I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Don't all freak on me at once.

Yes it's different.

Same blog, new layout.

It was time for a change - I've had that setup for like a year and a half.

At least.

All the pink was weirding me out.

I'm not a pink person.

Which is where the humor was in the beginning, but now it's just annoying.

But if you can't read this then I'll change it to something else.

So, today?

Panic call from Oldest Sister when I was pulling into work, apparently Squirt's life was on edge since volleyball tryouts were today and all that.


She'll be fine.

And she was, she made the reserve team, which is between freshman and JV. So that's great, she did work pretty hard for it this summer. I'm proud, she's all grown up and has her own locker and all that.

Makes me feel old.

But then I go to work and I'm reminded that I'm the youngest one there and then I'm okay again.


There are many times at work that I feel old as well, though the majority of those times involve the Teen Advisory Board or Summer Reading Programs. And those are mostly over, until September that is when we have our Hunger Games party. But it'll be fun, stale baguette toss, tribute fashion shows which reminds me that I need to pilfer the clothes from the camp stash sometime soon.

What else from today?

Um, ordered calendars.

That was exciting.

Cleaned keyboards - they were nasty. At some point this week I'm going to brave the lab.

But I'll be wearing gloves cause I'm not that brave.

Not that big of deal, can of air spray - it's thoroughly amusing - to clean the keyboards and screen cleaner spray for the monitors. Unfortunately there are 12 in the lab, plus 5 outside and I'll only have an hour to do it.

I might drag someone else into it with me, hmmm....who to choose.

Nah, they wouldn't like me very much after that.

Early lunch so I got to jam with Slim Shady, ummm oh yeah I got yelled at by a patron - well it was a generic yell aimed at all the employees in the area - saying that she was doing our job for us.

We're not perfect, I'll admit that, but we're not completely hopeless.

Thank you.

Aaannd that was pretty much my day. So not super boring, but not completely madhouse crazy either.

I did get to jam with BossLady for a while so that was fun. And they trusted Slim Shady and I to work together which is a rarity. We joke because the only time we see each other - even though we're in the same building - is either walking in in the morning or walking out at closing and that's only cause we park in the same parking lot.

It's a conspiracy man.

Okay, I will end this before I ramble you into oblivion.

Song of the night:

Paris - Ashley De La Rosa

was literally singing it all day.

well, that and this:

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