I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

bang she shot you, karma tastes so...

Joe Studley calling in sick means me at the home branch all day, jamming out with my big brother coworker.

He's a cool guy so the day flew by fairly quickly.

Was amusing to go back to old habits, though he got the bookdrop I still went straight to routine with the holds list/expired/cancelled/counting money/checking in delivery/etc.

Hit up Arby's for lunch, that rocked.

And basically just jammed around all day.

Though for some reason I'm exhausted, which makes no sense cause while the work branch is constantly busy, the home branch is more relaxed. So it doesn't make sense.

Maybe it's a state of mind thing. Zenned out.

I'm tired.

And waking up early tomorrow morning so will probably konk out within the next few minutes.

Clips of the night were basically from - you know how you can go on youtube to find one video and you end up finding like eight you weren't planning to find?

It's like a train of thought thing like, "hey, i'm gonna look for culps seminar videos."

"it's really inspiring that all of you decided to attend this mandatory drug awareness assembly..."

"i love will ferrell and ana gasteyer, let's do a search for the perfect cheer." "oh my god, why has no one uploaded videos of the perfect cheer?" "i bet i can find some amateurs."

"oh my god, if you could hear them speak they are dead on!" "those were some killer moves. let's look for some videos on breakdancing."

"oh my god that's ridiculously cool. let's find something else ridiculously cool." "who's ridiculously cool and her music is stuck in my head? kelly clarkson of course."

"well that was....interesting." "what's the name of that song from her new CD?" "oh, that's right." "wow, his cover is really cool, let's post that version."

"I Forgive You" Kelly Clarkson cover by Ben Mallare

"very impressive. almost better than the original." "who else has a killer voice?" "oh yeah..."

"Bang Bang Bang" Christina Perri

"oh my god, she's fantastic live. i wanna go." "you know who else is great live?"

"speaking of having a new hairstyle and outfit practically every time she walks through a door..."

"though when i hear gaga i think of this"

"oh my god, i love sue sylvester. she needs a 'best of' video." "bet i could find one."

"aww, she's so cool. i want one. a sue sylvester that is. guess i should attempt to be more badass in the future." "speaking of badasses..."

there were more, but i'm cutting myself and you off.

cause we need a break.


okay now i'm done.

gotta sleep.

like now.

early morning + long day tomorrow.


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