I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"I reckon that you'll want to join Team Shakira. I'd be much obliged if you picked me."

Today has kicked ass!

And sucked all at the same time.

Mostly because my boyfriend is having a monster crapsuck day.

And I would rather be spending my night with him, but he's busy fixing everything.

But ranting on here just makes things worse headspace-wise so I'm going to focus on the good.

Woke up this morning and showed up at work pre-9:05AM.


We work 9:05-6:05 don't look at me like that.

It was food day at work.


Reference Queen brought homemade fudge and lemon bars, awesomeness.

Spent an hour in the morning checking in in the backroom.


Need my zen place. 

Finally got our new library business cards in, hot off the press and out on the desks.


Been asking about those for months. Mostly because people have been asking ME about them for months.

Mom stopped by the library to pick up books for her bookclub. She brought candy, ever increasing her reputation as best library Mom ever.


Added my stash to the library's food day collective. 

Got lunch from the usual joint, soup, chips and Mt. Dew.


They know my order by heart so I've started switching up the chips. 

Watched half an episode from season four of Total Wipeout (the UK version) during lunch.


Will watch second half during tomorrow's lunch like usual.

Met one of my volunteer's supervisors who had to do a site visit and interview myself and Superwoman in the process. Was nervous but she was cool. She asked me for my qualifications and was impressed by my answer.


This whole Master's thing actually stops people in their tracks. That was my favorite part of meeting the boyfriend's family on his dad's birthday. His aunts literally paused their inquisition. But hey! That does not mean I'm going back for a Doctorate, no matter what Superwoman says. 

Got off early to go to Special Libraries class at the Library Commission where I got to jam with David, Jennifer and some other cool library mates.


Got to tour their recording studio - they do their own audio books, it's sweet. 

Stopped for a Southwest grilled chicken salad from McDonald's on the way home.


I love drive-thrus. 

Got two thank you cards in the mail, both for birthdays, one with cash.


Woohoo, more fun from Mom. 

Watched part two of the Voice's Blind Auditions. More amusing banter between coaches.


I'm loving Shakira's added personality, but Adam has the strongest team so far. 

Posted my final thesis statement for Special Libraries Class: "Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians." Presentation in the works, I'm thinking of direct quoting from this post here: Rockin' Reference with the Shelver's Curse


Thanks Girlscout for the inspiration. Weight off my mind seriously. Statement was due tomorrow but the presentation isn't until the 11th. I have a bunch of ideas, I'm trying to through them together while I still have the inspiration. I'll give you a practice speech before I give it to them on the 11th, how's that?

Checked grades while on Blackboard and found this comment on my most recent assignment. Remember the professor that hates me? And the assignment FROM HELL? "Spot on perfect on #8a. I know you were frustrated on #5 and 6 by not being able to ask questions of the patron, but I have to tell you...you did great!! I really appreciated that you included a response for each question with your impressions. Well done. Your research methods in the deep web were very good. You worked hard on this assignment, and your grade reflects that effort."


A+ Holy crap. I have no words. Like literally, was stunned. And then of course started to overanalyze everything because she hates me so now I'm thinking she says I worked hard on this one, so does that mean she thinks I don't work hard on the others, etc. etc. But maybe she doesn't hate me and it's all in my head. Wouldn't be the first time. 

The boyfriend just texted that he loved me before going into work for the night.


And on that note, my day is complete. 

So, on to the music.

More Voice Blind Auditions, here are a few of my favorites from tonight.

Folsom Prison Blues - Midas Whale

"i hate it when they can speak spanish, damnit!"

Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys - Tawnya Reynolds

"I ride horses." "She's not even from this country!" "I play the harmonica... and I got something you guys don't have... it's is an English to Country dictionary... I reckon that you'll want to join Team Shakira. I'd be much obliged if you picked me."

One of Us - Sarah Simmons

"pick BLAKE!!" love the voice crack.

Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.

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