I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, March 11, 2013

your whisper so clear, the world disappears...

Have you ever had one of those days that you hear something so unexpected that it just completely and totally throws off your entire day?

It didn't help that it was in the middle of the night.

And then I woke up thinking I dreamed it, cause it's one of those way-out-there-never-see-it-coming kind of things.

And then I checked my phone and realized it wasn't a dream.

So then today was just all wonky.

Plus I woke up early to dig out my car, ended up spinning sideways out of the parking space and drove right out, apparently parking diagonal actually works.

Even when it wasn't on purpose.

So I didn't get as much sleep as I should have which made said day even more wonky.

It was just...unexpected.

I have no other words.

But you know, it's a good thing.

My problem is that I'm protective right, to a fault really.

Sketch doesn't even tell me about her boyfriends, let alone introduce us.

Anyway, I'm just protective and I want the best for her, but I'm staying out of it.

Cause she's grown and all that.

And she's happy.

Giddy really.

So we'll see where this goes.

Anyway, aside from all that wonky stuff, I finished Lie To Me.

What the crap?! Seriously.

Clearly they were expecting to do another season because there was no end to that ending.

And at the same time, no real cliffhanger either.

Just a general, unsolved-ness.

If that makes sense.

But with how crappy that last season was there was no way it was getting renewed.

Which didn't help my wonky day.

So now I'm watching Red in search of some sense of normalcy.

Since I fell asleep watching it every night for like a month.

Or two.

Okay it was three.

But anyway, am in need of some normal routine stuff, and since I could think of no other solutions and I had a craving to watch it ever since I saw the preview for the sequel...tada!

What else from today?

Sent our webmaster the Reader's Theater videos and photos. He's gonna upload them to the website, huzzah!

I'm really proud of how they turned out. Especially the pigeon one.

Long story.

But they were great and we shall do it again next year.

And Teen Tech Week is coming along. I had to go out and buy the freakin' candy in the snow yesterday and made it in time for delivery this morning.

That was another huzzah moment.

So my job, for now, is done. End of the week they'll send all the forms back and then Cabin Fever will draw the winner for the iTunes card and we'll be good until next year.

When someone else can take charge and come up with something better.

Even though the "teen experience" crew said it was great.

Ummmm....did some homework. Wrote up the overview of that interview, now gotta wait for other classmates to write up theirs so we can do a discussion board.

Oh yeah, speaking of class, totally crashed one today.

In Special Libraries you know, and today they stopped by the work branch to visit one of our in-house special libraries. It was amusing, they all walked in and went, you work here? It was amusing.

So I crashed their class for my 15 minute break.

Asked my question and ran.

Professor found it humorous.

Actually encouraged my crashing of class.

So does that take away the "crash" when the professor is okay with it?

Cause I feel like the whole point of crashing something is to show up unannounced in like an unapproved manner.

You know, cause like people crash weddings they're not invited to. But I was in fact, invited, so perhaps crashed isn't the best word.

Even though, during my introduction, the professor said I was crashing class.

So she not only approved of said crashing, but she also called it crashing so then I think that re-confirms that it was a crash afterall.

Cause she said it.

I'm going around in circles and none of that made sense whatsoever so skip it please.

I told you my day was wonky, this was my thought process ALL DAY.

"Open the pig!"

Sorry, Red.

"Poop to that" has become a common phrase between myself and Oldest Sister.

Okay so that's wonkyness, the class crashing, more wonkyness, Lie to Me, teen tech week, oh I made spaghetti for supper and then did the homework and now I'm watching Red. Oh and then the car thing this morning and yep, think that's all.

So now I'm gonna go back to watching Red, almost an hour in already and quoting the whole thing while it plays in the background.

Did I mention it was practically every night for three months?

Almost as bad as the Mummy or Returns except not quite to those extremes.

Which goes to show why my mother so is tired of those movies.

"This again?!"

Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.

Before midnight, holy Frank Moses man.

Maroon 5's greatest hits, take 7


wish i could see this one live. another one of my top 5, and totally underrated.

Get Back in My Life

love this one, great dance mix.


interesting that this one has a video and the others don't. isn't exactly their most popular. not that i don't love it. cause if i didn't i wouldn't post it.

"Listen Plastic-Man."

alright, off to bed. pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.

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