I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, June 4, 2012

I get a good feeling, yeah

Falling asleep so yes this is short.

Well, it's official, TAB is out for the summer. Which means I have time to plan out some activities for the upcoming school year. Artwork is first to decorate the YA, after that I'm clueless, any suggestions?

I'll figure it out.

More projects maybe. Plan for upcoming events.


I'll figure it out.

Just got home from Bubby's baseball game. They only won 15-4.

Which is an "only" since last game they won 25-0 and the one before that was 24-1.

Bubby was great, played catcher, 1st base and shortstop.

I think their power is in their pitchers, they're great. Accurate and fast.

And amusing, they're only 12.

Makes me look forward even more to the opening game for CWS. Wonder who will be playing. Gotta check into that. Figure out who I want to root for. But it'll be a while. Last year's was highly entertaining, mimosa's for breakfast, lots of booths and t-shirts. I'm stoked.

Before the game was homework - I'm done for Tuesday but I'll finish Thursday's tomorrow night. Wednesday is Valentino's with the family so gotta start it early.

And of course work 9-6. Tomorrow I'm at the home branch for the money, huzzah! I get to sleep in a whole extra five minutes. Which doesn't seem like a lot but it feels like it when you're half asleep.

So that's the plan for tomorrow, work, homework...that's all I got.

"Good Feeling" Flo Rida

i wondered who sang this song, but i'd never listened all the way through. now i got it.

Been listening to XM a lot cause it's a free trial to draw you in. It might be working. I'm liking the no commercial thing. And the comedy channel is highly amusing. Plus the prime country channel brings back some good memories.

But then they're stuck in my head.

We'll see.

Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Flexanimous: an adjective meaning 'having the power to influence, moving, affecting.' It comes from Latin words meaning 'bend' and 'mind'. 

alright, out for the night. more tomorrow.

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