I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

guaranteed to blow your mind, anytime.

Totally zonked.

But it was worth it.

Woke up early this morning - well, for my day off anyway - and hit up Squirt's trackmeet. Watched her throw shot and disc.

She's pretty good, for a freshman. Only girl freshman on the thrower's squad.

Also on the thrower's squad is my cousin. Though a different thrower's squad, but we were able to watch them both from the same vantage point.

After that I took a nap, whilst watching more Murder and Suburbia - don't let that reflect on the show, it's quite good.

And then headed to the roller derby with Oldest Sister, Squirt and Squirt's friend.

Oh my god, about had a heart attack.

So we were dominating in the first half, and then the announcer said something stupid - he called it a "comfortable lead" - 20 points is not a comfortable lead. Flash once got 34 in a single round.

Long story short - too late - after we were ahead the entire bout they passed us with 6 minutes left, then we had a power jam - where the other team's jammer (scorer) is in the penalty box and can do nothing to stop it - that brought us back but then they came back.

They saved Flash for the final jam, she passed just enough people to put us in the lead before calling off the jam right as the clock round down.

Final score 149-146.

The crowd went nuts.

Game would have been even better if we didn't have a bunch of Omaha players sitting behind us and talking smack about No Coast.

Rivalries ho!

They're just mad we smoked them.

And when I say smoked them I mean by over 100 points, smoked them.

About every 5 minutes they do cheesy advertisements for their sponsors, they're highly entertaining.

Though my favorite was an old one about a photography studio - "specializing in pin-up, boudoir and maternity..." or when the second announcer wasn't paying attention so it was "you know what I like?" *silence* *more silence* "Bicycles!"

"Flexibility, agility...other words that rhyme with ility."

So we were ranked 33 and the Arch Rival girls from St. Louis were 13th - this is in the world, not the nation, so I'm wondering how that will affect our rankings.

Anyway, so that was my day. And there's a big one tomorrow so I should crash.

Music Rec:

Killer Queen - Queen


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