I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

but the tigers come at night.

I think I'm getting sick.

Well, I don't need to think, I've spent the past hour puking and burning up.

So I guess I am sick.

I felt off today, but I just figured that was stress cause of tax stuff and TAB stuff and other work stuff.

So I should be sleeping but I can't because I have a MASSIVE assignment due this weekend.

And I can't work on it Thursday cause that's date night with the boyfriend - I don't care what you have to say about my priorities I need some aspect of sanity and he gives me that - and Friday is Mom's birthday party with the family and then this weekend Sketch will be here in person so it is tonight and tomorrow for me to get it done.

I hate the census website with a passion.

And then there's all this math stuff and then her math doesn't match up so I can't use it as an example.

I literally want to throw my computer against the wall.

The frustration is just adding to the nausea.

I don't understand it and I don't understand what she wants and I'm going to fail and it's making me all emotional which is just making me throw up more.

So I should really text Superwoman telling her I can't make it tomorrow and then go to sleep


Like we're out of receipt paper at like every station, one of the printers needs a new cartridge, NESU is out of a certain tax form - that I don't know where to get cause my Trainee is gone on vacation - I have the Old New Guy's flashdrive cause I forgot to put it on his desk - he left it at the computer and I put it in my pocket to take down to his desk but I was so flustered about the tax form thing that I totally spaced it. And then my program descriptions are due on the 21st.

We finally picked the dates but I don't have anything close to ready with those things, I passed them on to Girlscout for her opinion cause my descriptions always suck but that's as far as I've gotten.

I don't understand it. Everything was fine. I watched NCIS and Splash - ridiculous, by the way, but I'm going to keep watching anyway - then I pick up my laptop to start the assignment due Saturday and I start puking nonstop.

So I'm taking a break from the homework but I'm still burning up and nauseous.

The boyfriend told me to go to sleep but I CAN'T cause I need to get this done.

But I can't get it done because I don't understand the assignment.

And I can't ask the professor because I have this feeling that she hates me - just something about how she words her comments on my stuff it makes me feel inadequate - so I don't feel comfortable asking questions and then that makes me feel even more like a failure and that's making more more sick.

So I quit.

I'm going to bed.

And then I'm gonna fail the assignment.

But hey, life sucks and then you die.


This is really not what I was expecting out of this post.

Today was fine, I mean aside from the stuff that sucked, which a lot of it did, but nothing to the extent of how crappy I feel at the moment.

I don't know what's going on with me, apparently I get all emotional when I'm sick so I should really stop typing and just crash.

I just need someone to sit down with me and go over the assignment. Normally with professors I feel comfortable asking questions but not with this class. I hate math and I hate that website so I'm just gonna fail.

Sounds good.

I'm out.

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