I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, May 11, 2012

If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

Met the family.

Okay, so usually, I'm the type of girl that guys can take home to meet the parents.

I'm a christian, well-educated, family-friendly, full-time library service associate, master's student, youth camp director, etc. 

So I wasn't completely nervous. 

Okay, I'm lying, was totally freaked. 

But in the end, it went really well. 

I actually like his family, they were great. His siblings were funny, his aunts had great stories, plus I got some dirt on him - not as much as I would like - but still a substantial amount. 

Though the biggest thing I learned was basically, okay, I thought that my dad was head over heels about trains. And he is. But hanging around with my boyfriend and his father...pretty sure they have him beat. 

So it wasn't worth the whole freak-out moment I had driving out there.

His siblings especially were great, the sister and I bonded over the boyfriend being handy, hence the title.

Though I do think he's handsome.

And that show is a classic.

Included in the freak out moment came me asking for some tips from some family. Here are the highlights:

- "Be yourself, ask them questions about him as a young lad."
- "Don't worry, you're a lovely woman. Just don't say 'whats up with the fat kid.' ... wear makeup."
- "My intentions are..."
and then my favorite
- "They will like you. You ate a delightful woman." she meant to say "are" but "ate" was better. Then she called and we discussed how when you swallow someone delightful their delightfulness absorbs onto you. 

Seemed to work out pretty well and now the dreaded fear is gone. So I look forward to hanging out with them again. 

Though my favorite moment was probably when they asked me about school and I told them I was getting my master's in library science. Jaws dropped. Think I impressed them. 

Aside from that, a day off, I didn't know what to do with myself! Slept in, of course, watched some SVU season 12 though disc three was cracked so that bit the dust. Will have to find another copy. I meant to clean my apartment, like clean clean it but that didn't happen. Was too busy napping and watching SVU, it was fantastic. 

But having Friday off means I have to go in tomorrow and Sunday. 

Which is fine, pretty sure Slim Shady and possibly Fearless Leader will be around. 

I rarely see her anymore, pretty sure she's a figment of my imagination. Same with my trainee. I have to poke her to make sure she's real. 

"Blister in the Sun" Violent Femmes

and then one more mellow as that's my mental state at the moment. which is good since i should be sleeping.

"Go On" Jack Johnson


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you aced the 'meet the parents' thing. Good for you. My family was so weird I usually put that sort of thing off until I had plenty of time to prepare my significant other for the ordeal.

    Have fun this weekend. So glad I don't have to work those anymore.
