I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Two librarians walk into a bookstore...

Finish that sentence.

Basically, last hour of the day, Queen of the Known Universe says she's going to the bookstore to pick up a paperback they ordered for her, meanwhile I had decided that I wanted to read Silver Linings Playbook, but that the line at the library was too long so I was just going to go and buy it.

So we raced over there after work.

I won.

You would have been proud, we didn't fix their displays, rearrange their shelves correctly or yell at the teens who were throwing legos in the kids section.

Not our problem, we don't work there.

And that took incredible talent, you have no idea.

Because the shelver in me wants to scream at their organizational methods.

And the librarian in her wants to make things look nice and neat.

But we restrained ourselves, and made snarky comments instead.

The problem with working with books is that when I don't see a barcode on the front cover I like, pause, and then I'm like, oh yeah, there's not supposed to be one.

Neither is there supposed to be a date written on the bottom or a label on the side to see if an item is actually fiction or nonfiction.

I actually covered bookstore woes a while ago here: You Know You're a Librarian When...

We found some good titles.

She got her paperback.

I bought Silver Linings Playbook.

And Star Wars, the original trilogy in book form.

The boyfriend was oh so excited.

Pretty sure he was not a fan of that movie - Silver Linings Playbook, not Star Wars. He loves Star Wars. More than me, or so he claims.

Speaking of the boyfriend, so I might be going on a motorcar ride with him at the end of the month. If I can find someone to switch shifts with me that is.

Basically it's the one he looks forward to and his dad can't make it but he doesn't want to go alone so....

I asked the boss, will see what she has to say about it.

She calls him "Stude".

Long story.

I find it highly entertaining how fascinated people at work are with my love life.

Apparently it's highly entertaining to them because before him I didn't really have one.

Aside from all the crazies who stalk me there.

Where was I?

Yes, the bookstore.

We had fun, but we always do.

They don't let us work together often.

Mostly because we plot to one day take over the library, and then the world.

And she likes my signs.

I've decided to start an album on Facebook of random signs.

I used to take pictures of them all the time.

Back when I was a nerdy teenager.

Now I'm just a nerd.

With a boyfriend who thinks taking pictures of trains is better than taking pictures of signs.

Wouldn't even pull over to let me jump out and take a picture of the genuine legitimate "Beware of Dog" sign.

Which you only see in redneck movies.


Anyway, this nerd is currently watching Murder In Suburbia, season one.

The actual season one, not the "season one" that they sent that was actually season two.

So far, so good.

*staring at boss*
Scribbs: "He plays golf."
Ash: "Why are we so deeply disappointed by that?"

Think Oldest Sister would like it - she's big into British mysteries.

Speaking of, I'm going to Squirt's track meet tomorrow morning to watch her throw and then me, Oldest Sister and Second Sister are gonna hit up the Roller Derby after.


Second Sister has never been before so I'm pretty excited.

But yes, off tomorrow, and Sunday for Easter.

Doing lunch with his family and then an egg hunt and supper with mine.

Okay, normally I would stay up and sleep until noon cause tomorrow I'm off, however, the track meet is in the morning, which means I actually have to get up at a decent time.

So I shall be crashing soon.

Quotes of the Day: these fall into the "things overheard at the library" category:
-"Oh, hand me the one with the naked dancing men."
-"Don't give me virgins, no!"

Don't ask.

Which means on to the music...

Originally the plan was to feature my favorites from Neon Trees and Owl City after Maroon 5's greatest hits, but I got distracted.

Anyway, these guys were great live, when they covered "Don't You Want Me" the crowd went nuts.

Well, the adults, all the teens were looking around bewildered going, "what the hell is this song and why do you know it?"

Here are my favorites from Neon Trees:


actually bought this one and their album before they hit it big - love free iTunes music, they do this single of the week thing and it was one of them, about a month later it started playing on the radio. He's blonde now, with tight pants and purple shoes. 


1983 is callin' I've been on my knees and crawlin'

In the Next Room

interesting video...

Everybody Talks

another one you probably know, i've posted it enough. though when I hear it now I think of Michaela Paige performing it on The Voice.

Wish List

probably my favorite new original christmas song, like actually original, the rest of mine are all classics.

Tomorrow you'll get Owl City highlights.

typing in the tags with autofill, and "everybody" brought up a tag for "everybody has an uncle johnny" totally forgot about that one.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I may have ended up at the _other_ Barnes & Noble, and not where you two went, but I also went to Best Buy, where I reorganized part of their TV Shows on DVD section, which they had out of alphabetical order. Does that count for anal retentive librarian points?

    I, too, take pictures of signs. But only if they're misspelled, so I can share them with the Spelling Mistakes group on Flickr. You'd like them: http://www.flickr.com/groups/spelling/
