I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Liquid Onions and Rally Ranchers

Ah, the College World Series.

My third year of attendance, but this was the first year my team lost.

LSU dominated, Vanderbilt rocked it, Stony Brook...got hosed.

But they did it in style.

When Nebraska doesn't make it - which is always - Omaha tends to adopt the underdog so it was a sea of red, but not for the usual reason. The stands were selling out of Stony Brook stuff, I guess when they heard about that the coaches were handing some shirts out yesterday to spread the love.

Was an excellent adventure of a day. Worked 9-11, answered some grammar questions in reference, then came back, changed, grabbed camera and went over to the Cool Aunt's house where we immediately left, picked up my cousin, and headed to Omaha. Got some rock star parking, they wanted to charge 30 bucks to park in a lot but the Cool Aunt found a spot for $1.50 worth of quarters.

Hit up a shop then headed for the food tent, we got wristbands for free hamburgers/hotdogs, and other various barbecue stuff. You know how they put ketchup into those little packets and mustard and that stuff? Well, apparently now they put chopped onions in them as well. Handy, but bizarre. They were all liquid-y and weird.

Couldn't taste them anyway so I guess it didn't matter.

Amongst the many fixings was also jolly ranchers. We loaded up on those, ate them during the game after labeling them "Rally Ranchers" though no rally seemed to start because of them. It was attempted but after UCLA took a 4-0 lead in the first inning it wasn't looking pretty.

Anyway, after the food we stopped by some tents to get some fan gear then headed in.

The seats were fantastic, 3rd base line, felt like we were on the field.

We even got on camera in our awesome Stony Brook shirts. Was humorous cause I get this text from SMO asking if I was at the CWS wearing a Stony Brook shirt.


Yeah, Cool Aunt and I made ESPN, lovely. I DVR'd it. Should take a picture, still frame.

Anyway, the thing about sitting on third base line is that you constantly need to pay attention or you will get hit in the head with a foul ball. But you know, that only happened like twice, most of them were at least 20 feet away. Every time one headed our direction I yelled out our usual "Blatt!" word of warning, then Kyle would yell "Bounce" so it would land and bounce toward him. He caught one last year, was pretty cool.

Go here: Still Call it Rosenblatt

One dude hit like 6 foul balls in a row. Is there a maximum on that?

Final 9-1 UCLA, gotta set my DVR so I can tape the rest of them. Working all the time kind of takes away the time I usually watch them.

Anyway, took a lot of pictures, observed right field and left field fans argue about who sucks, got on TV - ESPN even so I'll add/cross that one on/off the bucket list.

Really need to start one of those.

Maybe tomorrow.

Gotta sleep now.

Early class tomorrow and coffee can only go so far.


"Our House" Madness

all ended up singing this by the end of the day after we heard it whilest using the restrooms after the game.

interesting video.


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