I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Roam if you want to, roam around the world...

Okay so Arizona won.

I can live with that, they haven't had a championship in a while.

Sad that SC couldn't pull off a 3-peat, but they did make it to the championship so that says something.

Had fun watching the game, a lazy night with the boyfriend. He fell asleep on the couch, don't think he's into the CWS as much as me, but that's probably true for a lot of people. Just glad to see him and talk to him as we've both been pretty busy lately.

This week is full of baseball, Bubby has two games that I'm going to keep book for since Oldest Sister is out of town.

And at some point before Thursday I have to write a paper. Come up with a presentable strategy to use in a library book group. And read some books. And post about them. But I've posted two already so just two more. I think that's all the assignments I have for this class. Just gotta remember to pick up the Library Goddess at 7AM on Saturday. or I'm in big trouble.

Pretty tired at the moment, no idea why. Slept in and only worked from 4-6. Then it was baseball with the boyfriend. But perhaps I should sleep soon so I don't hate myself when I wake up in the morning.

Songs of the night:

you'd be surprised how many comments were about mushrooms and cocaine. or maybe you wouldn't be.

heard this one on the way to the college town last night.

we joked cause it reminds me of the wedding singer, but apparently before that movie came out it was a big hit. so i'm young. which is good, cause her children make me feel old.

"...me, fatty, sideburns lady, and the mutants over at table nine..."

Out, full day of work tomorrow.

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