and lamb keep time?
Aaannd she's out. Beginning of episode three.
Which means I should go too. Hope you had a good Christmas.
Mom and I are watching Castle Season Three. How many episodes until she falls asleep in her chair?
So, apparently there's a gang war going on at the farmhouse.
Between the North and the South Cats.
Aka the ones that stay on the North Side of the house on the deck and the South Side ones that sleep in the window wells in the front.
The North Side ones are more vicious so Mom gave the leftovers to the South Side ones. "Here South Cats! Here South Cats!" Gotta give them something, Carter is probably staring them down at the moment - the window wells look straight into the basement where he's living it up.
He was good today, didn't chew on the Christmas trees at all. I was proud. Yeah, why do cats decide to chew on green things? They just throw them up later! I don't get it.
Alright, we're on the second episode and she's still doing sudoku's.
Oh, might have spoke too soon. No wait, she moved. Back to sodoku's.
It was an excellent Christmas. Opened some presents, went to church, ate some good food, played some pitch, watched some more Red Green, took a nap, ate some more good food, now Mom and I are watching Castle.
"And now it's back with a vengeance, course it brought along its friends high maintenance and shopaholic." I love Castle.
Alright, it's that time. Made it down to the last day which means it's time for the best Christmas song of all time.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Twelve
The Twelve Days of Christmas
and since it's the best song ever I'll give you my favorite versions.
Indian 12 Days of Christmas by boymongoose
and a totally insufficient dowry
Mashup version by Straight No Chaser
I blame this new found fascination on Sensei. Thanks for that by the way.
Rock version by Relient K
I jam to this often no matter the season
Redneck Christmas by Jeff Foxworthy
and my personal favorite
Janice Dickinson's modeling version
choose this one, seriously it's fantastic. i love 1:03. that's my favorite.
Okay, but see, the problem with listening to this many versions is trying to remember the actual words.
Whenever I attempt to sing it it comes out a little like this.
12 Pack of Bud
11 Charges pending
10 Minute yoga
9 Years probation
8 Table Dancers
7-11 Workers
6 Cans of Spam
5 Flannel Shirts
4 Italian Suits
3 Former Husbands
2 Giant Breasts
and a totally insufficient dowry.
So now the question is...what is a partridge in a pear tree? And why would you want one?
Also how exactly do an ox and lamb keep time?
Aaannd she's out. Beginning of episode three.
Which means I should go too. Hope you had a good Christmas.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Let all within us praise his holy name
Yes, this is late.
My only excuse is that I was up late watching the Red Green Show. Which is not an excuse you should use very often because then people would start to worry.
Though it is quite humorous, he made a backhoe out of an old car, a ladder and a trashcan. And you can't forget the duct-tape, that's the main ingredient in every skit as it's the "handyman's secret weapon".
It's amusing when you've been in so many Christmas programs that you're able to recite the words with the kids. My niece and nephew were pretty impressive. Apparently my nephew came home one night from practice - he's five - and said "The other kids don't know the line so I have to lead them." He's still young enough that they say their big line with a group of kids their age. But my niece said hers by herself, she was the loudest and the most understandable so I was proud.
Some interesting life developments that I'll keep you posted about later. Once I figure out what's going on. Long story.
So, here I sit, on the couch in the Claudia Warehouse 13 shirt, now all I need is the Grinch and some Doris Day music.
For now I'll give you these.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eleven
"Carol of the Bells"
Yes it's a random soundtrack to pimp out, but I love it! Excellent Christmas music, I already told you I was a Home Alone freak so is this really surprising?
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" Judy Garland from the Judy Garland Show
like I said a few weeks ago, she sings it the best but I cry no matter who's singing it.
"O Holy Night" Glee Cast Version
now we get to my favorite sacred Christmas song, tomorrow you'll get my favorite silly one, there's just something about this one that makes me smile.
this version is fantastic, as much as i love the other characters i'm glad it's rachel who sings this one. i often want to punch her character, but then she sings and all the anger just goes away.
Alright, off to church. Have a Merry Christmas!
My only excuse is that I was up late watching the Red Green Show. Which is not an excuse you should use very often because then people would start to worry.
Though it is quite humorous, he made a backhoe out of an old car, a ladder and a trashcan. And you can't forget the duct-tape, that's the main ingredient in every skit as it's the "handyman's secret weapon".
It's amusing when you've been in so many Christmas programs that you're able to recite the words with the kids. My niece and nephew were pretty impressive. Apparently my nephew came home one night from practice - he's five - and said "The other kids don't know the line so I have to lead them." He's still young enough that they say their big line with a group of kids their age. But my niece said hers by herself, she was the loudest and the most understandable so I was proud.
Some interesting life developments that I'll keep you posted about later. Once I figure out what's going on. Long story.
So, here I sit, on the couch in the Claudia Warehouse 13 shirt, now all I need is the Grinch and some Doris Day music.
For now I'll give you these.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eleven
"Carol of the Bells"
Yes it's a random soundtrack to pimp out, but I love it! Excellent Christmas music, I already told you I was a Home Alone freak so is this really surprising?
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" Judy Garland from the Judy Garland Show
like I said a few weeks ago, she sings it the best but I cry no matter who's singing it.
"O Holy Night" Glee Cast Version
now we get to my favorite sacred Christmas song, tomorrow you'll get my favorite silly one, there's just something about this one that makes me smile.
this version is fantastic, as much as i love the other characters i'm glad it's rachel who sings this one. i often want to punch her character, but then she sings and all the anger just goes away.
Alright, off to church. Have a Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 23, 2011
I just want you, Oh darling, I just want you.
Happy Christmas Eve-Eve!
Worked until 4, did more supply rounds, filled out my first request to purchase form, woohoo! Then went over my TAB stuff with my YS mentor, she's great so she walks me through all the steps and answers all my stupid questions.
After work I picked up Grams and we met up with the rest of the family at the hotel for our pitch tournament. I partnered up with my favorite sister-in-law and we actually did pretty decent. We dominated the Bash Brothers in the first round, though they went on to win the tournament but we ended at the middle table. I think we won the most games, or maybe the second most.
It's just all about timing. You have to win at the head table during the last round, so you could completely suck the first few rounds then win three in a row and you'll jump from loser's table to middle table to winner of the high table. Lull people into a false sense of security then smack then down like the hand of god. But Teina and I do none of that lull stuff. She bid 7 our first hand and we made 9.
But we rocked it. About time too, the last time we were partners was Thanksgiving for pinochle and we got owned. It was sad.
We were the classiest so we got pretzel M&M's. Bash Brothers were hot so they got hot tamales, red hots and a gift certificate to Chili's. Oldest Sister and Squirt were cold so they got light up snowpeople.
Second year in a row for Oldest Sister. Though last year she was partnered with Dad.
Brother and Bubby won the Most Obnoxious award.
The surprise of the evening was when Second Sister and her husband ended at the winner's table when this was the first time he actually played pitch with us.
Quote of the night:
"Better books than booze" about our homeless population that visits the library.
So we rocked the night with our cranberry margaritas, ate our pizza, little smokies and peanut butter balls, and laughed a lot.
Cool Aunt rocks for setting this all up. Year Two was a success, looking forward to Year Three.
Okay, where were we?
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten
"Wish List" Neon Trees
yes you know them from "Animal" but this song is fantastic.
it's their own christmas song! that they actually wrote! who writes new christmas music? ever? people just revamp old stuff, so I was excited about this one.
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" Glee Cast Version
Mercedes and Santana rock it. and of course Rachel. Rachel's always fantastic. Even though she's really obnoxious and a lot of time I just want to smack her.
"White Christmas" The Drifters
if you're a Home Alone nut like me you'll recognize this one from the aftershave scene. I love those movies. Well, the good ones.
The first one rocks it's a total classic,
the second one's crap though I do love Tim Curry,
the third one's surprisingly fantastic Alex D Linz pulled it off,
the fourth is crap and that's all I have to say about that. You probably didn't know there WAS a fourth. Don't watch it. It's awful.
"Welcome Christmas" Glee Cast Version
yes there are two glee selections, but no She & Him, so there! I can't help it if their remakes are fantastic.
the whole Christmas album is pretty great, both of them now that the second one is out.
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the classic version no offense jim carrey) is an essential part of Christmas. I watch the movie and read the book. Though I don't need the actual book present as I can recite it without looking.
That and Doris Day. I listen to a lot of her music as well.
But it still doesn't feel like Christmas without the snow. Just an extended weekend. Is this what it feels like every year for people who live in civilizations without snow? like Florida?
Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, woohoo!
Worked until 4, did more supply rounds, filled out my first request to purchase form, woohoo! Then went over my TAB stuff with my YS mentor, she's great so she walks me through all the steps and answers all my stupid questions.
After work I picked up Grams and we met up with the rest of the family at the hotel for our pitch tournament. I partnered up with my favorite sister-in-law and we actually did pretty decent. We dominated the Bash Brothers in the first round, though they went on to win the tournament but we ended at the middle table. I think we won the most games, or maybe the second most.
It's just all about timing. You have to win at the head table during the last round, so you could completely suck the first few rounds then win three in a row and you'll jump from loser's table to middle table to winner of the high table. Lull people into a false sense of security then smack then down like the hand of god. But Teina and I do none of that lull stuff. She bid 7 our first hand and we made 9.
But we rocked it. About time too, the last time we were partners was Thanksgiving for pinochle and we got owned. It was sad.
We were the classiest so we got pretzel M&M's. Bash Brothers were hot so they got hot tamales, red hots and a gift certificate to Chili's. Oldest Sister and Squirt were cold so they got light up snowpeople.
Second year in a row for Oldest Sister. Though last year she was partnered with Dad.
Brother and Bubby won the Most Obnoxious award.
The surprise of the evening was when Second Sister and her husband ended at the winner's table when this was the first time he actually played pitch with us.
Quote of the night:
"Better books than booze" about our homeless population that visits the library.
So we rocked the night with our cranberry margaritas, ate our pizza, little smokies and peanut butter balls, and laughed a lot.
Cool Aunt rocks for setting this all up. Year Two was a success, looking forward to Year Three.
Okay, where were we?
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Ten
"Wish List" Neon Trees
yes you know them from "Animal" but this song is fantastic.
it's their own christmas song! that they actually wrote! who writes new christmas music? ever? people just revamp old stuff, so I was excited about this one.
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" Glee Cast Version
Mercedes and Santana rock it. and of course Rachel. Rachel's always fantastic. Even though she's really obnoxious and a lot of time I just want to smack her.
"White Christmas" The Drifters
if you're a Home Alone nut like me you'll recognize this one from the aftershave scene. I love those movies. Well, the good ones.
The first one rocks it's a total classic,
the second one's crap though I do love Tim Curry,
the third one's surprisingly fantastic Alex D Linz pulled it off,
the fourth is crap and that's all I have to say about that. You probably didn't know there WAS a fourth. Don't watch it. It's awful.
"Welcome Christmas" Glee Cast Version
yes there are two glee selections, but no She & Him, so there! I can't help it if their remakes are fantastic.
the whole Christmas album is pretty great, both of them now that the second one is out.
"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the classic version no offense jim carrey) is an essential part of Christmas. I watch the movie and read the book. Though I don't need the actual book present as I can recite it without looking.
That and Doris Day. I listen to a lot of her music as well.
But it still doesn't feel like Christmas without the snow. Just an extended weekend. Is this what it feels like every year for people who live in civilizations without snow? like Florida?
Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, woohoo!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I'll be home for Christmas, You can count on me.
A semi-normal day at the library.
Sort of.
What's becoming normal anyway.
I was at the desk for a couple hours but it was mostly off-desk projects that took up the majority of my time today. Did my first set of supply rounds today, super exciting.
More of the same tomorrow.
And actually finished going through the YA section, now all that's left is the display area. It's not much of a display, Girlscout says it feels like a waiting room. I'll fix it. Eventually.
It was weird though cause I kept delegating things to Friday.
Oh I'll do that Friday.
And I can wait for that until Friday.
Hey, can you look at that Friday?
Then Second Sister said "okay, tomorrow" and I went, ah crap. Friday's tomorrow.
Not that I didn't know it was Thursday, I did subliminally. It says that in big bold letters on the schedule I stared at on multiple occasions today.
Can't believe it's the Thursday before Christmas.
Does it feel like Christmas to any of you?
Cause it doesn't to me.
Maybe that's cause I'm working more than ever before.
I'm used to weeks off from school and snow on the ground.
Now I'm doing nothing but work and there is not a single flake of snow on the ground.
Now wait, I'll wake up tomorrow to a blizzard and you will all blame me.
I've now realized that I have to take Carter to the farmhouse for Christmas. He will love it, he loves the farmhouse, more specifically the basement.
Seriously weird cat.
Cause no one likes that basement, it's creepy.
I cleaned out the whole thing, painted the walls lime green and blue, made a lounge out of the thing and I still don't like the basement. Though it's still got the paintjob and my awesome Harry Potter and Scooby Doo stickers all over the wall.
But he likes it. There's this giant cabinet thing that my brother covered in radio station stickers - no idea why - that he sits on top of and crawls up into the ceiling. No idea where that leads. Or if I should be worried. Or why there's a hole there in the first place.
I think he also likes it because there are window wells that the outdoor cats sit in. Ha! you're out in the cold and I get to lounge in the heat. I will now stare you down. Yes, look away, look away jealous outdoor cats. Though not as pleasing as when he struts back and forth inside the glass doors while the outdoor cats stare at him in spite. I'm so cool and you're just cold.
He's a punk.
A big fat one.
But he's my punk so I love him.
So does his grandma on occasion.
But never grandpa.
Ironically that's the only person he doesn't bite.
Like I said, weird cat.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Nine
Yes you're getting a lot of them tonight, you can pick and choose.
"Baby It's Cold Outside" Tallulah Bankhead and Jack Carson
"i said i'd stay..."
I cannot pimp this song enough. It's fantastic, hilarious, and completely Tallulah. It just sums up her personality perfectly.
"Silver Bells" Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney
i was going to post She & Him's version of this, but this is just classic.
Besides, then it would have been redundant to post this:
"I'll Be Home For Christmas" She & Him
it's just so simple and clean. that's why i love their christmas album, they don't kill the classics, they just bring them back.
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" Toby Keith
Though Brenda Lee clearly sings it the best - her version is definitely in my top 5 Christmas songs of all time - I haven't posted a lot of Country-fied versions of songs yet. This one is actually not bad.
Aaannd! Here's a bonus one,
Sensei's Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck
"Christmas Can Can" Straight No Chaser
love the mashup, that's fantastic. thanks for the rec.
I keep watching it over and over just for the Jewish rant but mostly 2:17.
Big day tomorrow. Off at 4 to pick up Grams, then it's the pitch party, then gotta pack up my big fat cat and all the rest of my stuff to go jam at the farmhouse for a few days.
It's funny, work makes the day fly by so fast - who can say that and mean it, seriously I love my job - but I was hoping this week would go slower. I don't want Christmas to be over yet!
Sort of.
What's becoming normal anyway.
I was at the desk for a couple hours but it was mostly off-desk projects that took up the majority of my time today. Did my first set of supply rounds today, super exciting.
More of the same tomorrow.
And actually finished going through the YA section, now all that's left is the display area. It's not much of a display, Girlscout says it feels like a waiting room. I'll fix it. Eventually.
It was weird though cause I kept delegating things to Friday.
Oh I'll do that Friday.
And I can wait for that until Friday.
Hey, can you look at that Friday?
Then Second Sister said "okay, tomorrow" and I went, ah crap. Friday's tomorrow.
Not that I didn't know it was Thursday, I did subliminally. It says that in big bold letters on the schedule I stared at on multiple occasions today.
Can't believe it's the Thursday before Christmas.
Does it feel like Christmas to any of you?
Cause it doesn't to me.
Maybe that's cause I'm working more than ever before.
I'm used to weeks off from school and snow on the ground.
Now I'm doing nothing but work and there is not a single flake of snow on the ground.
Now wait, I'll wake up tomorrow to a blizzard and you will all blame me.
I've now realized that I have to take Carter to the farmhouse for Christmas. He will love it, he loves the farmhouse, more specifically the basement.
Seriously weird cat.
Cause no one likes that basement, it's creepy.
I cleaned out the whole thing, painted the walls lime green and blue, made a lounge out of the thing and I still don't like the basement. Though it's still got the paintjob and my awesome Harry Potter and Scooby Doo stickers all over the wall.
But he likes it. There's this giant cabinet thing that my brother covered in radio station stickers - no idea why - that he sits on top of and crawls up into the ceiling. No idea where that leads. Or if I should be worried. Or why there's a hole there in the first place.
I think he also likes it because there are window wells that the outdoor cats sit in. Ha! you're out in the cold and I get to lounge in the heat. I will now stare you down. Yes, look away, look away jealous outdoor cats. Though not as pleasing as when he struts back and forth inside the glass doors while the outdoor cats stare at him in spite. I'm so cool and you're just cold.
He's a punk.
A big fat one.
But he's my punk so I love him.
So does his grandma on occasion.
But never grandpa.
Ironically that's the only person he doesn't bite.
Like I said, weird cat.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Nine
Yes you're getting a lot of them tonight, you can pick and choose.
"Baby It's Cold Outside" Tallulah Bankhead and Jack Carson
"i said i'd stay..."
I cannot pimp this song enough. It's fantastic, hilarious, and completely Tallulah. It just sums up her personality perfectly.
"Silver Bells" Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney
i was going to post She & Him's version of this, but this is just classic.
Besides, then it would have been redundant to post this:
"I'll Be Home For Christmas" She & Him
it's just so simple and clean. that's why i love their christmas album, they don't kill the classics, they just bring them back.
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" Toby Keith
Though Brenda Lee clearly sings it the best - her version is definitely in my top 5 Christmas songs of all time - I haven't posted a lot of Country-fied versions of songs yet. This one is actually not bad.
Aaannd! Here's a bonus one,
Sensei's Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck
"Christmas Can Can" Straight No Chaser
love the mashup, that's fantastic. thanks for the rec.
I keep watching it over and over just for the Jewish rant but mostly 2:17.
Big day tomorrow. Off at 4 to pick up Grams, then it's the pitch party, then gotta pack up my big fat cat and all the rest of my stuff to go jam at the farmhouse for a few days.
It's funny, work makes the day fly by so fast - who can say that and mean it, seriously I love my job - but I was hoping this week would go slower. I don't want Christmas to be over yet!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas time is here, Happiness and cheer
I gave my big fat cat one of his catnip presents early. He's chasing it around the apartment as we speak. Glad he can be entertained by some fabric. Totally exciting.
So, today, was crazy surreal. I was not at the desk all day. I know, right?! I worked on my YA Project and Supplies stuff for the most of the day, and actually made progress. My problem, at the moment, is that I went through the whole YA section and changed all the statuses so they say they're in the YA area, however, some of them still say they're on display while the other half don't. And none of them were on display, I pulled them from the stacks. So, I got the joy and pleasure of going back through them all again. Dylan helped for a while, she rocks. I started at A while she worked back from Z, all I have left tomorrow is Mac-Peters. Awesome. Plus supplies stuff, now that my awesome mentor in supplies has left.
Retirement party for him was today, there was a serious amount of food in the breakroom. It could probably feed a family of 4 for about a week. I am sad that he is leaving, he was always fun to work with. Entertaining and fun to talk to. Plus he always made sure to make sure I was okay with all the supplies stuff, showing me where to find everything and how to place orders for things. I'll be missing that next week when we mysteriously run out of an item and I go flailing up to 3rd floor in an attempt to find some.
After the joy that is work I met up with the Cool Aunt for sushi. She proves yet again why she's so cool by giving me the leftovers. So I'll be eating those probably around 2AM tonight. Yes, small children sleep more than I do, get over it.
We talked about Tokyo Red as a hair color, library stuff, and the awesomeness that will be the family Christmas party on Friday. I'm picking up Grams and bringing her and we're gonna play pitch, drink margaritas, give out gag gifts - I found that freaking dancing baby and I know who I'm giving it to! - and just jam out with the family. I'm stoked.
Alright, as exhausting as today was I'm sure tomorrow will be double that. Lots of people coming in to get stuff before the weekend. We're closed 24-26, I'm stoked for that many days off in a row! Plus the 1-2 of January, and I'm not scheduled on the 31st so add those to the list as well. Awesome! But, then our next break isn't until like February for President's Day so I'm taking these days and running with them.
and there will be much rejoicing.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eight
"Blue Christmas" Elvis Presley and Martina McBride
oh yeah, it's the both of them. live. just, different performances melded so well together that it looks like they're physically in the same place and singing.
it's fantastic. a lot of people actually thought it was real, i would have too, but the fact that he died in 77 and she wasn't born until 66 made me think, hmm, someone really has a lot of time on their hands.
it's like when they paired her up with Dean Martin on Baby It's Cold Outside. That actually got released on itunes.
"The Christmas Song" She and Him
a chick came in today and called it the "chesnuts roasting on an open fire" song.
i love that it's THE Christmas Song, not just A Christmas Song. But I guess that's how people remember it.
i love their style, Zooey's voice is totally zen with this one. and yes i realize that pretty much every post so far has something from them, but that's just because their christmas album rocks, look into it!
"Christmas Time is Here" Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown has been one of my favorites ever since Junior year of high school when we did "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" for our drama production. I was Peppermint Patty, red hair included. I think that was probably the most fun I had in high school ever. Joking around backstage, doing the Macarena to the Kite Song, stealing Mak's gum and putting it in Stuart's Valentine card, that he opened on stage and had to keep a straight face. Came backstage after that scene and whispered, "who put gum in my valentine?!" That was awesome. We always threw in a bunch of random stuff during the Sunday performance. Lot of improv on those ones.
HA! I found them. Well, some of them anyway. Though a lot of them are on Facebook.
Oh god, just found more that aren't on Facebook. Makeup central, don't get your hopes up, I'm skipping those.
Though there are plenty in the Arsenic and Old Lace album since I was the minister's daughter and she wore nothing but dresses and silver high heels. I had to sit on the windowseat box for 8 pages re-applying my makeup. That was fun. Didn't know there was a dead guy in the box at the time.
I'll post those pictures later, stick with these for now.

