I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

help me Rhonda, help, help me Rhonda.

Interesting day at the farmhouse.

This morning was church, Second Sister and family came down so we all went together.

After that we hit up a local restaurant for lunch buffet. Super small town but famous for its Wing Wednesdays and all that. Basically on those night there are no plates, just plastic tablecloths. But this morning it was buffet so had some salad, potatoes, corn and all that.

Older brother and his family met up with us there so following lunch we came back to the house where the men proceeded to take naps while the women sat on the couch and watched a Royals game.

Amusing, I know.

All the while talking about my wedding, no he didn't propose but they were giving me crap cause there are these giant wedding pictures of my siblings on the wall behind us. So since we're going to Vegas we joked about having Elvis marry us. My brother was having none of that and everytime he'd drift off to sleep they'd ask something about wedding colors or number of bridesmaids and he'd wake right back up to yell "don't be talking about that!"

But I'm used to the crap being thrown in my direction, I am the youngest afterall.

Actually we jokingly said that we should act like we got married and take a picture with Elvis at a church then text it to my parents saying, "Congratulations we got married" just to see what the reaction would be.

Speaking of the boyfriend, he stopped by tonight on his way back from riding his motorcar in Kansas. Dad showed him all the buildings and a bunch of old cars and train layouts and that stuff.

You have to remember that he knew my dad before he knew me so it wasn't a foreign concept, but they talked cars and trains for about an hour and a half, re-bonded you could say. It was amusing.

And I know nothing about cars so everything they said about engines went straight over my head.

So they planned future stuff with trains, think he's gonna buy some sort of trailer thing from me dad. That's all I need, more bonding. Now they'll probably start investing in motorcars together or something and I'll never escape.

Not that I want to, I'm a fan of both of them.

So tomorrow is Memorial Day, going out to lunch with the great aunt and Mom and then over to the cemetery. Clean up the stones and all that. After that who knows.

I'm out for the night, throw in a disc of Leverage and konk out.

Music Rec:

"Help Me, Rhonda" Beach Boys

Oh yeah, and how could I forget about the Swamp People marathon this afternoon, we watched 5 and saved some for tomorrow.

I added "Duck Dynasty" to his DVR list, assuming it's something he would enjoy. Now watch, next time I come home there will be a bunch of episodes of that he'll have saved for me too.

But it's good, I enjoy watching those shows with him. Gotta get my Reality TV fix. Aside from Swamp People all I really watch that's "real life" is The Voice.

And they're bringing it back in the fall but it'll probably have different celebrity coaches, then the regular ones will pick it up in the spring. But it's not The Voice without Adam and Xtina bickering, Blake's southern charm and Cee-Lo hitting on all the women.

We'll see where that goes.

I'm out!

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