I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I have a big head and little arms.

Okay, I've been super crappy blogger lady lately I'm aware, so that ends now.

Before it was either not posting or posting about nothing, but now I actually have stuff to post about so we're good.

Yeah, you know it's bad when your mom texts you and asks if you're okay.


I'm fine.

Just been busy.

Okay, where were we?

Ah yes, so Fearless Leader had her last day and the next day all hell broke loose when the mail didn't show up and the delivery truck broke down meaning today we were just swamped and had like a holds cart in the morning and then another in the afternoon.

After the madness Smo came out and stayed over last night - which is why there was not post-age so you get double tonight - ordered some burgers, watched some Warehouse 13, and pulled out the yearbooks going, "wait, who was that guy again?" Our class started as 32 and ended at like 26, but sadly the class above us lost even more people and graduated with like 13 or something. It was super small.

Speaking of the class above me, my roommate from college was in that class and she texted me this morning a quote from Grey's - actually scared the crap out of me cause usually when I get Grey's quotes they're from Sketch. I hit reply and went, wait, what? I get random ones from her every once in a while but now she is all married and pregnant and working so she's busy.

But that's okay cause I'm busy too.

Anyway, so Smo was here and we jammed out and had fun cause she's always fun. Reminisced about a bunch of high school stuff, actually realized that there's just three of us girls left that aren't engaged/married/parents out of the...eh, there were only like ten of us. But still, amusing.

Then she started making fun of Frank.

Remember Frank? Go here 

He's cute. And he has a big head and little arms. Which reminded us of this:

and I found one that repeated it and we seriously watched it over and over

and then in the "related" field we ran across this one

"it's so fluffy i'm gonna die!!" and then proceeded to watch that over and over

and then again, in the "related" field came this one

so yes, they are making a second. And sort of a 1 1/2 cause there's one called Minion Madness as well.

Anyway, after some burgers and Warehouse we both konked out, then she took off this morning when I left for work.

And speaking of leaving for work - no, none of this will be in order - so you know when you wake up and you're like half asleep? Not yesterday morning, but the day before totally broke my toilet. Well, the handle. Cause you know you pull and then it's there and then you're like wait, that's not supposed to come off, but you're half asleep so you don't really understand what just happened?

So yeah, that was a fun voicemail to leave for my apartment people, basically, um, this is broken and I don't know what to do and I have to go to work so I'll check in later.

And then never did cause I got swamped.

And speaking of never did - apparently yesterday my dentist called - no, not my cellphone, they called me at work - and I was on break so they said they'd call back - and then never did, so I don't know if I'm supposed to call them or like wait for them to call me....I don't know why they called my work, they have my cell number as my main contact.

I think.

I'll call tomorrow cause I have the day off.

So much to do tomorrow, finish editing, read for homework stuff, post homework stuff, go shopping to buy more page protector things, and at some point I would like to sleep, though right now it's already 2AM - which isn't a big deal since I'm off tomorrow - but in order to sleep in you need to actually first fall asleep.

Let's see, so we got Wednesday, that was the broken toilet, hell breaks loose at work, Smo comes over - oh yeah, and it was all fixed by the time I got home. Which rocked cause that would've been awkward.

So that was Wednesday.

Thursday was today? Right.

Yes, Thursday was today. So she left this morning and I have this whole like free week of XM radio in my car cause they want me to sign up but I never do, anyway, so I didn't realize that I had forgotten my ipod - and I didn't realize how much I actually listen to music during the day cause there's lunch and there's off desk for projects and stuff so I totally had to update Pandora on my phone and listen to that instead with my backup/broken headphones that was miraculously still in my bag.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm pathetic cause I couldn't last one day without some sort of substitute for my ipod, but I don't have any music stored on my phone and then Pandora is internet radio so it kept killing my battery so I had to pull out the charger and take that with me like through lunch and then at my desk.

And I needed that to be charged cause I knew I'd need it later because I only have one charger in my car and I was using it for my GPS - Squirt had her first volleyball game tonight, she started and she rocked and they won so it was fun - anyway, but it was an away game and the high school they played is way up north and I had no idea how to get there so I tried to plug it in to Thomas my GPS but I never update Thomas so Thomas had no idea what the hell I was talking about so I ended up calling the library for directions!!

Don't you just love reference?

And I called the home branch - because for some reason I always call the home branch instead of the work branch for directions but I think that's more because when I need directions it means I'm not at work and when I'm not there it means we're closed - yes I do work too much - so I called the home branch and talked to the newest employee there who I get to work with every once in a while, she's fantastic, was talking me through it.

Totally found it and made it without driving in circles like an idiot.

So, they won 2 sets out of 3, Squirt rocked and the red hair was sweet cause they have green uniforms. Which means I should get a green shirt so I can like blend in and stuff.

After that I headed out to see the boyfriend - though the majority of the time he was working on motorcar stuff and then loading them up and all that.

I felt like the trophy girlfriend cause I couldn't do anything - my knowledge of mechanics is slightly limited - shutup Sketch - so I basically held the flashlight and made commentary. But he's very handy so he knew what he was doing. And he's smart because I'm clumsy so I'm sure I would screw something over.

But he is leaving to go on a trip with his dad until Tuesday so I knew if I didn't see him tonight it wouldn't be 'til like midweek next week, which made me realize how much I actually am in love with him because the thought of that just made me think, nope, that's too long to be apart so I'll go out there tonight and see him for like 2 hours.

So I did and it was fun and now I'm back, and after talking to Sketch for an hour did some homework and posted it though stuck on some other stuff - that isn't due 'til later - but it won't let me login to their library databases page and I know my way around our databases but theirs are different and their login thing is weird and I don't know what I'm doing so I got to send yet another dumb question email to our fantastic professor - I think that's actually the fourth email I've sent her this week and I'm supposed to know stuff cause I'm a GA but apparently I know nothing so I am sucking at that job.

Perhaps I should stop rambling and sleep.

Carter is staring at me going, do you know what time it is. Put down the computer so I can sleep. Cause he sleeps on my stomach at night. Like it's ridiculous cause he's really fat like 21 pounds of fat cat and I'm pretty sure my back looks something like this when I sleep

          ^ Carter

Yes that is a head and those are feet.

Just go with it.

Like I said, sleep, I need sleep.

No matter what the Barenaked Ladies may claim, people do need sleep or we would all go crazy. So I shall sleep now.

I mean, after these, then I'll sleep.

So, the joys of Pandora is that it's internet radio so you can like pick your genre. Today I went with '90s pop and ran into a bunch of random songs that I'd completely forgotten about, such as these:

"Torn" - Natalie Imbruglia

"Iris" - Goo Goo Dolls


Enough for a couple of missed days and nothing posts?

A rambling mess, for sure, but hey it's something.

when everything's made to be broken i just want you to know who i am.

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