I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

20 pounds of crazy in a five pound bag.

"Haircuts, Parker, count the haircuts."

What a day man, what a day.

Church this morning with Squirt's graduation. She got her diploma and all that so we went out for sushi after.

Quote of the day:

Squirt: "There aren't a lot of cute Lutheran boys so when you find one you have to jump on him."
Bubby to his mother: "Is that why you married a Catholic?"

After that it was open house at Camp J.

Oh my god.

There are no words.

Seriously, I'm still processing.

We are no longer roughing it in the woods, the new building is huge, and air conditioned, there's a huge kitchen with state of the art stuff, lots of space for crafts, we're thinking about doing skit and worship in there as well...the only thing that people aren't going to like so much is that they blocked off our road that goes all the way around camp. So the kids who are on the other side of camp have to basically carry/drag their stuff all the way over there instead of just being able to drive to the cabin and drop it off.

But they'll live.

I'm stoked.

Gonna take off that Thursday around 2, come home and pack, then head out.

Though technically half of my camp stuff is still in my car.

So, ha!

There's a reason it's still in there.

I took lots and lots of pictures...and then my camera died...so I took lots and lots of pictures on my phone...

Thinking of buying a new camera before camp.

Though there's a lot of things on my list of things to do before camp.

Aka, get my hair dyed and chopped, finish this freakin' songbook, process all application forms and send return letters, come up with a schedule, order t-shirts, find volunteers, assign volunteers to cabins, assign kids to cabins, figure out what to do with the plethora of teen helpers, clean out the trailer, what else, oh yeah, write about 18 skits. No big deal.

So I'm distracting myself with Leverage.

"Age of the geek, baby."

Even though I have lots and lots of other crap checked out, somehow I always get distracted with my own.

I love this show, I hope they keep it going. Great con show, you always wonder how they pull these things off, I'm not that clever...at stealing stuff apparently.

Anyway, double checking my schedule was a good idea as it means I get to sleep in tomorrow and I'm off early, but I'll probably spend that time shopping for summer reading kickoff supplies so it won't really be time off.

So, I'm out for the night.

After this.

Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Wabbit" a Scottish word meaning 'exhausted or slightly unwell,' as in 'I'm feeling a bit wabbit.' Its origin is uncertain.

And these.

Teaching Parker Persuasion

High Five - Calibretto 13

Okay, now I'm going to bed.

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