I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, May 14, 2012

When all your promises are gone, I'm the only one...

I never realized how much easier my life would be if I drank Diet Coke instead of Diet Dr. Pepper.

Hear me out, so the Target I go to doesn't carry a 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, but they do of Diet Coke.

So, if I wanted 24, which would last me a heck of a lot longer than 12, I'd need to get 2 packs of the 12.

Which would be fine.

Except I then have to carry them up multiple flights of stairs.

Along with all the other crap I just bought.

So two of those equals both hands full meaning I take two trips, whilst if I drank Diet Coke I could carry that in only one hand and everything else in other.

It's the little things in life man.

Speaking of little things, I had some great ones today.

Little thing #1: Sleeping in. Until 1PM as I didn't have to go in until 4. It was fantastic.

Little thing #2: Friday Night Lights season one on DVD. I keep hoping that it will start to suck and I can stop watching it. Because I don't have time to get hooked on yet another series I will have to see all the way through. I've got a pile of series' I need to get through aka Necessary Roughness, Fairly Legal, Suits, Chuck, Burn Notice, White Collar, Heroes, CSI, Covert Affairs, SVU... I figured once it sucks I can give up and move on to another, but it just keeps getting better so that's screwing over my plan.

Little thing #3: Frozen lemonade with strawberries from the place across the street. Normally I'm not really a fan of lemonade cause it's too bitter, but this was fantastic and a great kick in the butt to keep me awake for the rest of the day.

Little thing #4: Great coworkers. It's not every day you can go up to a supervisor and say, "wow you really are a clown" and they don't get offended. Cause she is a clown. Part-time anyway. And it's always nice to have someone back your play when a patron attempts to break the rules just because they think they can get away with it.

Little thing #5: Night service. The church here has this brilliant thing called Monday night service since some people work on Sundays. And as cheesy as it sounds I feel like I get a lot more out of this than regular Sunday service because it's more like one-on-one as there is rarely more than 10 people there plus he's in the crowd not behind the pulpit.

Little thing #6: One stop shopping. Can I just say how much I love Target? Cause you've got everything you need all in one place. So I got my fruit, popcorn, carpet cleaner, Burn Notice season 4, dress shirt, dress shoes, pop, plus some chocolate all in one trip. Then it was just about carrying it up the stairs to the apartment.

Little thing #7: A cat that loves me. Sure he bites every once in a while, but then he falls asleep on my lap or on my stomach at night and I forgive him.

There are more little things, but I'll stop there. Besides, tomorrow is another day and I'm sure I'll come up with plenty to add then.

Word Of The Day:

So I found this great book - at the library of course - called "Weird and Wonderful Words" by Erin McKean and it's basically a dictionary of the obscure. While being highly amusing it is also highly educational so I'm going to start doing a Word of the Day because I'm an English major and a writer and a library service associate and a skits and worship leader so words are kind of my thing.

Here's the premiere: "Aquamanile: a bowl or jug made in the form of an animal or bird."

Well that's an interesting definition. Are they saying that birds aren't animals? Guess I'll find out tomorrow as I try to include it in a conversation.

"I'm The Only One" Melissa Etheridge

there is no smoke and mirrors with this woman, just her and her guitar. and she can pull it off. that's what makes her a great artist.

"Let Me Love You" Glee Cast

okay I must be way behind cause I don't recognize like half those kids. But I haven't watched a single episode this season as the storylines have turned to crap. Will have to catch up on this one when it comes out on DVD.

that's all she wrote.

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