this was right before Josh and I walked off, we had to make conversation on the way out and all I could think of at the time was "And how old was Beethoven when you killed him?"

Glee Club Rehearsal scene, my favorite in the whole play. "What's an enigma?" this is us trying to keep a straight face, as we lost it so many times in practice.

the baseball game, charlie brown strikes out.

the doctor is in. Katie rocked it as Lucy.

mark and me after a performance, can't believe that was all the way back in like '05
he gave Second Sister Linus' blanket as a peace offering, but that was only after she threatened his manhood on the dance floor at her wedding. but that's kind of a long story.
I got to hunt rabbits, jump rope, blow giant bubbles with my bubble gum, answer questions in a Dear Abby format, pledge allegiance with liver and onions for all - wrote that myself, playing air baseball and fake throwing it around the stage, dying our hair at Mak's house, buying velcro shoes for Linus, the fun goes on. Best play ever. Seriously.
See, this is why I loved high school and hated college. Maybe if I was more involved in college stuff that would have been different. In high school it was drama productions, One Act stuff, choir tours, basketball manager, yearbook, newspaper editor, in college I did nothing. Just homework.
That was enough really, with the mass amount of reading that comes with being an English Major and taking 4 lit classes at once, there's not a lot of time for anything else.
although it's been said many times, many ways, merry christmas to you.
So, today, was crazy surreal. I was not at the desk all day. I know, right?! I worked on my YA Project and Supplies stuff for the most of the day, and actually made progress. My problem, at the moment, is that I went through the whole YA section and changed all the statuses so they say they're in the YA area, however, some of them still say they're on display while the other half don't. And none of them were on display, I pulled them from the stacks. So, I got the joy and pleasure of going back through them all again. Dylan helped for a while, she rocks. I started at A while she worked back from Z, all I have left tomorrow is Mac-Peters. Awesome. Plus supplies stuff, now that my awesome mentor in supplies has left.
Retirement party for him was today, there was a serious amount of food in the breakroom. It could probably feed a family of 4 for about a week. I am sad that he is leaving, he was always fun to work with. Entertaining and fun to talk to. Plus he always made sure to make sure I was okay with all the supplies stuff, showing me where to find everything and how to place orders for things. I'll be missing that next week when we mysteriously run out of an item and I go flailing up to 3rd floor in an attempt to find some.
After the joy that is work I met up with the Cool Aunt for sushi. She proves yet again why she's so cool by giving me the leftovers. So I'll be eating those probably around 2AM tonight. Yes, small children sleep more than I do, get over it.
We talked about Tokyo Red as a hair color, library stuff, and the awesomeness that will be the family Christmas party on Friday. I'm picking up Grams and bringing her and we're gonna play pitch, drink margaritas, give out gag gifts - I found that freaking dancing baby and I know who I'm giving it to! - and just jam out with the family. I'm stoked.
Alright, as exhausting as today was I'm sure tomorrow will be double that. Lots of people coming in to get stuff before the weekend. We're closed 24-26, I'm stoked for that many days off in a row! Plus the 1-2 of January, and I'm not scheduled on the 31st so add those to the list as well. Awesome! But, then our next break isn't until like February for President's Day so I'm taking these days and running with them.
and there will be much rejoicing.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Eight
"Blue Christmas" Elvis Presley and Martina McBride
oh yeah, it's the both of them. live. just, different performances melded so well together that it looks like they're physically in the same place and singing.
it's fantastic. a lot of people actually thought it was real, i would have too, but the fact that he died in 77 and she wasn't born until 66 made me think, hmm, someone really has a lot of time on their hands.
it's like when they paired her up with Dean Martin on Baby It's Cold Outside. That actually got released on itunes.
"The Christmas Song" She and Him
a chick came in today and called it the "chesnuts roasting on an open fire" song.
i love that it's THE Christmas Song, not just A Christmas Song. But I guess that's how people remember it.
i love their style, Zooey's voice is totally zen with this one. and yes i realize that pretty much every post so far has something from them, but that's just because their christmas album rocks, look into it!
"Christmas Time is Here" Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown has been one of my favorites ever since Junior year of high school when we did "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" for our drama production. I was Peppermint Patty, red hair included. I think that was probably the most fun I had in high school ever. Joking around backstage, doing the Macarena to the Kite Song, stealing Mak's gum and putting it in Stuart's Valentine card, that he opened on stage and had to keep a straight face. Came backstage after that scene and whispered, "who put gum in my valentine?!" That was awesome. We always threw in a bunch of random stuff during the Sunday performance. Lot of improv on those ones.
HA! I found them. Well, some of them anyway. Though a lot of them are on Facebook.
Oh god, just found more that aren't on Facebook. Makeup central, don't get your hopes up, I'm skipping those.
Though there are plenty in the Arsenic and Old Lace album since I was the minister's daughter and she wore nothing but dresses and silver high heels. I had to sit on the windowseat box for 8 pages re-applying my makeup. That was fun. Didn't know there was a dead guy in the box at the time.
I'll post those pictures later, stick with these for now.

this was right before Josh and I walked off, we had to make conversation on the way out and all I could think of at the time was "And how old was Beethoven when you killed him?"

Glee Club Rehearsal scene, my favorite in the whole play. "What's an enigma?" this is us trying to keep a straight face, as we lost it so many times in practice.

the baseball game, charlie brown strikes out.

the doctor is in. Katie rocked it as Lucy.

