I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

I might be wearing swiss cheese or may be covered in bees...

"we're the cheese at the end of the maze."

So interesting day today: Summer Reading Program training in the morning. I basically directed the kiddos downstairs and observed Mentor lead the meeting. Just going over all the Summer Reading events along with booklets and signup. But everything is online so it's super easy.

It was cool to watch the TAB kids at work, they got to lead the ice breaker, using speed dating as the activity. Basically they came up with the prompts, but it was still speed dating and highly amusing.

They also explained the booklets and all that.

After that it was camp central. Met up with the core group - minus a few - came up with an application form, changed some stuff around price-wise, basically since there's going to be air conditioning in the new building it's going to be a bit more expensive.

But we fixed it.

Sort of.

I guess we'll see.

And of course we did it in our very own goofy and procrastinative way.

But we got the job done, though the most interesting part was while we were stuffing envelopes my mom calls all frantic. "I don't know where you are but get in the basement."

Apparently there was a tornado headed straight at the farmhouse and stopped right before it got hit.

Kind of an eye-opener.

Though we were at the church so we basically just moved our party downstairs and kept working.

And it was probably good that we were there cause the basement always leaks when there's a big storm. The outside drains get clogged with leaves so Obi-Wan fixed it for the night.

But the farmhouse is fine, apparently Dad watched the whole thing on his way home, but pulled over cause he didn't want to drive into it.

We didn't even notice the storm cause the blinds were closed, but then Steve looks up and says something about it being dark out, that's when we got the phone call from Mom. Turned on the TV and went, yeah, should probably move downstairs...

Alright, I'm out semi-early for a weekend. Church tomorrow morning and Squirt gets her diploma for graduating grade school, woohoo! After that is dinner and after that is an open house FOR CAMP J!

We get to tour the new building, I'm stoked will take pictures for the new website.

Oh yeah, we're getting a new website. Cause ours is down. And isn't coming back up. But it'll be easier this way, maintain it ourselves and all that. So we're thinking we should add in a link for the history of our Camp J which means I have to start listing all the themes that I can remember.

And since our first year was 1982 we're thinking we should do some sort of 30th anniversary edition kind of thing.

I'm just stoked cause I'm practically done for the 7/8 and teen helper skits.

Yes, the teen helpers are doing a skit.

They're going to do it and they're going to like it.

Cause I said so.

And I'm mean like that.

But it's humorous and it's not like I'm making them sing. Just you know...dance...and cheer...and there's a possibility of a wig. But maybe not if I still got my female teen helper.

Everyone's just stoked for the new building.

And I'm stoked that we're done with the application forms. They'll get sent out this week so I'll probably already have my hands full by the end of the week.

Which reminds me that I need to go buy a new binder. Cause last year's is overflowing. And I've just started buying new ones every year instead of having to deal with the old stuff. Put it in the tub and be done with it.

Songs of the night:

"Express Yourself" - Madonna

the originator that led to the spinoff aka "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga even though she claims it has nothing to do with this one. Um...melody...theme...outfits...hmmm...

Which I would have posted, but the video was far too creepy. Seriously weirded me out.

So you get Weird Al instead.

And I think I like it better.

"Perform This Way" - Weird Al

and amusing enough the weirdness in this video doesn't even breach the weirdness in that one. and so glad he brought the madonna angle to it.

i love him. and apparently he writes children's books so i like him even more.

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