I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

i have no title for this post.

Okay, so I should have saved the headspace music for today.

Plain and simple, today sucked. Black out of the crevices and all over the chicken feathers as I sit back and wave. Any other life mottos I can kill? Go here or there,

Staff meeting this morning was not what I was expecting. Yes, we're building a new library - if we can get the funding - so all that was explained, but then it turned to budgets and reallocating hours and since I'm the newest employee - technically even though I've been with them since May 2010 I've only been full-time since November - I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get banished to up north.

Not that there's anything wrong with up north, it's just that I finally feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, you know? Like I love TAB - I just built an entire website for it, and I'm finally used to the supplies and damages routine, plus backup aide supervisor is a fun position so far - but that's mostly cause Slim Shady is the boss boss and she's been doing all the stuff I just take over when she's not there - and as for volunteer coordinating I had four volunteers in today, one of them for his second day since he trained yesterday and they rocked. I like the location, pace, staff, patrons, it just fits.

Immediately after the meeting I went to the home branch for an hour and was talked down by my trainee who is fantastic and logical and reliable and all that and made me see things that I might have missed cause I was upset. If it all works out I owe her dinner.

So today sucked yes, but I had some great people to talk to, Trainee, Joe Studley, the authentically awesome one and only KB, Slim Shady, even BossLady searched me out cause she could tell I was freaked. I'm sure it'll be fine and I'm over-reacting,

Anyway, so after that whole crapfest I headed out to see the boyfriend and we hit up the new Bourne movie.  He's fantastic - the boyfriend, not Jeremy Renner though he's great too - because pretty sure no one else was really looking forward to seeing that movie since it's not actual Jason Bourne - but he put up with it anyway cause my day sucked and he loves me. Talked for a while after but now I'm back and ready to crash.

I'd give Bourne about a 6/10. It was alright but mostly because it had Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz, two of my favorites though Jeremy more recently than Rachel. She was pretty kickass, had a few Mummy Returns flashbacks but it was him that did the majority of the fighting.

I will have to go back and watch the original trilogy though to remind me all of the ins and outs of Treadstone and Black Briar and all that. I recognized the faces but the last time I watched any of the movies was on New Years like 3-4 years ago.

Alright, music then crash.

Songs of the day:

More headspace.

Hurtful - Erik Hassle
he's swedish, just go with the hairstyle.

Bury Me - Thirty Seconds to Mars
video is weird but the song is good.

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