mark and me after a performance, can't believe that was all the way back in like '05
he gave Second Sister Linus' blanket as a peace offering, but that was only after she threatened his manhood on the dance floor at her wedding. but that's kind of a long story.
I got to hunt rabbits, jump rope, blow giant bubbles with my bubble gum, answer questions in a Dear Abby format, pledge allegiance with liver and onions for all - wrote that myself, playing air baseball and fake throwing it around the stage, dying our hair at Mak's house, buying velcro shoes for Linus, the fun goes on. Best play ever. Seriously.
See, this is why I loved high school and hated college. Maybe if I was more involved in college stuff that would have been different. In high school it was drama productions, One Act stuff, choir tours, basketball manager, yearbook, newspaper editor, in college I did nothing. Just homework.
That was enough really, with the mass amount of reading that comes with being an English Major and taking 4 lit classes at once, there's not a lot of time for anything else.
although it's been said many times, many ways, merry christmas to you.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Dashing through the melted snow, in some untied tennis shoes
YES! My shoes are untied!
And I'm AWARE of it!
You don't have to tell me this, I'm aware that they are untied because they've been untied ALL DAY!
Because everytime I tie them they just come loose again anyway! So I've just stopped tying them!
The number of people letting me know about this has become exponential. At first it was amusing, up to 8 people in one hour - but I work public service and am constantly walking all over the floor, stocking the displays and helping people find things - now it's like, I'm aware but I still say,
"ah man, should really work on that." Cause I'm tired of saying
"woops, i'll fix those."
Mom actually called me out on it at the home library a few weeks ago. She showed up and they weren't tied, she said she wasn't surprised cause they were never tied when I was little either. Some things never change. I trip over things whether my shoes are tied or not. So what's the point in tying them if they're just going to become untied 2 minutes later and I have re-ty them again? Plus, that whole double-knot thing? Too obnoxious to get untied when I actually need them to be untied.
Totally bummed, it was my last official day, well night, at the home library. I won't be scheduled there unless either someone calls in sick, or Superwoman decides they need an extra night person. Which was what I was doing before, but now people are hired and all that stuff has been sorted out. Sad day. Not sad that they have new people, that's good, but sad that I won't get to spend my Tuesday nights there, jamming out with Joe Studley. But I'll still visit. Especially once the QofA comes back, which should be some time in January. Plus I gotta stop in to see Space Cadet and talk about all her new technology, I'm so proud. But Glee-Loving Boss can continue to give me crap about flu shots, because I will now see him since I'm in Youth Services and all that jazz.
It's a whole different place there anyway, since Sensei is gone, and QofA is on leave. Plus I never see Space Cadet since we're never scheduled together and I only catch glimpses of Glee-Loving Boss. So it was basically just me and Joe Studley, though I did run into the Awesome Temp when she left and I got there. The new shelver is fantastic. She's also an Aide at the work library so it's cool to get to talk to her about home library stuff. I think she's got it all figured out, they're all caught up so I'm talking to her about projects and stuff I did when there was nothing to shelve.
Otherwise, I was totally productive today. Got all the way through the supply cabinet in the workroom, which sounds like it's a small thing, but it took over an hour and a half to just to sort through and list everything that was on 3 shelves. After that it was lab desk supplies and second floor desk as well. All that's left is all of first floor... basically the supply desk in the backroom, the public service desks, youth services, the basement, and then everywhere where this is a printer or copier or supplies for a printer or copier. But I have tomorrow and Thursday for that.
Aside from that I wrote out my Christmas letters, I just need to send them, then ordered my textbook for class in January and some cool t-shirts plus Second Sister's Christmas present - I'm actually excited about that one. Not that I'm not excited about my other presents, it's just this one has a whole story behind it. I'll post more about it after she's opened it.
Alright, on to the rec's of the night.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Seven
"Jingle Bells" Glee Cast version
love the changeup on this one.
or you could listen to this version:
"Jingle Bombs" Achmed the Dead Terrorist - Jeff Dunham
"and then my favorites SILENCE! night."
okay, in order to understand that you should probably watch this: Achmed the Dead Terrorist If you haven't already.
and if you like that there's a new one where you meet his son AJ Achmed and AJ I especially like when his feet get messed up and they make Guitar Guy come fix them.
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland" Dean Martin
he's a classic.
alright, out for the night. long day tomorrow. hard to believe it's already the 20th, christmas will soon be upon us. i'm actually glad we're not having our family christmas until the 1st, it's like christmas won't be over right away after the 25th. it's cool to have it extended.
And I'm AWARE of it!
You don't have to tell me this, I'm aware that they are untied because they've been untied ALL DAY!
Because everytime I tie them they just come loose again anyway! So I've just stopped tying them!
The number of people letting me know about this has become exponential. At first it was amusing, up to 8 people in one hour - but I work public service and am constantly walking all over the floor, stocking the displays and helping people find things - now it's like, I'm aware but I still say,
"ah man, should really work on that." Cause I'm tired of saying
"woops, i'll fix those."
Mom actually called me out on it at the home library a few weeks ago. She showed up and they weren't tied, she said she wasn't surprised cause they were never tied when I was little either. Some things never change. I trip over things whether my shoes are tied or not. So what's the point in tying them if they're just going to become untied 2 minutes later and I have re-ty them again? Plus, that whole double-knot thing? Too obnoxious to get untied when I actually need them to be untied.
Totally bummed, it was my last official day, well night, at the home library. I won't be scheduled there unless either someone calls in sick, or Superwoman decides they need an extra night person. Which was what I was doing before, but now people are hired and all that stuff has been sorted out. Sad day. Not sad that they have new people, that's good, but sad that I won't get to spend my Tuesday nights there, jamming out with Joe Studley. But I'll still visit. Especially once the QofA comes back, which should be some time in January. Plus I gotta stop in to see Space Cadet and talk about all her new technology, I'm so proud. But Glee-Loving Boss can continue to give me crap about flu shots, because I will now see him since I'm in Youth Services and all that jazz.
It's a whole different place there anyway, since Sensei is gone, and QofA is on leave. Plus I never see Space Cadet since we're never scheduled together and I only catch glimpses of Glee-Loving Boss. So it was basically just me and Joe Studley, though I did run into the Awesome Temp when she left and I got there. The new shelver is fantastic. She's also an Aide at the work library so it's cool to get to talk to her about home library stuff. I think she's got it all figured out, they're all caught up so I'm talking to her about projects and stuff I did when there was nothing to shelve.
Otherwise, I was totally productive today. Got all the way through the supply cabinet in the workroom, which sounds like it's a small thing, but it took over an hour and a half to just to sort through and list everything that was on 3 shelves. After that it was lab desk supplies and second floor desk as well. All that's left is all of first floor... basically the supply desk in the backroom, the public service desks, youth services, the basement, and then everywhere where this is a printer or copier or supplies for a printer or copier. But I have tomorrow and Thursday for that.
Aside from that I wrote out my Christmas letters, I just need to send them, then ordered my textbook for class in January and some cool t-shirts plus Second Sister's Christmas present - I'm actually excited about that one. Not that I'm not excited about my other presents, it's just this one has a whole story behind it. I'll post more about it after she's opened it.
Alright, on to the rec's of the night.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Seven
"Jingle Bells" Glee Cast version
love the changeup on this one.
or you could listen to this version:
"Jingle Bombs" Achmed the Dead Terrorist - Jeff Dunham
"and then my favorites SILENCE! night."
okay, in order to understand that you should probably watch this: Achmed the Dead Terrorist If you haven't already.
and if you like that there's a new one where you meet his son AJ Achmed and AJ I especially like when his feet get messed up and they make Guitar Guy come fix them.
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland" Dean Martin
he's a classic.
alright, out for the night. long day tomorrow. hard to believe it's already the 20th, christmas will soon be upon us. i'm actually glad we're not having our family christmas until the 1st, it's like christmas won't be over right away after the 25th. it's cool to have it extended.
achmed the dead terrorist,
christmas music,
dean martin,
home library,
jingle bells,
jingle bombs,
joe studley,
space cadet,
walking in a winter wonderland
Monday, December 19, 2011
Troll the ancient yuletide, Carol!
Alright, so it's official.
Library Fever has spread even farther in our family.
Squirt is officially a volunteer at the work branch.
It was amusing because when I asked people if they had met her they commented on the red highlights. Yes, I take full credit for those. Especially since Oldest Sister blames them on me.
I can't help it if I'm just that awesome that people want to be like me.
She has inherited a lot from me though, besides the red hair. She's got the snark, the blog, and the tom-boyishness (from time to time when she's not wearing spandex to play volleyball or screaming about snakes in the grass while playing soccer), and now she's got the library.
Could be a foot in the door kind of thing. If she likes it maybe she'd want to be an Aide. But that's far far in the future.
No one believes it when I tell them she's only 14. She's taller than me. She's also not allowed to stand next to me in pictures. Cause I feel short. Though I still call her Squirt. It's catching on, Slim Shady did as well.
But she's excited about her nametag - of all things - and she seemed to do pretty well with shelf-reading, so who knows.
I've got people watching out for her, favorite patron included. He was excited to meet her. I'm scared they will bond and swap stories. Maybe this was a bad idea.
All in all it was a fantastic day. Made a lot of progress on both ongoing projects aka YA section and supplies list. Though it took me half an hour just to list everything sitting on two shelves of one cabinet. And that's just one cabinet. This is gonna take forever. I'm making a spreadsheet, I figured that was the easiest way to figure out what we have and what we need. Plus I can send it out so others will know where to find things.
Aside from all that I hung out at Oldest Sister's house for a while, ate with them and then came back here to write. AND IT WORKED! I've been writing for almost two hours straight now. This whole apartment story is taking shape. No idea what I'll do with it when it's done, well, if it gets done. There's still a lot to do. Out of the 10 tenants all the stories have been started, but there is like one that's finished. And that's not even finished finished, it's just slightly finished. Cause it's at the end of a scene. So I could end it there, but people would kill me. They already attempted it in college when they wanted to know what happened next. Yes, I'm pilfering my college stuff. But only the good ones. It's amusing with the change of scenery to be thrown in since the apartment complex is in LA. Brings a whole new element to all of them.
Okay, so far I've got
Apartment 1: The Exotic Dancers Next Door, I blame this idea completely on a night out watching a friend's band with Superwoman, the awesomeness that is Barb and Slim Shady in which there literally were exotic dancers next door.
2: Sketch and Edit, which I have plenty of. Though I feel like I should reformat them so they'll fit in with the rest of the story. But then I can't cause they wouldn't be Sketch and Edit.
Though I really don't need to since each story is different in formatting, person, tense, and all that jazz. The only reason I'm tying them all together in the first place is because I'm making them all live in the same apartment building that gets mentioned at least once in each story and then I'll bring them together in the end when I either decide to burn down the building from the kid in apartment 7's mad science experiment, or when the tenants in 4 and 8 get married. But I'm still deciding on the end. Like I said, work in progress.
3: Kris's awkward 4th of July experience entitled "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave", this is the one from college everyone wants me to add to. But it's hard as I like it the way it is. So did the prof, she said read the whole thing through because she was so into it, then had to go back and make comments.
4: Is a chick in love with the dude in apartment 8. They have their own balcony scene, it's a comedy go with it.
5: This is Lindsay, she breaks up a wedding, confusion ensues.
6: Jake lives here, he moved here from a rural town after, well, okay the only clue I'm giving you with this story is that it's entitled "One Headlight" turn on some Wallflowers and you'll figure it out. It's the only one of them so far that's completely emotional and not funny at all.
7: The insane teenager living with his mom. The first scene takes place at the shrink's office after he punched the lights out of the school bully.
8: The landscaper by day, waiter by night who has bad luck in love until he meets the upstairs neighbor in apartment 4. Balcony scene included.
9: Is Jax. He's an assassin. This is the sole story that's actually finished. And that's only because I can absolutely not add anything more to it's ending. If I do it will screw over the entire story. Inspiration for that one came after I got smashed by an idiot at an intersection, which is funny because the car crash scene is just a mere page compared to the rest of it. Anyway, so there was that but I also got it from a story we read in college about an office building, each person there had their own story - sound familiar? almost like an apartment complex, hmm - one of them was a serial killer. Everyone knew but he didn't kill any of them so they didn't care. Jax is a bit more discreet about it so they're not aware.
10: Thomas Family. Mom, Dad, Teenage Girl, Tween Boy. Teenage girl has a thing for a library boy. That's as far as I've gotten. But at least it's written down!
So yes, they're completely different stories about completely different people in completely different writing styles, and maybe it's a completely stupid idea but I'm up for the challenge. and it keeps me entertained.
But it's ongoing, so I'll keep you posted.
Alright, music rec's of the night, let's see. We went with sacred yesterday so let's throw in some silly. I live my life behind the tab. Sorry, obscure camp reference, I get those daily.
Speaking of obscure references, I quoted Caddyshack today and pretty sure no one had any idea what I was talking about.
Superwoman said I should help out with the TAB program at one of the branches in January and I said, "Oh, Das all I need! Tanks for nuthin' Danny Noonan!" and got nothing.
Not surprising, there's a lot of quotes that float around in my head throughout the day, I'm sure half of them are obscure enough to only be recognized by hard-core fans of either Friends, Charmed, or Just Shoot Me.
Moving on.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Six
"Sleigh Ride" She and Him
i cannot pimp this album any more, it's fantastic, buy it! or check it out! somewhere! this is one of the few songs in which he actually does vocals. and i'm not talking few on this album, i mean few period. it's usually just Zooey, which is fine as and she is fantastic, but it's cool to hear his voice as well.
"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"
classic movie is the best, no offense to jim carrey, who's also fantastic but not as fantastic as boris karloff. i watch it every christmas and read the book, though i have them both memorized.
oh my god, just saw this and loved it. You're a Mean One, Emperor Palpatine and the dark side really does wonders for your complexion.
"Jingle Bell Rock" Brenda Lee
while Bobby Helms version is good as well, I like this one better. or i could have posted the Mean Girls version, but that just makes me laugh.
"Deck the Rooftop" Glee Cast
so, if you were ever in a dire place in life when you couldn't choose between "up on the housetop" and "deck the halls" you could simply turn on this mashup.
Library Fever has spread even farther in our family.
Squirt is officially a volunteer at the work branch.
It was amusing because when I asked people if they had met her they commented on the red highlights. Yes, I take full credit for those. Especially since Oldest Sister blames them on me.
I can't help it if I'm just that awesome that people want to be like me.
She has inherited a lot from me though, besides the red hair. She's got the snark, the blog, and the tom-boyishness (from time to time when she's not wearing spandex to play volleyball or screaming about snakes in the grass while playing soccer), and now she's got the library.
Could be a foot in the door kind of thing. If she likes it maybe she'd want to be an Aide. But that's far far in the future.
No one believes it when I tell them she's only 14. She's taller than me. She's also not allowed to stand next to me in pictures. Cause I feel short. Though I still call her Squirt. It's catching on, Slim Shady did as well.
But she's excited about her nametag - of all things - and she seemed to do pretty well with shelf-reading, so who knows.
I've got people watching out for her, favorite patron included. He was excited to meet her. I'm scared they will bond and swap stories. Maybe this was a bad idea.
All in all it was a fantastic day. Made a lot of progress on both ongoing projects aka YA section and supplies list. Though it took me half an hour just to list everything sitting on two shelves of one cabinet. And that's just one cabinet. This is gonna take forever. I'm making a spreadsheet, I figured that was the easiest way to figure out what we have and what we need. Plus I can send it out so others will know where to find things.
Aside from all that I hung out at Oldest Sister's house for a while, ate with them and then came back here to write. AND IT WORKED! I've been writing for almost two hours straight now. This whole apartment story is taking shape. No idea what I'll do with it when it's done, well, if it gets done. There's still a lot to do. Out of the 10 tenants all the stories have been started, but there is like one that's finished. And that's not even finished finished, it's just slightly finished. Cause it's at the end of a scene. So I could end it there, but people would kill me. They already attempted it in college when they wanted to know what happened next. Yes, I'm pilfering my college stuff. But only the good ones. It's amusing with the change of scenery to be thrown in since the apartment complex is in LA. Brings a whole new element to all of them.
Okay, so far I've got
Apartment 1: The Exotic Dancers Next Door, I blame this idea completely on a night out watching a friend's band with Superwoman, the awesomeness that is Barb and Slim Shady in which there literally were exotic dancers next door.
2: Sketch and Edit, which I have plenty of. Though I feel like I should reformat them so they'll fit in with the rest of the story. But then I can't cause they wouldn't be Sketch and Edit.
Though I really don't need to since each story is different in formatting, person, tense, and all that jazz. The only reason I'm tying them all together in the first place is because I'm making them all live in the same apartment building that gets mentioned at least once in each story and then I'll bring them together in the end when I either decide to burn down the building from the kid in apartment 7's mad science experiment, or when the tenants in 4 and 8 get married. But I'm still deciding on the end. Like I said, work in progress.
3: Kris's awkward 4th of July experience entitled "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave", this is the one from college everyone wants me to add to. But it's hard as I like it the way it is. So did the prof, she said read the whole thing through because she was so into it, then had to go back and make comments.
4: Is a chick in love with the dude in apartment 8. They have their own balcony scene, it's a comedy go with it.
5: This is Lindsay, she breaks up a wedding, confusion ensues.
6: Jake lives here, he moved here from a rural town after, well, okay the only clue I'm giving you with this story is that it's entitled "One Headlight" turn on some Wallflowers and you'll figure it out. It's the only one of them so far that's completely emotional and not funny at all.
7: The insane teenager living with his mom. The first scene takes place at the shrink's office after he punched the lights out of the school bully.
8: The landscaper by day, waiter by night who has bad luck in love until he meets the upstairs neighbor in apartment 4. Balcony scene included.
9: Is Jax. He's an assassin. This is the sole story that's actually finished. And that's only because I can absolutely not add anything more to it's ending. If I do it will screw over the entire story. Inspiration for that one came after I got smashed by an idiot at an intersection, which is funny because the car crash scene is just a mere page compared to the rest of it. Anyway, so there was that but I also got it from a story we read in college about an office building, each person there had their own story - sound familiar? almost like an apartment complex, hmm - one of them was a serial killer. Everyone knew but he didn't kill any of them so they didn't care. Jax is a bit more discreet about it so they're not aware.
10: Thomas Family. Mom, Dad, Teenage Girl, Tween Boy. Teenage girl has a thing for a library boy. That's as far as I've gotten. But at least it's written down!
So yes, they're completely different stories about completely different people in completely different writing styles, and maybe it's a completely stupid idea but I'm up for the challenge. and it keeps me entertained.
But it's ongoing, so I'll keep you posted.
Alright, music rec's of the night, let's see. We went with sacred yesterday so let's throw in some silly. I live my life behind the tab. Sorry, obscure camp reference, I get those daily.
Speaking of obscure references, I quoted Caddyshack today and pretty sure no one had any idea what I was talking about.
Superwoman said I should help out with the TAB program at one of the branches in January and I said, "Oh, Das all I need! Tanks for nuthin' Danny Noonan!" and got nothing.
