I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Vader is coming. Look busy.

Or so my t-shirt says.

I like my fun shirts.

I find them humorous.

Anecdotal even.

And I sort of collect them.

And pens.

Random, I'm aware. But I'm a writer. And I use them as story references. Brands and places and all that.

It's amazing what can bring inspiration when you're in the darkest of writer's block holes.

We saw Snow White and the Huntsman tonight.

But, I can't take Kristen Stewart seriously, so I kept cracking up at all the serious stuff.

And then Squirt started cracking up. And pretty sure Oldest Sister was like, what are you doing? I'm watching a movie here.

But I couldn't help it!

"Use me as your weapon" and something about iron melting, I couldn't do it.

Though I will give it a 5/10 on the Scale of Awesome purely for Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth.

Cause they rock.

Though not exactly faithful to the original fairy tale. Missed the whole red-hot iron shoes dance 'til your dead thing.

I have a weird sort of thing for original fairy tales. Charles Perrault's mostly.

Anyway, it kept me intrigued so it wasn't all bad.

Though Squirt says it seemed like I cheered when she was cursed.

Is it bad to root for the even witch?

I mean, I played one in high school.

No, I wasn't an evil witch, I actually played one in high school. One Act, senior year we did "Briar Rose" I was the 13th Fairy, aka Maleficent. And I was pissed cause I got passed over for godmother.

So I got to yell lines while being completely surrounded by a human forest. And knitting a babysweater.

You know how hard it is to knit a babysweater when you don't know what you're doing and you can't look down at what you're doing cause you have to project your voice to the audience?

It ended up as a square. That wasn't really a square. Purple. With big holes. So I gave it to SuperHumann for Christmas. She was the director. I think she found it amusing.

Anyway, Snow White, it wasn't awful, though I don't think I'll watch it again.

I kept waiting for Thor to reach for his hammer, or Charlize Theron to whip out a gun and go all serial killer on them.

She did get an Oscar for that. She's got the evil thing down.

Speaking of evil things, dude. Chuck season five.

Finished it.

Hated it.

You can't end it like that?!?! Where the heck did that storyline come from? Seriously?!

That just ticks me off.

There's a reason I don't like watching the ends of my favorite series', they always go to crap. Women's Murder Club, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, Will and Grace, Cashmere Mafia, there's never been a "goes out in peace" kind of thing. I mean, they go out, in maybe what the writers think is peace, or they get cancelled and there's no peace. But there's never really peace for fans.

Especially with that one.

My boyfriend says I watch too much TV.

Maybe he's right. But really, when you work public service for 8 hours and then you come home, how else are you supposed to relax, really? I mean, I write a lot as well.

But as a late it's been nothing but camp and homework, so really, not as much TV watching.

It's only gonna get worse, I have homework assignments for both Tuesday and Thursday plus class again already on Saturday. I've got camp applications coming in by the bundle, I still gotta get in touch with Dallas about T-shirts and start lining up all that stuff.

I have some of the skits, but nothing in concrete as of yet. They're constantly changing and really aren't final until the time they're performed. I'm always getting different numbers for kids and then when they're there if they don't like it then we change stuff, it's a mess.

Plus I have two stories from a friend I'm in the middle of editing, I need to finish one and soon.

And the freakin' song book still isn't formatted and that's a major priority.

What was I saying? Oh yeah TV, I won't be watching as much in the coming month, if any at all. The homework assignments don't look too intense or awful, it's just that there's a lot of them, and no real break since it's a month straight instead of just once a month and an assignment every couple weeks.

Kinda like college again, and actually not sure how I'm going to handle taking three classes in the fall plus work 40 hours plus pull grad assistant duties.

A little nervous about that.

But it'll only be August-April. Maybe May.

I can handle that.

I think.

I hope.

Guess we'll see.

At least camp will be over with for the year. Well, it never officially ends cause there's always stuff to do, especially with the new website. Which reminds me I gotta send that dude and e-mail to talk to him about software.


Gonna go nutso.

But the kickoff is over with. So that's a weight off my mind.

One day at a time. Or a week anyway.

This week the boyfriend comes back from California, yay, so seeing him is a big priority, and homework, and work-work, and some family stuff. Think I got it mapped out pretty well. And if I don't I'll make it up as I go along.

As of now I'm going to bed. At work all day tomorrow and then gotta do some massive homework so I'll be free for the rest of the week to hang out with the boyfriend. And attempt to go to my nephew's game as well. They keep dominating. First week they won 24-1, last week it was 25-0, I'm wondering about tomorrow's game.

And Squirt won all her volleyball games from the not-tournament. But I guess there's more upcoming, should be fun.

Songs of the day:

"You Got It" Roy Orbison


"Wooly Bully" Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs

what's with the random chicks just standing there? i LOVE the voice crack at 2:01. awesome.

Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Nimfadoro: an effeminate fellow, especially one who is well-dressed and popular with women." 

should be a fun one.

though it reminds me of harry potter and tonks.

alright, out for the night.

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