I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"I'd rather take advice from a ham sandwich."

I don't know how, but Carter just knows.

Like when I'm having a bad day and I'm all emotional he just sits with me and doesn't bite or anything.

Sleeps all curled up on my stomach facing me to make sure I'm okay or something.

Last night was ridiculous. I hate throwing up, it's gross and awkward.

But what makes it even worse was that I think it was me and my messed up headspace that was making me sick in the first place.

Because I was fine all day - I felt off, but that's not unusual - and then I start freaking out about stuff and throw up. And then it just doesn't stop and I start burning up.

Just blah.

So I was up pretty late doing that, and then I was too hot to sleep so I watched Storage Wars.

Oh the excitement, I know.

Crashed about 3 or 4, woke up at 8 and Superwoman told me to stay home.

Which means tomorrow I'm gonna have a mega workload cause of all the stuff that needed to get done yesterday.

Mostly program planning stuff, need to submit everything to my bosses to they can approve it and send it on.

So today I slept it all off.

Woke up around noon. Watched Dredd.

4/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Oh my god cheesy. Like bad cheesy. I gave it a chance cause of Karl Urban but totally not worth it.

and Alex Cross

6/10 for that one, not so great either. More cheesy acting. I just can't take Tyler Perry seriously after all the Madea stuff. It's like taking Eddie Murphy seriously. Just doesn't happen.

After that I did homework.

Started at 4:30, just finished at 10:30.

All for the same assignment.

And freakin' furby McDermott decides that he's gonna wake up and talk nonstop in the middle of it.

Yay headphones.

But now it's done.

And submitted.

So now I'm gonna watch some Winter X-Games, thanks Instacake. DVR'ing the rest of them.

We're kind of nerds for all things X-Games.

oh my god, watch this commercial.


Alright, women's halfpipe. I'm out.

oh, and remind me to not post again when i'm all emotional and rambly cause it causes people to call and panic.

like my mother.


pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

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