Not surprising, there's a lot of quotes that float around in my head throughout the day, I'm sure half of them are obscure enough to only be recognized by hard-core fans of either Friends, Charmed, or Just Shoot Me.
Moving on.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Six
"Sleigh Ride" She and Him
i cannot pimp this album any more, it's fantastic, buy it! or check it out! somewhere! this is one of the few songs in which he actually does vocals. and i'm not talking few on this album, i mean few period. it's usually just Zooey, which is fine as and she is fantastic, but it's cool to hear his voice as well.
"You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"
classic movie is the best, no offense to jim carrey, who's also fantastic but not as fantastic as boris karloff. i watch it every christmas and read the book, though i have them both memorized.
oh my god, just saw this and loved it. You're a Mean One, Emperor Palpatine and the dark side really does wonders for your complexion.
"Jingle Bell Rock" Brenda Lee
while Bobby Helms version is good as well, I like this one better. or i could have posted the Mean Girls version, but that just makes me laugh.
"Deck the Rooftop" Glee Cast
so, if you were ever in a dire place in life when you couldn't choose between "up on the housetop" and "deck the halls" you could simply turn on this mashup.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Battle of the Blogs, Gypsy Caroling, Fat Cats, Whom Shepherds Guard and Angels Sing
It seems that some people have decided to use their blogs for evil.
To which I feel I should retaliate.
But then they take me out for steak and back to their place to watch Sherlock Holmes, and it's making me have to think really hard about something mean to say back.
The time that...
You know what?
You are full of crap.
Love Mom.
Take that!
Geez, I tell them I find someone I'm actually legitimately interested in and suddenly my clothes are being banned to Narnia.
That's a closet.
But you're literate, so you knew that.
If you weren't you wouldn't be here, reading a librarian's blog.
Or, sorry, Library Service Associate's blog.
Although I still refer to myself as an LA2. Cause I like that better than LSA. LA2 sounds cool, LSA sounds like a service announcement. Though I guess I am a bit of a walking billboard for the library so it's okay.
What was I saying?
Oh yeah, so they take issue with my tearaways and sport shorts.
It's not like I wear them to work.
Or that I'd wear them on a date.
Unless we were playing softball or something that actually required them.
I did wear them this weekend, that was exciting.
Fine, bash on them all you want.
But leave my backwards hat out of it.
That's the one thing that will last forever.
Aside from all that joy, today was crazy mass hysteria. Church in the morning then practice. Yeah, we practiced at 1 - for the first time - sang at 2 - I left at 3:30 to make it for Squirt and Bubby's program at 5:00, then headed out for steak, and went over there to watch Sherlock Holmes and jam out on their couch. Cause it's comfy. and they have a dumb-as-a-post cat that snuggles with you.
She's about half the size of Carter.
And that's only cause she has lots of hair. Take that away and you have maybe a quarter of my big fat cat.
He could squish her.
But we used to say that about her other cat as well. That she would squish people. Then Second Sister got a fatter cat and that became the squisher. Now mine is the fattest, and therefore the one that will dominate. Plus he bites. He could take 'em down. He's got it going on.
I'm sorry, but the fact that Squirt said that same thing at the restaurant while completely missing the former conversation highly amuses me. She's just too smart.
So yes, Gypsy Caroling today. The Gypsy nickname and tradition started a few years ago when we were singing for family day at Heritage. Gypsy Leader had her guitar and we basically went around the building singing camp songs. This year we were stationary. It was awesome, our usual gang of course. We sang a lot of twisted carols - they were twisted cause they were carols, but had other verses being sang over the top of them as harmony. It was amusing, especially "Are you going to Bethlehemtown?" I can never keep a straight face for that one. Or "Happy Winter" which was actually just Frosty the Snowman, but had added verses.
We couldn't make it, we literally couldn't get all the way through it during practice cause we were laughing so our Gypsy Leader was basically like,
Okay, just sing Frosty. Skip the rest.
We said we'd throw in a few "Happy Winter!"s just to throw her off while she played. Didn't miss a beat.
After that it was driving back here to watch Squirt and Bubby. Bubby rocked it on the piano. It was funny cause he played two songs and you could tell he liked the second one better just cause he played it a lot faster and louder than the first one. He rocked it seriously. I made a lot of silly faces at Squirt - we couldn't even get Bubby to look at us! But I figured the faces were payback for when their parents made faces at me.
See, I'm the baby.
So, like in a certain person's blog, the older siblings feel a responsibility to tease me. It's only natural, right?
This includes events like a Christmas Eve service in which they sit in the back and wave at me when I'm in the front. And make faces. When I'm trying to be all serious. Yeah, didn't work out so well for me. Though Squirt did make it through the service without cracking up too obviously despite the attempts of both myself and the awesomeness that is Megan.
I learned - especially when I did One Act and Drama productions - that if you pick a spot in the back and focus on it you won't notice the funny faces and gestures they're aiming in your direction.
After the program was steak at a fancy place down the road. Bubby can only eat salad when it's drenched in Ranch so that was amusing.
We talked random things, library stuff, ballet and the concept of a Three-Three as opposed to a TuTu.
Though whenever I hear anything about ballet I immediately jump to a camp conversation I had with my D...R partner in which I corrected a pronunciation and he came back with "I don't freaking know ballet!!" That was the same year he claimed I shot him during a prayer. But I didn't. It was BETWEEN prayers! And it was just a tiny water pistol. He had one too. It was war.
Alright, on to the Rec's.
Figured I'd give you a few we sang today.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Five
"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" Sarah McLachlan live
fantastic version, but I love all her music. it's very zen. helps on a bad day.
"Silent Night" Aly & AJ
simple and classic.
we didn't sing this next one, but it was on the list.
"What Child Is This" Charlotte Church
say what you will, this chick is impressive. She's 25 now, but this was like '07. Props man, props.
and this song - not essentially this version - but this song is probably my second favorite of the sacred Xmas songs. Only losing to O Holy Night, but we'll get there. And that's only the sacred ones. I've got a bunch of goofy ones as well. Well, one in particular. Which, if you know me, or if you read the blog last year around Xmas I'm sure you know to what song I'm referring. and if not you'll figure it out.
To which I feel I should retaliate.
But then they take me out for steak and back to their place to watch Sherlock Holmes, and it's making me have to think really hard about something mean to say back.
The time that...
You know what?
You are full of crap.
Love Mom.
Take that!
Geez, I tell them I find someone I'm actually legitimately interested in and suddenly my clothes are being banned to Narnia.
That's a closet.
But you're literate, so you knew that.
If you weren't you wouldn't be here, reading a librarian's blog.
Or, sorry, Library Service Associate's blog.
Although I still refer to myself as an LA2. Cause I like that better than LSA. LA2 sounds cool, LSA sounds like a service announcement. Though I guess I am a bit of a walking billboard for the library so it's okay.
What was I saying?
Oh yeah, so they take issue with my tearaways and sport shorts.
It's not like I wear them to work.
Or that I'd wear them on a date.
Unless we were playing softball or something that actually required them.
I did wear them this weekend, that was exciting.
Fine, bash on them all you want.
But leave my backwards hat out of it.
That's the one thing that will last forever.
Aside from all that joy, today was crazy mass hysteria. Church in the morning then practice. Yeah, we practiced at 1 - for the first time - sang at 2 - I left at 3:30 to make it for Squirt and Bubby's program at 5:00, then headed out for steak, and went over there to watch Sherlock Holmes and jam out on their couch. Cause it's comfy. and they have a dumb-as-a-post cat that snuggles with you.
She's about half the size of Carter.
And that's only cause she has lots of hair. Take that away and you have maybe a quarter of my big fat cat.
He could squish her.
But we used to say that about her other cat as well. That she would squish people. Then Second Sister got a fatter cat and that became the squisher. Now mine is the fattest, and therefore the one that will dominate. Plus he bites. He could take 'em down. He's got it going on.
I'm sorry, but the fact that Squirt said that same thing at the restaurant while completely missing the former conversation highly amuses me. She's just too smart.
So yes, Gypsy Caroling today. The Gypsy nickname and tradition started a few years ago when we were singing for family day at Heritage. Gypsy Leader had her guitar and we basically went around the building singing camp songs. This year we were stationary. It was awesome, our usual gang of course. We sang a lot of twisted carols - they were twisted cause they were carols, but had other verses being sang over the top of them as harmony. It was amusing, especially "Are you going to Bethlehemtown?" I can never keep a straight face for that one. Or "Happy Winter" which was actually just Frosty the Snowman, but had added verses.
We couldn't make it, we literally couldn't get all the way through it during practice cause we were laughing so our Gypsy Leader was basically like,
Okay, just sing Frosty. Skip the rest.
We said we'd throw in a few "Happy Winter!"s just to throw her off while she played. Didn't miss a beat.
After that it was driving back here to watch Squirt and Bubby. Bubby rocked it on the piano. It was funny cause he played two songs and you could tell he liked the second one better just cause he played it a lot faster and louder than the first one. He rocked it seriously. I made a lot of silly faces at Squirt - we couldn't even get Bubby to look at us! But I figured the faces were payback for when their parents made faces at me.
See, I'm the baby.
So, like in a certain person's blog, the older siblings feel a responsibility to tease me. It's only natural, right?
This includes events like a Christmas Eve service in which they sit in the back and wave at me when I'm in the front. And make faces. When I'm trying to be all serious. Yeah, didn't work out so well for me. Though Squirt did make it through the service without cracking up too obviously despite the attempts of both myself and the awesomeness that is Megan.
I learned - especially when I did One Act and Drama productions - that if you pick a spot in the back and focus on it you won't notice the funny faces and gestures they're aiming in your direction.
After the program was steak at a fancy place down the road. Bubby can only eat salad when it's drenched in Ranch so that was amusing.
We talked random things, library stuff, ballet and the concept of a Three-Three as opposed to a TuTu.
Though whenever I hear anything about ballet I immediately jump to a camp conversation I had with my D...R partner in which I corrected a pronunciation and he came back with "I don't freaking know ballet!!" That was the same year he claimed I shot him during a prayer. But I didn't. It was BETWEEN prayers! And it was just a tiny water pistol. He had one too. It was war.
Alright, on to the Rec's.
Figured I'd give you a few we sang today.
Christmas Music that Doesn't Suck: Day Five
"Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" Sarah McLachlan live
fantastic version, but I love all her music. it's very zen. helps on a bad day.
"Silent Night" Aly & AJ
simple and classic.
we didn't sing this next one, but it was on the list.
"What Child Is This" Charlotte Church
say what you will, this chick is impressive. She's 25 now, but this was like '07. Props man, props.
and this song - not essentially this version - but this song is probably my second favorite of the sacred Xmas songs. Only losing to O Holy Night, but we'll get there. And that's only the sacred ones. I've got a bunch of goofy ones as well. Well, one in particular. Which, if you know me, or if you read the blog last year around Xmas I'm sure you know to what song I'm referring. and if not you'll figure it out.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Joyful and Triumphant
Oh my god, just got Plain White T's CD "Wonders of the Younger" and it's so fantastic I think I'll have to dedicate a week just to it's awesomeness.
But, for now, I'll stick with Xmas music that doesn't suck. Maybe PWT's can bring in the new year.
I'm so proud of myself for today. Woke up before noon, which, for a day off and not just any day off, a SATURDAY day off waking up at 10:30 is like props to me, seriously. So there was that.
I got all my shopping done.
Okay, a lot of my shopping done.
I'm still missing Second Sister, Second Sister's husband, and Oldest Sister's husband. But at least I know what I'm getting him. Although, SS did just text me ideas for her husband. So I've got somewhere to start.
But yeah, I'm not done with all seven tiny people, my parents - with the help of Oldest Sister for that one, and most of my siblings.
I spoiled my brother a bit, but hey, he's my big brother. He's always watched out for me. Buys me Titans hats and Yankees jerseys when he can't stand the Yankees but loves me. Baby sister has the right to spoil on occasion, right?
I'm exhausted.
I hate shopping.
Christmas shopping is mildly entertaining though, so I stick with it. As long as there aren't clothes involved, I'm generally in.
Though I'm sure there will be clothes involved on other peoples' end. Hopefully it will be good stuff. Sisters have decided I need wardrobe changes. One of them even stuck me with a bunch of dress clothes, claiming she was cleaning out her closet and needed the space.
Which...okay, I'm sure they're right on that, but I like my t-shirts! That's my best present ever, just random t-shirts with funny sayings or weird graphics. It's like a visible inside joke, I love it.
And it's not like I wear them to work. Often. Just at the home branch, not the work one. If I do there's generally something over them. Cause yeah, there's some skeezy people there, and they stare. And I'm not so fond of the staring. So anything to cover up a graphic that they'd want to start a conversation over is grand for me. Plus it's probably smart to you know, semi-dress up for work. And jeans and nice shirts are my life now.
Oh my god, it was so nice today to wear my tearaways and hoodie. That's all I wore throughout 2010, 'til I got the job.
Speaking of today, so funny story. I'm in Target, and going through the toy aisles looking for kid stuff when I decide to browse the game section. I'm checking out a Big Bang Theory trivia game - which was fantastic, btw - when I hear my name, look up and see Homey-G-Wigger on the phone and giving me the "what are you doing here" look. But what was SHE doing there? I live there. So we jammed out and got some lunch. Gotta love Panera. Plus it's right next to Barnes and Noble which is where I got the majority of my other stuff.
After that it was gold. Came to the farm. Wrapped my stuff, which was nice cause that meant I didn't have to take it up to my apartment, unload it, then load it again, and unload it again. Like I said, cake. Though the wrapping took longer than expected. Mostly cause I was distracted by DVR and kept running out of paper and tape. But Mom has like a whole wrapping station set up in the living room. I had too much stuff so I stuck with the floor.
Another funny thing, Mom zones out, and then starts laughing. Says she only falls asleep in the chair when I come home.
Thanks. I must really be that boring.
No, you're not boring.
So it must be my shows that are boring. Which is funny, cause they're her shows too. I mean, all we watched were Bones, NCIS, NCIS LA, and some Castle. But she was long gone before the Castle. It was a rerun anyway, I watched the creepy cage lady one again. Still freaked me out.
But, all in all it was a good day.
Which means I should give you these and konk out.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Four
"Deck the Halls" Mannheim Steamroller
you will probably be getting a lot of mannheim rec's from me these next few days. probably because they're nebraska people, but mostly because they rock. Chip Davis is a genius, I especially love 2:02-2:04, with the lighting it makes him look all mad scientist on the drums.
"Oh Come All Ye Faithful" Twisted Sister
a twisted christmas is actually a pretty good album. and that chick is annoying, kind of want to hit her with my drumsticks. she deserves to get twisted. i love that
they manage to work that in from 4:04-4:16
"The Chipmunk Song aka Christmas Don't Be Late" The Chipmunks
the new version, though the classic is the best, this one rocks it as well. this has always been one of my favorites even though i've never really been a fan of the chipmunks as characters. i think alvin would just get on my nerves. though gubler did do the movie, so i guess i should give it a shot.
Tomorrow is church and practice then caroling, then gotta make it back for Squirt and Bubby's Xmas Eve service as it's Squirt's last year. I'm sad that I'm missing KJ and BekBek's. But we have gypsy caroling practice so can't really miss that. As we are going gypsy caroling right afterward. Huzzah! I enjoy our merry band of gypsys. Gypsy Leader aka my music mentor for camp and life has her guitar so we'll back her.
But, for now, I'll stick with Xmas music that doesn't suck. Maybe PWT's can bring in the new year.
I'm so proud of myself for today. Woke up before noon, which, for a day off and not just any day off, a SATURDAY day off waking up at 10:30 is like props to me, seriously. So there was that.
I got all my shopping done.
Okay, a lot of my shopping done.
I'm still missing Second Sister, Second Sister's husband, and Oldest Sister's husband. But at least I know what I'm getting him. Although, SS did just text me ideas for her husband. So I've got somewhere to start.
But yeah, I'm not done with all seven tiny people, my parents - with the help of Oldest Sister for that one, and most of my siblings.
I spoiled my brother a bit, but hey, he's my big brother. He's always watched out for me. Buys me Titans hats and Yankees jerseys when he can't stand the Yankees but loves me. Baby sister has the right to spoil on occasion, right?
I'm exhausted.
I hate shopping.
Christmas shopping is mildly entertaining though, so I stick with it. As long as there aren't clothes involved, I'm generally in.
Though I'm sure there will be clothes involved on other peoples' end. Hopefully it will be good stuff. Sisters have decided I need wardrobe changes. One of them even stuck me with a bunch of dress clothes, claiming she was cleaning out her closet and needed the space.
Which...okay, I'm sure they're right on that, but I like my t-shirts! That's my best present ever, just random t-shirts with funny sayings or weird graphics. It's like a visible inside joke, I love it.
And it's not like I wear them to work. Often. Just at the home branch, not the work one. If I do there's generally something over them. Cause yeah, there's some skeezy people there, and they stare. And I'm not so fond of the staring. So anything to cover up a graphic that they'd want to start a conversation over is grand for me. Plus it's probably smart to you know, semi-dress up for work. And jeans and nice shirts are my life now.
Oh my god, it was so nice today to wear my tearaways and hoodie. That's all I wore throughout 2010, 'til I got the job.
Speaking of today, so funny story. I'm in Target, and going through the toy aisles looking for kid stuff when I decide to browse the game section. I'm checking out a Big Bang Theory trivia game - which was fantastic, btw - when I hear my name, look up and see Homey-G-Wigger on the phone and giving me the "what are you doing here" look. But what was SHE doing there? I live there. So we jammed out and got some lunch. Gotta love Panera. Plus it's right next to Barnes and Noble which is where I got the majority of my other stuff.
After that it was gold. Came to the farm. Wrapped my stuff, which was nice cause that meant I didn't have to take it up to my apartment, unload it, then load it again, and unload it again. Like I said, cake. Though the wrapping took longer than expected. Mostly cause I was distracted by DVR and kept running out of paper and tape. But Mom has like a whole wrapping station set up in the living room. I had too much stuff so I stuck with the floor.
Another funny thing, Mom zones out, and then starts laughing. Says she only falls asleep in the chair when I come home.
Thanks. I must really be that boring.
No, you're not boring.
So it must be my shows that are boring. Which is funny, cause they're her shows too. I mean, all we watched were Bones, NCIS, NCIS LA, and some Castle. But she was long gone before the Castle. It was a rerun anyway, I watched the creepy cage lady one again. Still freaked me out.
But, all in all it was a good day.
Which means I should give you these and konk out.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Four
"Deck the Halls" Mannheim Steamroller
you will probably be getting a lot of mannheim rec's from me these next few days. probably because they're nebraska people, but mostly because they rock. Chip Davis is a genius, I especially love 2:02-2:04, with the lighting it makes him look all mad scientist on the drums.
"Oh Come All Ye Faithful" Twisted Sister
a twisted christmas is actually a pretty good album. and that chick is annoying, kind of want to hit her with my drumsticks. she deserves to get twisted. i love that
they manage to work that in from 4:04-4:16
"The Chipmunk Song aka Christmas Don't Be Late" The Chipmunks
the new version, though the classic is the best, this one rocks it as well. this has always been one of my favorites even though i've never really been a fan of the chipmunks as characters. i think alvin would just get on my nerves. though gubler did do the movie, so i guess i should give it a shot.
Tomorrow is church and practice then caroling, then gotta make it back for Squirt and Bubby's Xmas Eve service as it's Squirt's last year. I'm sad that I'm missing KJ and BekBek's. But we have gypsy caroling practice so can't really miss that. As we are going gypsy caroling right afterward. Huzzah! I enjoy our merry band of gypsys. Gypsy Leader aka my music mentor for camp and life has her guitar so we'll back her.
Friday, December 16, 2011
You better not pout, I'm telling you why
Alright, it's on.
The weekends are posted - of coures they're posted the one day i left my planner at home - so Sketch and I picked out our weekend. A weekend between our birthdays we're gonna meet up halfway, so basically somewhere in the middle of Iowa, and hang there for a weekend jamming out, taking pictures of random things, and calling it Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure. I'm stoked.
