I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Raise your capri to the sun.

Other things I learned this week:

-"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all letters in alphabetical order.

-The reason firehouses have circular staircases is because they used to have horses and horses can walk up regular stairs, but not circular ones.

-My family is capable of remaining sane and semi-calm. We get thrown out of places like Valentino's and churches, so I was proud we made it the whole way through without a glare or comment.

-There's a law in California guaranteeing sunshine to every resident.

- On average more people fear spiders more than they do death.

Finished my homework and posted it. That's pretty much all I got today. 9-6 at work, obviously, did a lot of supply stuff. Jammed with a few of my favorite people.

I'm trying to figure out if I like pistachios or not. They're actually really gross. But I've eaten half a box over the past week.

They're gross.

Vomitrocious even.

But they're here.

And I'm eating them cause they're here.

They need to go away.

But if I eat them then they'll be away.

And i don't have to buy them anymore.

"What if a simulated van hits me?"
"I'll hit you in the face with a pillow."

Name that quote.

So yeah homework's done, I'm good until Saturday which is class. Then it'll be more of the same.

I'm out, long day tomorrow. And the day after that.

Started food drive planning stage, I'm stoked! Activity is staying under wraps at the moment as it's a work in progress but I'll tell you all about it when it's finalized.

"Barbara Ann" Beach Boys

grew up with this oen.

oh yeah, title is from 2 Broke Girls. Which I'm way behind on. But Max throws Caroline a birthday party and it's pathetic. And they drink capri sun. and it's fantastic. The episode, not the party.

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