I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

she walks like she talks and she talks like she walks...

Short day today at work, went in at 11:35, had a lunch break somewhere around 2, got done at 6:05.

Super slow today, mostly cause there was no parking due to a very loud and crowded event on the street directly outside the library.

Queen of the Known Universe was not amused.

Even though the crowd was slow the day actually moved by fairly quickly.

And I got to work with some of my favorite people, Slim Shady, Queen of the Known Universe, Girlscout, Mentor - there's usually just five of us on Sundays, though today it got cut down to 4 at around 3 since Mentor headed out for the Summer Reading event at the Saltdogs game.

At least it was nice weather for them, I was worried it was going to rain.

So yes, my day was fine and normal and then I check my phone and read that Grams is in the ER cause she fell twice.

So I called all frantic and the Cool Aunt and Mom and Grams are sitting around laughing it up attempting to distract her with funny relative stories. Apparently no injuries, just a walker for the prescription which...okay Grams is a tough woman and a bit stubborn so when I heard that I laughed because I knew that she would be ticked.

Like seriously ticked.

"He's gonna get it back in his face" ticked.

Sorry, favorite quote of hers though I'm pretty sure Mom was mortified when she yelled it at the de-suited Santa.

Go here: She deserved the truck and a load to go with it.

Hey, the woman hates spinach.

Lay off.

Anyway, so I stopped by after work.

The beauty of Alzheimer's - notice it's just "the" as there's really only one - is that she also forgets the bad stuff so by that time she was over the whole ER waiting for the doctor to sign off thing.

Mom said that I needed to talk up the walker so I commented on it's red-and-shiny-ness.

She was less than enthused about it.

And attempted to pawn it off on me as I left, but that's a longer story.

We decided today at work that I'm screwed.

On one side I've got Alzheimer's and the other I've got dementia.

So basically I'll be seeing horses in the chicken coop but forgetting about them a few minutes later.

Hopefully I've got some time before that takes over.

My brother, on the other hand, just turned the big 4-0.

It's birthday season in our family, there's 3 in August and 2 in September. To celebrate the August birthdays we - my siblings and I - hit up a Saltdogs game. The boys prefer it to be dollar hotdog night - one year my brother got 4 hotdogs and ate 2 of them by the time he got back to the chair.

But that's always fun, pretty sure you've got 2 entries on here alone talking about our exploits - "love mom" - and then one on Oldest Sister's blog as well.

Alright, emotional rollercoaster of a day and seriously, I'm on a roll because I don't go in until 4 tomorrow so there's been a lot of actual sleep lately which rocks cause I feel like I'm finally getting over the madness that was camp.

Clip of the day:

cause i find it amusing, especially the bus driver dance at the end.

love the background music. that's niiice.

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