But it's really funny because we were looking for hotels and there's this one next to a shopping mall, and neither of us are shoppers so we were like, eh. Whatever. Then a different one has a waterpark, again, eh. Whatever. So I guess there's one with a bar next door, so that's probably the one where we'll end up.
I'm excited, I think it will be fun.
Alright, on the rec's before I ramble you into insanity.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Three
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
see, i'm used to the spice girls very british version of this, so when i first heard this one the actual lyrics threw me way off. both versions are fantastic, and brittany did pull it off pretty well on the glee soundtrack.
Santa Claus is Coming To Town - Glee cast version
speaking of glee, i like finn and puck, mostly puck because i think his voice it better especially if he's playing guitar, but this one is excellent for both of them.
but i love this version cause it's like santa claus the rock and roll version.
Let It Snow - Michael Buble
this man could remake anything and make it fantastic. not that this wasn't already fantastic, but i'm saying all of michael's music is pretty fantastic. so you really can't go wrong posting something of his, even if it is just a cover.
tomorrow is shopping central. gotta wake up before noon for this one, shop 'til i drop then head to the farm. i'm way behind, gotta keep going before it's the 23rd already and i've got nothing!
Still having some formatting issues with the dancing videos. might have to upload them to facebook and then embed from there, ugh.
The weekends are posted - of coures they're posted the one day i left my planner at home - so Sketch and I picked out our weekend. A weekend between our birthdays we're gonna meet up halfway, so basically somewhere in the middle of Iowa, and hang there for a weekend jamming out, taking pictures of random things, and calling it Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure. I'm stoked.
But it's really funny because we were looking for hotels and there's this one next to a shopping mall, and neither of us are shoppers so we were like, eh. Whatever. Then a different one has a waterpark, again, eh. Whatever. So I guess there's one with a bar next door, so that's probably the one where we'll end up.
I'm excited, I think it will be fun.
Alright, on the rec's before I ramble you into insanity.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Three
Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses
see, i'm used to the spice girls very british version of this, so when i first heard this one the actual lyrics threw me way off. both versions are fantastic, and brittany did pull it off pretty well on the glee soundtrack.
Santa Claus is Coming To Town - Glee cast version
speaking of glee, i like finn and puck, mostly puck because i think his voice it better especially if he's playing guitar, but this one is excellent for both of them.
but i love this version cause it's like santa claus the rock and roll version.
Let It Snow - Michael Buble
this man could remake anything and make it fantastic. not that this wasn't already fantastic, but i'm saying all of michael's music is pretty fantastic. so you really can't go wrong posting something of his, even if it is just a cover.
tomorrow is shopping central. gotta wake up before noon for this one, shop 'til i drop then head to the farm. i'm way behind, gotta keep going before it's the 23rd already and i've got nothing!
Still having some formatting issues with the dancing videos. might have to upload them to facebook and then embed from there, ugh.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
"That's just Joe's finger and pandemonium!"
Today's Highlights:
-Pretty sure my Boss's Boss thinks I'm a total nerd. First time I met him I went all fangirls. Then I hugged him when he told me I got the job. Today we talked about drawing mazes. I did it a lot in grade school, but stopped in high school as that's nerdy. Today I was on break and bored and had a notebook and with all the writer's block going on in my head what else was I supposed to put on the paper?
So yeah, he probably thinks I'm a total nerd. But what's wrong with being a total nerd? I work in a library anyway, I mean, that's kind of nerd-central anyway. That's why I like it!
-Staff meeting in the morning, I'm really liking this whole parking space thing. I don't have to freak out about finding a space and paying and all that jazz. Much easier this way.
-Worked more on the YA project, got through to the C's. Which is exciting, since they started at the Z's.
-Sent in my insurance paperwork, huzzah! Administration people were teasing me and calling me an adult. I told them to take it back. I like being a kid.
Apparently working 40 hours, going to grad school and directing a children's camp makes one old. I was not aware.
-Squirt has decided she wants to volunteer at the library so they stopped by this afternoon to get signed up. It's pretty exciting, I think she'll pull it off.
And I'll have people watching out for her since she's my niece and all that. They know they'll have to deal with me. But books and all that are kind of her forte so I think she'll have fun with it.
-Met up with Oldest and Second Sisters after work. They were shopping, of course, I'm way behind on all that so I need to work on that soon. Maybe this weekend. I do have it off. A whole weekend off?! What?! I know right?! It's usually because I have class. But I'm free of that until mid-January. Shocker to have really nothing planned. Other than going to the farm.
But yes, I should get some of my shopping done as well. I have some of the kids done, but there are like 16 of us. Well, 16.5 soon to be 17.
I was told I'm supposed to make a list, because apparently just going somewhere and picking things out there is crazy.
But I don't make lists. I make lists of things after I've bought them, to make sure I've got everyone covered.
Do you all really know exactly what you're buying for people before you buy it? I just kind of roll with it.
-Apparently I need new clothing. Or so they say. Always. But I like my clothes. They're comfortable. and I dress up when I need to! I got a full-time job, I'm in school, I direct a camp, I'm professional, what more do you want from me?!
and no there will be no "I've got it going on"s when I walk through a door. I'll just watch as you do that and take pictures.
-And speaking of taking pictures, so yeah. There was some interesting dancing going on by Squirt and Bubby. and I filmed a majority of it. and I will upload them...when the formatting decides to work.
I could post them now but all you will get is a black box. With nothing in it.
I'll figure it out tomorrow night when I'm not falling asleep as I type.
Quotes of the Day:
-"and you walk through the door and go, I've got it going on!" dance included. don't ask. cause i've got nothing. no way that dance is coming from me.
-"that's just joe's finger and pandemonium!" while filming bubby grabbed my ipod and ran with it. but you get some great exterior shots, so it's nice.
There's more, but I'll post them with the videos when I upload them. For now you'll get these.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Two
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" Elmo and Patsy
love it.
"Little Drummer Boy" Sean Kingston
interesting take on the song. while obnoxious at first, it turns out okay. i actually like this one.
"Santa Baby" Pussycat Dolls
and snoop dogg. in a santa suit. random, but okay, i'll go there.
alright, off to bed. full day tomorrow.
-Pretty sure my Boss's Boss thinks I'm a total nerd. First time I met him I went all fangirls. Then I hugged him when he told me I got the job. Today we talked about drawing mazes. I did it a lot in grade school, but stopped in high school as that's nerdy. Today I was on break and bored and had a notebook and with all the writer's block going on in my head what else was I supposed to put on the paper?
So yeah, he probably thinks I'm a total nerd. But what's wrong with being a total nerd? I work in a library anyway, I mean, that's kind of nerd-central anyway. That's why I like it!
-Staff meeting in the morning, I'm really liking this whole parking space thing. I don't have to freak out about finding a space and paying and all that jazz. Much easier this way.
-Worked more on the YA project, got through to the C's. Which is exciting, since they started at the Z's.
-Sent in my insurance paperwork, huzzah! Administration people were teasing me and calling me an adult. I told them to take it back. I like being a kid.
Apparently working 40 hours, going to grad school and directing a children's camp makes one old. I was not aware.
-Squirt has decided she wants to volunteer at the library so they stopped by this afternoon to get signed up. It's pretty exciting, I think she'll pull it off.
And I'll have people watching out for her since she's my niece and all that. They know they'll have to deal with me. But books and all that are kind of her forte so I think she'll have fun with it.
-Met up with Oldest and Second Sisters after work. They were shopping, of course, I'm way behind on all that so I need to work on that soon. Maybe this weekend. I do have it off. A whole weekend off?! What?! I know right?! It's usually because I have class. But I'm free of that until mid-January. Shocker to have really nothing planned. Other than going to the farm.
But yes, I should get some of my shopping done as well. I have some of the kids done, but there are like 16 of us. Well, 16.5 soon to be 17.
I was told I'm supposed to make a list, because apparently just going somewhere and picking things out there is crazy.
But I don't make lists. I make lists of things after I've bought them, to make sure I've got everyone covered.
Do you all really know exactly what you're buying for people before you buy it? I just kind of roll with it.
-Apparently I need new clothing. Or so they say. Always. But I like my clothes. They're comfortable. and I dress up when I need to! I got a full-time job, I'm in school, I direct a camp, I'm professional, what more do you want from me?!
and no there will be no "I've got it going on"s when I walk through a door. I'll just watch as you do that and take pictures.
-And speaking of taking pictures, so yeah. There was some interesting dancing going on by Squirt and Bubby. and I filmed a majority of it. and I will upload them...when the formatting decides to work.
I could post them now but all you will get is a black box. With nothing in it.
I'll figure it out tomorrow night when I'm not falling asleep as I type.
Quotes of the Day:
-"and you walk through the door and go, I've got it going on!" dance included. don't ask. cause i've got nothing. no way that dance is coming from me.
-"that's just joe's finger and pandemonium!" while filming bubby grabbed my ipod and ran with it. but you get some great exterior shots, so it's nice.
There's more, but I'll post them with the videos when I upload them. For now you'll get these.
Christmas Music that doesn't suck: Day Two
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" Elmo and Patsy
love it.
"Little Drummer Boy" Sean Kingston
interesting take on the song. while obnoxious at first, it turns out okay. i actually like this one.
"Santa Baby" Pussycat Dolls
and snoop dogg. in a santa suit. random, but okay, i'll go there.
alright, off to bed. full day tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Happy Christmas, War is Over
Today was pretty much a rollercoaster ride.
It was an early morning, in an extremely overheated computer lab, so I felt sick and like I was going to pass out for a good chunk of the day. After lunch I was okay, just nervous for this afternoon.
This afternoon I met up with my uncle to talk about insurance stuff. Turns out, wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be. And apparently, our insurance is awesome. This coming from an insurance man. So he would know. And he was fantastic, I went in clueless and he explained everything in words that I could actually understand. It's like a weight off my mind.
All I have to do is fill in the rest of the paperwork and I'm gold, huzzah!
I've started saying that a lot lately. It's either "do this and you're gold" or "you're golden". No idea why I'm bringing it back, I haven't said it since college. Maybe it's that gold star thing in my head again. In one of my sociology classes we had this assignment, it was in the syllabus but the professor had never brought it up in class. When we showed up that day, she asked if any of us had done it. I raised my hand, along with a select few and her response was, "Stars! Golden stars!" and that was it, we moved on. I think it was like a 2 page paper so it wasn't a big deal, but still. Amusing.
Apparently when I say things like that it makes me sound smart. I'm not smart. Well, I mean, not like genius smart, though a certain person claims to think I am just because I had/have a high GPA. But see, once you're in college and you're taking the upper level courses you know what you're doing and you know what the professors want so if you're able to BS - which is basically what English majors do for a living - then you're golden.
It's like Sensei once said, she wouldn't respect me if I couldn't ramble for a page.
Speaking of gold stars, I totally dropped my nametag three times on the way to work this morning, and of course that only happens when there are puddles everywhere. Didn't even realize the third time until Cabin Fever brought it to me during our computer training seminar thing.
So that was pretty much my day, got to talk to Grams for a while which was cool. She's always excited when I go and visit, and I get to see her again soon because our family pitch tournament is on the 23rd, woohoo! I'm picking her up and driving her over because the Cool Aunt has way too much on her plate for that night. AND though she rarely asks for help, she did in this case so I'm TAKING the invitation and RUNNING with it!
It's like trying to pay for food with my family. It's war. I paid for sushi last time, I was sneaky and left my debit card on the table for easy access when she brought the check. This time I don't even get the option because in the invite e-mail she specifically says she's buying and I have no choice in that matter. Geez. Flashbacks to when I was living with Grams. The two of them, when the check came, man they were devious. Plus, you throw in my mother along with them? It was highly amusing, and at that time in life I was broke so I went with it.
Alright, the countdown has began, and now that that whole alphabet fiasco or fun-tastic (or whatever you want to call it) is over, I figured I'd treat you guys to some excellent Christmas music. None of that crappy overplayed stuff...okay, well some, but these are the versions that aren't as crappy as the crappy ones that are constantly playing over and over. Not that classics are crappy. Cause, I mean, they're not. If they were total crap then they wouldn't be playing. And then they wouldn't be classics. And then I wouldn't know them. I'm getting rambly again, make it stop.
Okay, nutshell, Christmas Music until Christmas Day that isn't crap.
How's that? I'll call it:
Non-crappy Christmas Music: Day One.
That title is likely to change by Day Two.
Here we go.
Pat a Pan - Mannheim Steamroller
Nebraska Band of awesomeness. I grew up listening to their Christmas CD's on repeat around the holidays. This was my favorite, though it makes me sad every time. It's amazing how much emotion you can convey in a song with no words.
Auld Lange Syne - The Lonesome Travelers
yes i'm aware it's 2011. go with it. only video i could find of this version. it's fantastic if you take the time to listen to it. i could never play like that, ever.
Happy Christmas (War is Over) - Maroon 5
my sister is obsessive over this band, and now I understand why. they're fantastic. i had to buy a bunch of their stuff off itunes, i'm totally hooked.
I figured with this one it was good timing.
President Obama's Speech from CNN.com
"You have lived through the fires of war, and you will be remembered for it, and honored for it - always." -Obama 2011
It was an early morning, in an extremely overheated computer lab, so I felt sick and like I was going to pass out for a good chunk of the day. After lunch I was okay, just nervous for this afternoon.
This afternoon I met up with my uncle to talk about insurance stuff. Turns out, wasn't as hard as I'd thought it would be. And apparently, our insurance is awesome. This coming from an insurance man. So he would know. And he was fantastic, I went in clueless and he explained everything in words that I could actually understand. It's like a weight off my mind.
All I have to do is fill in the rest of the paperwork and I'm gold, huzzah!
I've started saying that a lot lately. It's either "do this and you're gold" or "you're golden". No idea why I'm bringing it back, I haven't said it since college. Maybe it's that gold star thing in my head again. In one of my sociology classes we had this assignment, it was in the syllabus but the professor had never brought it up in class. When we showed up that day, she asked if any of us had done it. I raised my hand, along with a select few and her response was, "Stars! Golden stars!" and that was it, we moved on. I think it was like a 2 page paper so it wasn't a big deal, but still. Amusing.
Apparently when I say things like that it makes me sound smart. I'm not smart. Well, I mean, not like genius smart, though a certain person claims to think I am just because I had/have a high GPA. But see, once you're in college and you're taking the upper level courses you know what you're doing and you know what the professors want so if you're able to BS - which is basically what English majors do for a living - then you're golden.
It's like Sensei once said, she wouldn't respect me if I couldn't ramble for a page.
Speaking of gold stars, I totally dropped my nametag three times on the way to work this morning, and of course that only happens when there are puddles everywhere. Didn't even realize the third time until Cabin Fever brought it to me during our computer training seminar thing.
So that was pretty much my day, got to talk to Grams for a while which was cool. She's always excited when I go and visit, and I get to see her again soon because our family pitch tournament is on the 23rd, woohoo! I'm picking her up and driving her over because the Cool Aunt has way too much on her plate for that night. AND though she rarely asks for help, she did in this case so I'm TAKING the invitation and RUNNING with it!
It's like trying to pay for food with my family. It's war. I paid for sushi last time, I was sneaky and left my debit card on the table for easy access when she brought the check. This time I don't even get the option because in the invite e-mail she specifically says she's buying and I have no choice in that matter. Geez. Flashbacks to when I was living with Grams. The two of them, when the check came, man they were devious. Plus, you throw in my mother along with them? It was highly amusing, and at that time in life I was broke so I went with it.
Alright, the countdown has began, and now that that whole alphabet fiasco or fun-tastic (or whatever you want to call it) is over, I figured I'd treat you guys to some excellent Christmas music. None of that crappy overplayed stuff...okay, well some, but these are the versions that aren't as crappy as the crappy ones that are constantly playing over and over. Not that classics are crappy. Cause, I mean, they're not. If they were total crap then they wouldn't be playing. And then they wouldn't be classics. And then I wouldn't know them. I'm getting rambly again, make it stop.
Okay, nutshell, Christmas Music until Christmas Day that isn't crap.
How's that? I'll call it:
Non-crappy Christmas Music: Day One.
That title is likely to change by Day Two.
Here we go.
Pat a Pan - Mannheim Steamroller
Nebraska Band of awesomeness. I grew up listening to their Christmas CD's on repeat around the holidays. This was my favorite, though it makes me sad every time. It's amazing how much emotion you can convey in a song with no words.
Auld Lange Syne - The Lonesome Travelers
yes i'm aware it's 2011. go with it. only video i could find of this version. it's fantastic if you take the time to listen to it. i could never play like that, ever.
Happy Christmas (War is Over) - Maroon 5
my sister is obsessive over this band, and now I understand why. they're fantastic. i had to buy a bunch of their stuff off itunes, i'm totally hooked.
I figured with this one it was good timing.
President Obama's Speech from CNN.com
"You have lived through the fires of war, and you will be remembered for it, and honored for it - always." -Obama 2011
auld lange syne,
cabin fever,
christmas music,
english major,
gold star,
happy christmas war is over,
lonesome travelers,
mannheim steamroller,
maroon 5,
pat a pan,
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd
Today's highlights:
-Slim Shady and I got to see each other twice today. I know right?! We called it the Apocalypse because they don't let us work together anymore. It's not that we're trouble, we just seem to never get scheduled at the same place at the same time. Today we got to eat lunch together and check-in backroom stuff. Two hours in a row. I know, right?! We were shocked.
-I applied for two hours leave so I could jam with my family for our newly instated annual pitch tournament on the 23rd. They granted my request, so technically, I will be getting paid while playing pitch until 6. Woohoo! There will be much excitement, especially if things go as awesomely as they did last year. Which reminds me that I need to go Christmas shopping so I'll have everything ready in time.
-Checked my e-mail and saw that Superwoman had sent me a message. It said, "I left a surprise in your mailbox." So I checked my mailbox. Guess what was in it. See, I was thinking "crap, I forgot to sign my timesheet again, she's gonna take away points." Which would bite since I'm stuck at 140. It took me forever to get there and now it's taking me forever to get anywhere but there! Anyway, no, it was an article. And guess what it was entitled. "How To Date a Librarian". Apparently my magnet stories are making their way around the building. I can't help that I'm nice to people! I'm sorry! Slim Shady says I'm too nice to the weird boys. But would you rather me be mean? I'm not too nice, I respect each person that comes up to the desk, I make conversation because otherwise it would be awkward. It puts them at ease and then when they come back in we develop a rapport. That's how it works. But some people, take it to heart and eventually ask me out or just follow me around the building. But that's why we have security guards. And fun coworkers who watch out for me. So it's not bad.
Anyway, the tips on dating a librarian were hilarious, I'll have to post them. It's in my locker at the moment, I wanted to highlight things and hang it on the door.
Other things.
-Yes, I have a band. a Parody Band. Multiple actually. There's "Delayed...Reaction" which is me and my friend who's a teacher at my old high school - he wasn't a teacher when i was there, let me clear that up now...and we write songs about Camp J.
And then there's my other band which is me and Homie-G-Wigger, and we call ourselves "The Teacher and the Part-Time Librarian" originally we were the "Teacher and the Failed Librarian" as I was not one at that moment, just applying to take the GRE and all that. I guess we will have to change the name yet again now that I'm Full-Time instead of Part-Time. But we performed our smash hit "Snippets of Conversation" at the grade school play two years ago. I could post the lyrics to that one as well, but again, have to find them first. They're in a notebook. Well, actually. Here's the original working draft:

