I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Vienna waits for you.

Remember how I was so excited about having a day off and all the stuff I could do cause it was my day off which implied that there would be off-ness, meaning off of stress and off of work and off of people and off of just general life-ness.

You know, just off?

Spent my day "off" doing homework.

So now it's just more like off-balance cause all I did was read and post and read and post and read some more and post some more. And none of it is textbook reading, just online journals, which I was grateful for earlier cause it means it's less expensive and easier to access but I was at the point where I couldn't stand to stare at my screen any longer SO I took a shower, made a smoothie, and watched Battleship.

Whilst the movie itself was complete crap - I love Liam Neeson, I do, but it was so choppy scene-wise with really crappy dialogue, and seemed basically like "Battle: Los Angeles" but set in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and focused on the Navy instead of Marines  - it re-upped my sanity because it was a break from my computer screen. Granted it was yet another screen but that one is bigger and farther away and didn't have written dialogue I had to follow along with.

Though I did learn that with their database system you can set it so it reads it to you and you can make them read it in an accent, so that part was enjoyable.

Anyway, Battleship gets about a 5/10 on the Scale of Awesome - it had its moments but they were few and far between.

Seriously, it is Battle: Los Angeles but on water, look at this:

Battleship 2012

Battle: Los Angeles 2011

Both have the two token females - aka one that's in the trenches and the other is the love interest
Both have one big named actor plus one semi-known actor and then a bunch of little people
Both involve aliens landing coming in gigantor ships
Both involve military members as the main characters
Both have cheesy looking aliens
Both have crappy dialogue

And Liam Neeson is in more of Clash of the Titans than he is in this - which means barely 10 minutes, but that's okay cause they made up for that in Wrath of the Titans.

And I can't take Rihanna seriously in an acting role, I'm sorry.

Okay, as I'm apparently quite rambly at the moment I will now find some music and post this before I move on to things like community analysis in the New York public libraries, social contracts, reference databases, ALA standards, or RUSA guidelines because I'm sure you'd tune out.

"Vienna" - Billy Joel

love this one.

or check out this awesome cover by Steve Dalton

he has a lot of good ones on his channel

and, in honor of it's return:

10 days and counting...

when will you realize, vienna waits for you?

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