I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

you better change it back or we will both be sorry


I'm free!!

For two whole days!

The library is closed for Memorial Day so I'm heading out to stay with the parentals for a couple days.

I see reruns of HeeHaw and Swamp People in my future.

Oh well, it could be worse.

At least this way I can kill two birds with one stone - watch HeeHaw and come up with camp skit lyrics at the same time.

Since the parents wanted a repeat of last year when I made the 7th and 8th graders since Where Oh Where, but I gotta give them new verses.

Though Dad already has a bunch written out for me.

So, now I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is church and some family stuff, after that is more relaxation and I'm guessing a whole lineup of DVR'd stuff I'm supposed to watch while I'm here, so here's your music rec and then I'm out for the night.

And consider yourselves on vacation from Word of the Day.

I'll pick it up Tuesday.

Or Monday night for Tuesday.

"Don't You Want Me Baby" Glee

so if you haven't watched him in the harry potter musical online you're missing out online. youtube it people. it's fantastic. and draco is played by a girl.

that's all i got.

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