though it ended up as:
Home and Garden Show Conversations
They're happening across the nation
You'd be amazed at the valuable information
Here's our own translation

we would repeat what they said, then I'd strum the guitar

and we said, "but what they really meant was this:" like
"People travel in packs."
"But what she really meant was, Beware of idiots in a group."
Yes, now that you mention it, it does look very similar to this:

aka 2G's version of "Oh, Lord of Light" lyrics here: My Life in Closed Captions: 2G's version of Oh Lord of Light
THIS is what happens when we're trapped in a room, working on camp stuff for five hours straight. and think, camp stuff is all I did, every day for an entire summer the first year that we took over. We changed everything! and added new stuff, it was a mess. Stuff like this is just part of the crazy madness that happens when we take a five minute break for icecream. You should see our sane moments. They're few and far between. We put the fun in dysfunctional! Yet, we're completely functional when we need to be.
Here's 2G in our awesome shirts when we went golfing this summer.

Homey-G-Wigger, Dash Riprock, Blackstone and Choot 'em Lizbet! We rocked it...'til I got thrown out of the cart while in motion....for the second year in a row...neither time my fault. crazy driver...but it's SO MUCH FUN! not the flying out of the cart and landing on the golf tee in your pocket part, but the golfing in our 2G crew part. it's awesome.
Alright, on to the rec's and then I've got something special as requested.
You're getting a mix of them tonight. XYandZ. So they're exy Z-Recs. Or something like that.
X - Limited options with this one so I'm gonna go with this. Just cause I like to see you cringe every once in a while.
"Xanadu" Olivia Newton-John
so, there are two references that come to mind with this. First was Friends when Phoebe finds it on TV and screams "Oh, Oh, Xanadu!" in the "Well, they were chair-shaped cows" episode, then second came Criminal Minds after Garcia goes shopping crazy for Henry. "Next stop Xanadu!" "Xanadon't ladies" they had a case.
Y - yes, this is an actual song. a CLASSIC by a classic artist.
"You Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd" Roger Miller
you probably know his chug-a-lug song. sometimes i wonder how much chug he was lugging while writing this song.
and i'm sorry, but this slide show is highly amusing.
Z - I'm sensing a theme here. sorry.
"Zoot Suit Riot" Cherry Poppin' Daddies
excellent dance song. nice costumes as well. I love the spazzy lead singer, he's fantastic.
Alright, since you asked, here is the Tankety-Tank-Tank skit mentioned in yesterday's post.
Though I write the majority of our skits, sometimes I get blocked and search our old files from my predecessor, or check google.
This one I did NOT write.
I found it on google here: BOOT CAMP SKIT
We did change it up a bit though.
*a group of campers are standing around at boot camp and another camper - the drill sergeant - strides onto the scene.*
Drill Sergeant: ATTENTION!
*The campers scurry into line and salute.*
Drill Sergeant: Today, we'll be doing a war simulation. Get your equipment and MOVE OUT!
*The campers run to the box on the middle of the stage filled with fake weapons. When the last camper arrives there are none left.*
Drill Sergeant: Private Zammerman, I'm afraid we're short on supplies. Seeing as how your name is last on my list, you will not be receiving a gun or knife.
Private Zammerman: Awwww...
Drill Sergeant: However, the troops take their training very seriously and if you pretend to shoot or stab them they will play along. Now MOVE OUT!
*The campers line up in a single file line, all facing Private Zammerman who's at the opposite side of the stage
the first camper holds up a gun. Private Zammerman holds up an imaginary gun at the camper and says...*
Private Zammerman: Bangity-Bang-Bang!
*The camper acts as if shot and falls onto the ground.
Next camper steps up, this time holding a knife. Zammerman holds up an imaginary knife and points it at the camper while saying...*
Zammerman: Stabbity-stab-stab!
*The camper acts as if stabbed and falls to the ground.
This goes on for a while, depending on the amount of kids you have. We used 5th and 6th grade boys because they were the most enthusiastic about it. There were ten boys total so it took awhile. We had a sword slicety-slice-slice, a bazooka that i think he came at with boomety-boom-boom. which i found hilarious. umm... there were nunchucks, pistols, it was like the weapons-r-us in a box. my helpers were fantastic in creating all these fake weapons. at one point i really wanted to use a lightsaber so he could scream forcety-force-force! but we skipped over that one.
The last camper slowly approaches Zammerman in a straight line.*
Zammerman: Bangity-bang-bang!
*The camper ignores the shot and keeps approaching Zammerman*
Zammerman: Stabbity-stab-stab!
*still nothing*
Zammerman: Slicety-Slice-Slice!
*keeps walking toward him*
Zammerman: Boomity-Boom-Boom!
*The camper pushes Zammerman over and walks passed him.*
Zammerman: Hey! What do you think you're doing?!
*The camper turns, faces Zammerman and YELLS...*
*then keeps walking*
and that's that.
-Slim Shady and I got to see each other twice today. I know right?! We called it the Apocalypse because they don't let us work together anymore. It's not that we're trouble, we just seem to never get scheduled at the same place at the same time. Today we got to eat lunch together and check-in backroom stuff. Two hours in a row. I know, right?! We were shocked.
-I applied for two hours leave so I could jam with my family for our newly instated annual pitch tournament on the 23rd. They granted my request, so technically, I will be getting paid while playing pitch until 6. Woohoo! There will be much excitement, especially if things go as awesomely as they did last year. Which reminds me that I need to go Christmas shopping so I'll have everything ready in time.
-Checked my e-mail and saw that Superwoman had sent me a message. It said, "I left a surprise in your mailbox." So I checked my mailbox. Guess what was in it. See, I was thinking "crap, I forgot to sign my timesheet again, she's gonna take away points." Which would bite since I'm stuck at 140. It took me forever to get there and now it's taking me forever to get anywhere but there! Anyway, no, it was an article. And guess what it was entitled. "How To Date a Librarian". Apparently my magnet stories are making their way around the building. I can't help that I'm nice to people! I'm sorry! Slim Shady says I'm too nice to the weird boys. But would you rather me be mean? I'm not too nice, I respect each person that comes up to the desk, I make conversation because otherwise it would be awkward. It puts them at ease and then when they come back in we develop a rapport. That's how it works. But some people, take it to heart and eventually ask me out or just follow me around the building. But that's why we have security guards. And fun coworkers who watch out for me. So it's not bad.
Anyway, the tips on dating a librarian were hilarious, I'll have to post them. It's in my locker at the moment, I wanted to highlight things and hang it on the door.
Other things.
-Yes, I have a band. a Parody Band. Multiple actually. There's "Delayed...Reaction" which is me and my friend who's a teacher at my old high school - he wasn't a teacher when i was there, let me clear that up now...and we write songs about Camp J.
And then there's my other band which is me and Homie-G-Wigger, and we call ourselves "The Teacher and the Part-Time Librarian" originally we were the "Teacher and the Failed Librarian" as I was not one at that moment, just applying to take the GRE and all that. I guess we will have to change the name yet again now that I'm Full-Time instead of Part-Time. But we performed our smash hit "Snippets of Conversation" at the grade school play two years ago. I could post the lyrics to that one as well, but again, have to find them first. They're in a notebook. Well, actually. Here's the original working draft:

though it ended up as:
Home and Garden Show Conversations
They're happening across the nation
You'd be amazed at the valuable information
Here's our own translation

