I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

oh superfly

It's official.

I've transitioned.

I'm now officially a granola.

It wasn't enough that I drank green tea and I had a fat cat, but now apparently even my mother thinks I'm granola cause she bought me a dress claiming it was "me" like myself represented in fabric and the dress is all like earthy with browns and greens and reds and it's all flowy... and if that's me on fabric then I'm a granola.

But I'm okay with that.

And the dress is nice so I will wear it.

Look you even get that in writing.

Actually eating the cherries she brought me right now.

I really should be passed out by now, early morning tomorrow and a long day. Food Drive meeting in the morning, followed immediately by a stop at the grocery store for milkjugs then we'll go around them branches to drop off the barrels/flyers/posters/milkjugs, in the meantime stop off at headquarters to make copies of check stuffers so we can send them through delivery...

Make sure the barrels are left in the back until the first of July, and closer to the day I'll send an email to the system explaining the food drive and our competition for this year. Still a bit of a secret but all will be revealed tomorrow. Little worried about motivation but we'll figure it out.

More on that later. I'm sure there will be plenty.

What else?

Wrote and submit my nonfiction strategy paper, added four books to my goodreads account for class, vacuumed my apartment, got some groceries, a pretty active night.

Tomorrow will be more active and it's a big/early day so I should crash. Gotta get up early enough to get brother in law's pickup then head over to the kickoff brunch. Blah!

"Tilt Your Head Back" Nelly feat. Christina Aguilera

stuck in my head since seeing Dark Shadows, this song was inspired by Curtis Mayfield sharing the same intro as "Superfly". The intro plays in the background when Barnabus is walking through town seeing everything 1970's for the first time but whenever I hear it I jump to this one instead of the original here:

"Superfly" Curtis Mayfield

that is the actual song playing in the background since this is from the 70s and that is not.



  1. Is your food drive just for staff or can the public contribute? Someone walked off with my donation to the mail carrier drive so i'm thinking this might be safer. Will they take personal care items too?

    And sweetie, you are anything but granola! :-)

    1. hahaha, thanks. yep, open to the public and the staff, feel free to donate, give south the edge.