we would repeat what they said, then I'd strum the guitar

and we said, "but what they really meant was this:" like
"People travel in packs."
"But what she really meant was, Beware of idiots in a group."
Yes, now that you mention it, it does look very similar to this:
aka 2G's version of "Oh, Lord of Light" lyrics here: My Life in Closed Captions: 2G's version of Oh Lord of Light
THIS is what happens when we're trapped in a room, working on camp stuff for five hours straight. and think, camp stuff is all I did, every day for an entire summer the first year that we took over. We changed everything! and added new stuff, it was a mess. Stuff like this is just part of the crazy madness that happens when we take a five minute break for icecream. You should see our sane moments. They're few and far between. We put the fun in dysfunctional! Yet, we're completely functional when we need to be.
Here's 2G in our awesome shirts when we went golfing this summer.
Homey-G-Wigger, Dash Riprock, Blackstone and Choot 'em Lizbet! We rocked it...'til I got thrown out of the cart while in motion....for the second year in a row...neither time my fault. crazy driver...but it's SO MUCH FUN! not the flying out of the cart and landing on the golf tee in your pocket part, but the golfing in our 2G crew part. it's awesome.
Alright, on to the rec's and then I've got something special as requested.
You're getting a mix of them tonight. XYandZ. So they're exy Z-Recs. Or something like that.
X - Limited options with this one so I'm gonna go with this. Just cause I like to see you cringe every once in a while.
"Xanadu" Olivia Newton-John
so, there are two references that come to mind with this. First was Friends when Phoebe finds it on TV and screams "Oh, Oh, Xanadu!" in the "Well, they were chair-shaped cows" episode, then second came Criminal Minds after Garcia goes shopping crazy for Henry. "Next stop Xanadu!" "Xanadon't ladies" they had a case.
Y - yes, this is an actual song. a CLASSIC by a classic artist.
"You Can't Rollerskate in a Buffalo Herd" Roger Miller
you probably know his chug-a-lug song. sometimes i wonder how much chug he was lugging while writing this song.
and i'm sorry, but this slide show is highly amusing.
Z - I'm sensing a theme here. sorry.
"Zoot Suit Riot" Cherry Poppin' Daddies
excellent dance song. nice costumes as well. I love the spazzy lead singer, he's fantastic.
Alright, since you asked, here is the Tankety-Tank-Tank skit mentioned in yesterday's post.
Though I write the majority of our skits, sometimes I get blocked and search our old files from my predecessor, or check google.
This one I did NOT write.
I found it on google here: BOOT CAMP SKIT
We did change it up a bit though.
*a group of campers are standing around at boot camp and another camper - the drill sergeant - strides onto the scene.*
Drill Sergeant: ATTENTION!
*The campers scurry into line and salute.*
Drill Sergeant: Today, we'll be doing a war simulation. Get your equipment and MOVE OUT!
*The campers run to the box on the middle of the stage filled with fake weapons. When the last camper arrives there are none left.*
Drill Sergeant: Private Zammerman, I'm afraid we're short on supplies. Seeing as how your name is last on my list, you will not be receiving a gun or knife.
Private Zammerman: Awwww...
Drill Sergeant: However, the troops take their training very seriously and if you pretend to shoot or stab them they will play along. Now MOVE OUT!
*The campers line up in a single file line, all facing Private Zammerman who's at the opposite side of the stage
the first camper holds up a gun. Private Zammerman holds up an imaginary gun at the camper and says...*
Private Zammerman: Bangity-Bang-Bang!
*The camper acts as if shot and falls onto the ground.
Next camper steps up, this time holding a knife. Zammerman holds up an imaginary knife and points it at the camper while saying...*
Zammerman: Stabbity-stab-stab!
*The camper acts as if stabbed and falls to the ground.
This goes on for a while, depending on the amount of kids you have. We used 5th and 6th grade boys because they were the most enthusiastic about it. There were ten boys total so it took awhile. We had a sword slicety-slice-slice, a bazooka that i think he came at with boomety-boom-boom. which i found hilarious. umm... there were nunchucks, pistols, it was like the weapons-r-us in a box. my helpers were fantastic in creating all these fake weapons. at one point i really wanted to use a lightsaber so he could scream forcety-force-force! but we skipped over that one.
The last camper slowly approaches Zammerman in a straight line.*
Zammerman: Bangity-bang-bang!
*The camper ignores the shot and keeps approaching Zammerman*
Zammerman: Stabbity-stab-stab!
*still nothing*
Zammerman: Slicety-Slice-Slice!
*keeps walking toward him*
Zammerman: Boomity-Boom-Boom!
*The camper pushes Zammerman over and walks passed him.*
Zammerman: Hey! What do you think you're doing?!
*The camper turns, faces Zammerman and YELLS...*
*then keeps walking*
and that's that.
Monday, December 12, 2011
No tubing, Too much bank, Tankety-Tank-Tank
Today I did everything I kept pushing off and avoiding.
And the funny thing was that it took like maybe an hour.
It wasn't like big stuff.
That's why I kept putting it off, cause it wasn't, well I mean it was. One of them was a life plan that I have to submit and people have to approve, so I guess that's kind of big, but the rest weren't as bad as I thought they'd be.
Besides those things that aren't so big, but I guess were kind of huge, I signed up for a parking spot, huzzah! I get to use it tomorrow. Now watch me lose my key. That'd be fantastic. I'd have to call Oldest Sister to come and get me. She'd love that.
I also cleaned my apartment today.
My big fat cat approves.
He doesn't approve of the vacuum, but he likes the clean apartment. He can now prowl the floor. All of it. Not just a path I have cleaned for him to walk through.

This is, afterall, his apartment. I just stay here. or that's what he thinks. Right now he's thinking "get that camera out of my face. I'm trying to sleep you crazy woman". He sounds a lot like Garfield. Looks a bit like him too.
Anyway, so we're up to the W's, and holy toast man, there are a lot more W's than I thought there would be. I had to do some major cutting. One of them, of course, I couldn't cut. AND I'd give you the original recording but I'd first have to find it. Then upload it. Then put it on youtube. Then post it here.
It's a process.
But I gotta find it first.
Cause it's around here somewhere.
Anyway, moving on.
"The Way" - Fastball
this song was originally on my old computer, back when i had first started uploading all my music. you know, before it crashed and i had to do it all again? anyway, i never knew it's actual name until recently when i went through and fixed everything. up until a couple years ago it was just entitled "THE SONG THAT IS ALWAYS STUCK IN MY HEAD" capital letters included. this was mostly true when i was in arizona for basketball, but it comes back with a vengeance at the most random of times.
"We Both Reached For The Gun" Richard Gere, Christine Baranski, Renee Zellweger and Chicago Cast
"are you sorry?" "are you kidding?" love the puppet factor, super cool.
saw this movie with my mom and oldest sister when it first came out in 2002 and loved it. i'm kind of a musicals junkie so glee was like perfection. notice the "was". not so much anymore. i actually haven't watched a single episode from this season. there's too much drama involved now. it was funny and original at first. now it's just like trying too hard or something. i don't know, maybe that's just me. thoughts?
"Who's That Guy" Cast of Grease 2
people you will recognize: Michelle Pfeifer and Shooter McGavin. yes, Tommy Jefferson can sing.
did i mention i'm a musicals junkie?
i love this movie. it's incredible cheesiness makes for a great break from reality. clearly not as well-written and popular as the first one, but it makes an effort. it takes place at the same high school, just after the seniors had graduated and they're replaced by new ones. Frenchie guest stars, but she's the only student crossover. The teachers and Coach whatever is still there as well. Michael is a tranfer student who falls in love with Michelle Pfeifer's character but she only dates "Cool Rider"s - she dedicates a song to it as she dances down a street (sketch dared me to do that dance passed the cafeteria) - so he buys a bike and learns how to ride it. Throw in a Luau and some Calendar Girls and you've got the movie in a nutshell.
"We Didn't Start Camp J" Delayed...Reaction
so this is my fake band. well, i guess we write and perform music so we're not so fake.
we write a different song every year the both of us are at camp.
it started back in 2007. it was his first year at camp and we wrote and performed a song to cheer up one of our counselors. i said i always wanted to name a band delayed...reaction, he liked it and it stuck. now we karaoke and all that.
This is my favorite of our songs. I like the original recording better as it's more spontaneous and funny, but I'll get to that one later.
We write down anecdotes and highlights throughout camp, then put them all together, make the rhyme and film it the night before our last day.
Pretty much every line has a reference to a specific incident from that year. Like in this one...okay, I guess I can't really nutshell it.
Though I will tell you my themes for that year were "Inappropriate Comment Withheld", and "Dead people don't giggle!" which you will often hear me say since I direct the skits and worship stuff.
But, since I have the time, Here. Try this.
Fairbury Nebraska – location of camp
Warmer than Alaska – duh
Sitting here at a camp – at a table in the cafeteria
Watching rain make it damp – pouring rain
Decided to write a song
Sure it will be plenty long – we had four pages of memories and anecdotes that we cut down
We decided to convey
Highlights of Camp J – originally we were going to use the tune ‘Pop Muzik’ “Talk about, Camp J!” but this one worked better with the lyrics
Wrote a song about GADE – “The Ballad of GADE” aka “His Name Was GADE”, Camp J 2007 for Kitzworld’s amusement mostly because of an interaction with a certain camper. We substituted GADE for the name because at that time I could only play those four chords on my guitar (but we only used the g-chord anyway)
On YouTube it often played – uploaded (thanks Philip) onto YouTube
Next year was sci-fi – more specifically “Cosmo’s War of the Planets” which is fabulous and if you haven’t seen it you really should. I mean it’s terrible, but it’s worth it.
Watching little aliens fry – “War of the Planets” to the tune of “War” by Edwin Starr has yet to be finished…
Writing skits at one at night – cause I’m a procrastinator and this happens yearly
Won’t stop ‘til we get it right – cause we didn’t have a choice – btw thanks partner
Made them eat some killer eggs – the main one we wrote, “Killer Eggs,” at 1AM went over the best
Then they fell upon their legs – major crowd-pleaser, gotta love the slow motion, speed it up, hate the camera-girl thing
We didn’t start Camp J – since I wasn’t born in ’82 and he was like 1 we definitely were not apart of that whole pioneer family process
It’s a one week stay – for those of us crazy enough to take part in teen camp as well as regular camp
Cause we get no pay – if it were any longer we would be demanding something
We didn't start Camp J
Writer's Block - okay so we had no idea what to finish the refrain with so we told the truth. Writer’s block. Major writer’s block. So we used it.
The kitchen’s hot – looked around, hey it’s kitchen. And it’s hot. Look that semi-rhymes with “writer’s block”
Carrie’s corn in the trunk – my parents decided to pack the trunk of my car with 300 ears of corn for the kids,
Have to take out all the junk – kitchen workers were thrilled ‘til they had to help unload it
Cheesy movies on the wall – Cosmo’s War of the Planets was of course one of them, we use the projector and aim it at one of the walls to the cafeteria. Clue has become another yearly tradition
Watching Adeline fall – our camp mascot, Adeline is our new pastor’s daughter and had some major spills. Not really her fault with all the massive tree roots and junk all over
Lots of Greg Schwartz hugs / Jim Cantrell hugs, there were two versions of this line as I got hugged by them both more than once.
Steve and all his water jugs – gotta love those water balloons? steve is our games leader
No wireless service – frustration for David and I
Heidie serves no purpose – THIS WAS NOT MY LINE. I love you Heidie. You are one of the coolest people with a bicycle that I know. Cory!! Wrote this line because we were trying to use Heidie for her wireless internet but she was busy. Basically we just needed someone to go to YouTube and play GADE for us because we couldn’t remember our own lyrics. long story.
Jim O’s answering machine – if you were lucky enough to catch his voicemail before the power went out in Grafton and erased it you would know to what we are referring to. If not… Jim O had a female friend set up his voicemail message for him in a suggestive way. Haha. That’s all I’m saying.
Cherokee wasn’t clean – Jim, Liz and I had to inspect cabins for the “cleanest cabin” award and when we entered that cabin which was occupied by the teen girl help we decided it was more like a boys’ cabin than a girls’ one
Creature in the chimney – some animal, bird, squirrel, bat, something was making noises
No Brandon Richie?! – confusion ensued when one of our counselors mysteriously didn’t show up
Ancient Indians, Astronauts – two skits I used that year were “How ancient Indians used to tell time” and then one about astronauts telling jokes in space. I made the 8th graders sing and tell jokes. It was fabulous. They hated me.
Children have to sleep on cots – more like air mattresses but that didn’t rhyme
Blame it all on Vista – okay if you know me this makes sense. If not, here you go. I blame everything on Vista. Even if it has nothing to do with computers. There was a lot of blaming Vista during this whole camp thing with the admissions, registration, cabins, schedule, campers, counselors, nametags, folders, t-shirts, bank account, song books, skits and worship etc. etc. process.
Carson took a pista – one camper in particular enjoyed going to the bathroom outside
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writers block…
Watchin’ you like a hawk – this was a James Coates original, centered around one of his campers and a girl in the same grade. they were constantly around each other and James would gesture that he was watching him when the girl was around because it would freak the boy out. Whether or not I’m related to the girl has yet to be determined. Okay she just happens to be my niece. Whatever.
Boggs and Martha MIA – two of our very favorite people missed out on teen camp this year and we were saddened enough to include it in our song.
No Harper Valley PTA – Jess was too cool for karaoke – not really, she was just busy with her triplets but Josh told us to make her sing Harper Valley PTA.
Jess: Wanna hear a story about a Harper Valley widowed wife?
Me: The one who had a teenage daughter who attended Harper Valley Junior High?
Jess: That’s the one!
Aaliyah, Wham, Beat Goes On - songs/artists Cory and I sang for karaoke
Summer Nights, dirty song – pastor and his wife sang Summer Nights from Grease but the adult parody version played on the screen by accident…for like a second until it was realized and fixed. yeah bet you didn't know that even existed, huh? me neither.
Screaming out Menominee – every time I read or heard or said Menominee, which is the name of one of the cabins, I was reminded of the muppets sketch of Mahna Mahna and started singing the song. It was a long camp process.
No knuckles for Cory – because he was mean. So I refused to give him knuckles. He tried to win me back with his sudden correct usage of the English language and cheesy jokes and eventually redeemed himself.
No more alcohol – Teen Camp Jefferson 2008. don’t ask.
Avoid the weed, Megan falls – walking back to the tents in the dark with Megan and Bethany is always an experience. Just a weird phrase I said. And it’s weed. Not weeds. Then while bowling I yelled it while Megan was up to screw her over and she fell over laughing. Awesomeness.
Cantrell’s quarter game – every year he hides a quarter beneath a piece of trash and if the kid brings it to him and the piece of trash then he’ll give them a dollar. Some weird bribe to get kids to pick up the trash lying around camp.
Collecting trash is so lame – general statement.
If you build it they will come
It you burn it they will run – another weird phrase that came to me while sitting at the table with pastor before we both fell asleep at that table from boredom between camps.
Red carpeted awards – liz and I made them walk down the red carpet to receive their awards
Cassie, Katey, fake swords – my backstage help for skits, they made me the weapons used in the 5&6th grade boys “Boot Camp” skit. Bangity-bang-bang. Stabbity-stab-stab. Etc.
Butter knife, fatty steak – trying to eat steak with a butter knife is harder than it sounds
Leaking jug of Kool-Aid – big red stain left on one of the tables in the cafeteria
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…
Greta stop!! – Greta is the first victim to get hosed by the monster in “Cosmo’s War of the Planets.” Screaming “Stop!!” at the cafeteria wall does NOT stop her from going into that cave.
Karaoke no one sang – well they did, just not a lot of them.
Often times the bell rang – apparently the phrase “often times” is not a grammatically correct phrase in the English language.
No tubing, too much bank – not enough water in the river to go tubing
Tankity-tank-tank – final/punch line to the “Boot Camp” skit. this line sticks with almost every one i know that was there that year. we still say it repeatedly because it's a fantastic skit.
Softball in the dark – played softball ‘til it was dark. then continued playing anyway.
Miss the old Mariokart – casual conversation
Lights, Camera, Action theme – theme for this year, hence the red-carpeted awards
Snipes vs. Gangrene – softball in the dark’s teams
New sound system losing voice – Jim O is awesome and donated a bunch of microphones and speakers and stuff to camp this year, and my voice is always toast after a week straight of singing
No campfire it’s my choice – cause I didn’t want to run a campfire this year so we did it in the chapel
You are not the boss of me – Cantrell bossing me around when technically I was the boss of him
Girls with the munchies – went to Walmart around midnight and in the lane next to us two teenage girls checked out with pizza
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…
But we just can’t stop – somehow still going
Buying out Ray’s Applebarn – grocery shopping for camp with Jim is always an adventure. even though technically it's ray's apple market.
Adapter made for three prongs – stupid three-pronged chords
Ahren’s prayer, frogs are green – Ahren, one of the teens, volunteered to say a prayer, every year I make Jim a necklace that says “frogs are green” because one day in vbs like 6 years ago he told me frogs are red. Totally not red.
Jim Cantrell is really mean – general statement, though i don't think so anymore. after a year doing night patrol i understand.
Hillman’s sad Carrie won’t share – wrong place, wrong time, sitting by the cafeteria when josh and the boys decide to talk about which stalls they use in the bathroom, I get up to leave cause um, gross, and josh asks me. When I refuse to answer and continue walking I hear “Shaaaaaare!!!! Carrie won’t shaaaaare!!” in this high pitch voice that still cracks me up.
Clothesline filled with underwear – it rhymed with share
80s music, happy bird – listened to a lot of 80s music, Jim O hates happy birds – camp J 2008, don’t ask (he also hates cheesy towel racks, sanding ceilings, song books, addressing and mailing a massive amount of letters and many other things that I could list. Camp is really long process in which you get to know your partner very well.)
“Really” is a funny word – my nephew says “really” in this really weird voice and it’s catching on
Playing lots of tetherball – we didn’t but the teens did
Air mattress, Taj Mahal – more procrastination, Jim O and I set up Meg, Beth and my air mattresses in the dark of night and one of them was ginormously tall. Yes I am a writer and yes I did just use the word ginormously. The two person one for Meg and Beth literally knocked him over. (add air mattresses to that list.)
Night blindness, camera flash – took pictures of them playing softball and it had a blinding effect
Poison ivy gives you rash – general statement. Be on the lookout.
Drinking coffee when it’s hot – I made fun of Cory ‘til I needed it too then Josh made fun of us…
DVD of Hitchcock – Walmart cheap dvd set that has yet to be watched, I’m guessing at least
Pizza with your girlfriend – is it absolutely necessary to sit next to your girlfriend while you’re eating pizza at a camp?
West Side Story, does it end? – movie was longer than expected
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…The smores are hot – and good too…
And hot and hot and hot…
We didn’t start Camp J
Keeping Carrie sane
Or she’ll lose her brain – true statement, I told Cory and Jim they needed to get me through camp and somehow they did it
We didn’t start Camp J
We’re counting down the days
‘Til we leave this place… - and we were…
And the funny thing was that it took like maybe an hour.
It wasn't like big stuff.
That's why I kept putting it off, cause it wasn't, well I mean it was. One of them was a life plan that I have to submit and people have to approve, so I guess that's kind of big, but the rest weren't as bad as I thought they'd be.
Besides those things that aren't so big, but I guess were kind of huge, I signed up for a parking spot, huzzah! I get to use it tomorrow. Now watch me lose my key. That'd be fantastic. I'd have to call Oldest Sister to come and get me. She'd love that.
I also cleaned my apartment today.
My big fat cat approves.
He doesn't approve of the vacuum, but he likes the clean apartment. He can now prowl the floor. All of it. Not just a path I have cleaned for him to walk through.
This is, afterall, his apartment. I just stay here. or that's what he thinks. Right now he's thinking "get that camera out of my face. I'm trying to sleep you crazy woman". He sounds a lot like Garfield. Looks a bit like him too.
Anyway, so we're up to the W's, and holy toast man, there are a lot more W's than I thought there would be. I had to do some major cutting. One of them, of course, I couldn't cut. AND I'd give you the original recording but I'd first have to find it. Then upload it. Then put it on youtube. Then post it here.
It's a process.
But I gotta find it first.
Cause it's around here somewhere.
Anyway, moving on.
"The Way" - Fastball
this song was originally on my old computer, back when i had first started uploading all my music. you know, before it crashed and i had to do it all again? anyway, i never knew it's actual name until recently when i went through and fixed everything. up until a couple years ago it was just entitled "THE SONG THAT IS ALWAYS STUCK IN MY HEAD" capital letters included. this was mostly true when i was in arizona for basketball, but it comes back with a vengeance at the most random of times.
"We Both Reached For The Gun" Richard Gere, Christine Baranski, Renee Zellweger and Chicago Cast
"are you sorry?" "are you kidding?" love the puppet factor, super cool.
saw this movie with my mom and oldest sister when it first came out in 2002 and loved it. i'm kind of a musicals junkie so glee was like perfection. notice the "was". not so much anymore. i actually haven't watched a single episode from this season. there's too much drama involved now. it was funny and original at first. now it's just like trying too hard or something. i don't know, maybe that's just me. thoughts?
"Who's That Guy" Cast of Grease 2
people you will recognize: Michelle Pfeifer and Shooter McGavin. yes, Tommy Jefferson can sing.
did i mention i'm a musicals junkie?
i love this movie. it's incredible cheesiness makes for a great break from reality. clearly not as well-written and popular as the first one, but it makes an effort. it takes place at the same high school, just after the seniors had graduated and they're replaced by new ones. Frenchie guest stars, but she's the only student crossover. The teachers and Coach whatever is still there as well. Michael is a tranfer student who falls in love with Michelle Pfeifer's character but she only dates "Cool Rider"s - she dedicates a song to it as she dances down a street (sketch dared me to do that dance passed the cafeteria) - so he buys a bike and learns how to ride it. Throw in a Luau and some Calendar Girls and you've got the movie in a nutshell.
"We Didn't Start Camp J" Delayed...Reaction
so this is my fake band. well, i guess we write and perform music so we're not so fake.
we write a different song every year the both of us are at camp.
it started back in 2007. it was his first year at camp and we wrote and performed a song to cheer up one of our counselors. i said i always wanted to name a band delayed...reaction, he liked it and it stuck. now we karaoke and all that.
This is my favorite of our songs. I like the original recording better as it's more spontaneous and funny, but I'll get to that one later.
We write down anecdotes and highlights throughout camp, then put them all together, make the rhyme and film it the night before our last day.
Pretty much every line has a reference to a specific incident from that year. Like in this one...okay, I guess I can't really nutshell it.
Though I will tell you my themes for that year were "Inappropriate Comment Withheld", and "Dead people don't giggle!" which you will often hear me say since I direct the skits and worship stuff.
But, since I have the time, Here. Try this.
Fairbury Nebraska – location of camp
Warmer than Alaska – duh
Sitting here at a camp – at a table in the cafeteria
Watching rain make it damp – pouring rain
Decided to write a song
Sure it will be plenty long – we had four pages of memories and anecdotes that we cut down
We decided to convey
Highlights of Camp J – originally we were going to use the tune ‘Pop Muzik’ “Talk about, Camp J!” but this one worked better with the lyrics
Wrote a song about GADE – “The Ballad of GADE” aka “His Name Was GADE”, Camp J 2007 for Kitzworld’s amusement mostly because of an interaction with a certain camper. We substituted GADE for the name because at that time I could only play those four chords on my guitar (but we only used the g-chord anyway)
On YouTube it often played – uploaded (thanks Philip) onto YouTube
Next year was sci-fi – more specifically “Cosmo’s War of the Planets” which is fabulous and if you haven’t seen it you really should. I mean it’s terrible, but it’s worth it.
Watching little aliens fry – “War of the Planets” to the tune of “War” by Edwin Starr has yet to be finished…
Writing skits at one at night – cause I’m a procrastinator and this happens yearly
Won’t stop ‘til we get it right – cause we didn’t have a choice – btw thanks partner
Made them eat some killer eggs – the main one we wrote, “Killer Eggs,” at 1AM went over the best
Then they fell upon their legs – major crowd-pleaser, gotta love the slow motion, speed it up, hate the camera-girl thing
We didn’t start Camp J – since I wasn’t born in ’82 and he was like 1 we definitely were not apart of that whole pioneer family process
It’s a one week stay – for those of us crazy enough to take part in teen camp as well as regular camp
Cause we get no pay – if it were any longer we would be demanding something
We didn't start Camp J
Writer's Block - okay so we had no idea what to finish the refrain with so we told the truth. Writer’s block. Major writer’s block. So we used it.
The kitchen’s hot – looked around, hey it’s kitchen. And it’s hot. Look that semi-rhymes with “writer’s block”
Carrie’s corn in the trunk – my parents decided to pack the trunk of my car with 300 ears of corn for the kids,
Have to take out all the junk – kitchen workers were thrilled ‘til they had to help unload it
Cheesy movies on the wall – Cosmo’s War of the Planets was of course one of them, we use the projector and aim it at one of the walls to the cafeteria. Clue has become another yearly tradition
Watching Adeline fall – our camp mascot, Adeline is our new pastor’s daughter and had some major spills. Not really her fault with all the massive tree roots and junk all over
Lots of Greg Schwartz hugs / Jim Cantrell hugs, there were two versions of this line as I got hugged by them both more than once.
Steve and all his water jugs – gotta love those water balloons? steve is our games leader
No wireless service – frustration for David and I
Heidie serves no purpose – THIS WAS NOT MY LINE. I love you Heidie. You are one of the coolest people with a bicycle that I know. Cory!! Wrote this line because we were trying to use Heidie for her wireless internet but she was busy. Basically we just needed someone to go to YouTube and play GADE for us because we couldn’t remember our own lyrics. long story.
Jim O’s answering machine – if you were lucky enough to catch his voicemail before the power went out in Grafton and erased it you would know to what we are referring to. If not… Jim O had a female friend set up his voicemail message for him in a suggestive way. Haha. That’s all I’m saying.
Cherokee wasn’t clean – Jim, Liz and I had to inspect cabins for the “cleanest cabin” award and when we entered that cabin which was occupied by the teen girl help we decided it was more like a boys’ cabin than a girls’ one
Creature in the chimney – some animal, bird, squirrel, bat, something was making noises
No Brandon Richie?! – confusion ensued when one of our counselors mysteriously didn’t show up
Ancient Indians, Astronauts – two skits I used that year were “How ancient Indians used to tell time” and then one about astronauts telling jokes in space. I made the 8th graders sing and tell jokes. It was fabulous. They hated me.
Children have to sleep on cots – more like air mattresses but that didn’t rhyme
Blame it all on Vista – okay if you know me this makes sense. If not, here you go. I blame everything on Vista. Even if it has nothing to do with computers. There was a lot of blaming Vista during this whole camp thing with the admissions, registration, cabins, schedule, campers, counselors, nametags, folders, t-shirts, bank account, song books, skits and worship etc. etc. process.
Carson took a pista – one camper in particular enjoyed going to the bathroom outside
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writers block…
Watchin’ you like a hawk – this was a James Coates original, centered around one of his campers and a girl in the same grade. they were constantly around each other and James would gesture that he was watching him when the girl was around because it would freak the boy out. Whether or not I’m related to the girl has yet to be determined. Okay she just happens to be my niece. Whatever.
Boggs and Martha MIA – two of our very favorite people missed out on teen camp this year and we were saddened enough to include it in our song.
No Harper Valley PTA – Jess was too cool for karaoke – not really, she was just busy with her triplets but Josh told us to make her sing Harper Valley PTA.
Jess: Wanna hear a story about a Harper Valley widowed wife?
Me: The one who had a teenage daughter who attended Harper Valley Junior High?
Jess: That’s the one!
Aaliyah, Wham, Beat Goes On - songs/artists Cory and I sang for karaoke
Summer Nights, dirty song – pastor and his wife sang Summer Nights from Grease but the adult parody version played on the screen by accident…for like a second until it was realized and fixed. yeah bet you didn't know that even existed, huh? me neither.
Screaming out Menominee – every time I read or heard or said Menominee, which is the name of one of the cabins, I was reminded of the muppets sketch of Mahna Mahna and started singing the song. It was a long camp process.
No knuckles for Cory – because he was mean. So I refused to give him knuckles. He tried to win me back with his sudden correct usage of the English language and cheesy jokes and eventually redeemed himself.
No more alcohol – Teen Camp Jefferson 2008. don’t ask.
Avoid the weed, Megan falls – walking back to the tents in the dark with Megan and Bethany is always an experience. Just a weird phrase I said. And it’s weed. Not weeds. Then while bowling I yelled it while Megan was up to screw her over and she fell over laughing. Awesomeness.
Cantrell’s quarter game – every year he hides a quarter beneath a piece of trash and if the kid brings it to him and the piece of trash then he’ll give them a dollar. Some weird bribe to get kids to pick up the trash lying around camp.
Collecting trash is so lame – general statement.
If you build it they will come
It you burn it they will run – another weird phrase that came to me while sitting at the table with pastor before we both fell asleep at that table from boredom between camps.
Red carpeted awards – liz and I made them walk down the red carpet to receive their awards
Cassie, Katey, fake swords – my backstage help for skits, they made me the weapons used in the 5&6th grade boys “Boot Camp” skit. Bangity-bang-bang. Stabbity-stab-stab. Etc.
Butter knife, fatty steak – trying to eat steak with a butter knife is harder than it sounds
Leaking jug of Kool-Aid – big red stain left on one of the tables in the cafeteria
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…
Greta stop!! – Greta is the first victim to get hosed by the monster in “Cosmo’s War of the Planets.” Screaming “Stop!!” at the cafeteria wall does NOT stop her from going into that cave.
Karaoke no one sang – well they did, just not a lot of them.
Often times the bell rang – apparently the phrase “often times” is not a grammatically correct phrase in the English language.
No tubing, too much bank – not enough water in the river to go tubing
Tankity-tank-tank – final/punch line to the “Boot Camp” skit. this line sticks with almost every one i know that was there that year. we still say it repeatedly because it's a fantastic skit.
Softball in the dark – played softball ‘til it was dark. then continued playing anyway.
Miss the old Mariokart – casual conversation
Lights, Camera, Action theme – theme for this year, hence the red-carpeted awards
Snipes vs. Gangrene – softball in the dark’s teams
New sound system losing voice – Jim O is awesome and donated a bunch of microphones and speakers and stuff to camp this year, and my voice is always toast after a week straight of singing
No campfire it’s my choice – cause I didn’t want to run a campfire this year so we did it in the chapel
You are not the boss of me – Cantrell bossing me around when technically I was the boss of him
Girls with the munchies – went to Walmart around midnight and in the lane next to us two teenage girls checked out with pizza
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…
But we just can’t stop – somehow still going
Buying out Ray’s Applebarn – grocery shopping for camp with Jim is always an adventure. even though technically it's ray's apple market.
Adapter made for three prongs – stupid three-pronged chords
Ahren’s prayer, frogs are green – Ahren, one of the teens, volunteered to say a prayer, every year I make Jim a necklace that says “frogs are green” because one day in vbs like 6 years ago he told me frogs are red. Totally not red.
Jim Cantrell is really mean – general statement, though i don't think so anymore. after a year doing night patrol i understand.
Hillman’s sad Carrie won’t share – wrong place, wrong time, sitting by the cafeteria when josh and the boys decide to talk about which stalls they use in the bathroom, I get up to leave cause um, gross, and josh asks me. When I refuse to answer and continue walking I hear “Shaaaaaare!!!! Carrie won’t shaaaaare!!” in this high pitch voice that still cracks me up.
Clothesline filled with underwear – it rhymed with share
80s music, happy bird – listened to a lot of 80s music, Jim O hates happy birds – camp J 2008, don’t ask (he also hates cheesy towel racks, sanding ceilings, song books, addressing and mailing a massive amount of letters and many other things that I could list. Camp is really long process in which you get to know your partner very well.)
“Really” is a funny word – my nephew says “really” in this really weird voice and it’s catching on
Playing lots of tetherball – we didn’t but the teens did
Air mattress, Taj Mahal – more procrastination, Jim O and I set up Meg, Beth and my air mattresses in the dark of night and one of them was ginormously tall. Yes I am a writer and yes I did just use the word ginormously. The two person one for Meg and Beth literally knocked him over. (add air mattresses to that list.)
Night blindness, camera flash – took pictures of them playing softball and it had a blinding effect
Poison ivy gives you rash – general statement. Be on the lookout.
Drinking coffee when it’s hot – I made fun of Cory ‘til I needed it too then Josh made fun of us…
DVD of Hitchcock – Walmart cheap dvd set that has yet to be watched, I’m guessing at least
Pizza with your girlfriend – is it absolutely necessary to sit next to your girlfriend while you’re eating pizza at a camp?
West Side Story, does it end? – movie was longer than expected
We didn’t start Camp J
It’s a one week stay
Cause we get no pay
We didn’t start Camp J
Writer’s block…The smores are hot – and good too…
And hot and hot and hot…
We didn’t start Camp J
Keeping Carrie sane
Or she’ll lose her brain – true statement, I told Cory and Jim they needed to get me through camp and somehow they did it
We didn’t start Camp J
We’re counting down the days
‘Til we leave this place… - and we were…
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