I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life Is Short

Juice boxes are unloaded, edible campfires are stuffed and sealed, glow in the dark stars are purchased and delivered, my end of the deal is done.

Now all that's left is the actual kickoff party, which will be madness but well worth it. We're thinking around 200 kids, all in one area so it should be interesting.

But they've done it so many times they're pros, I'm just there to help where I can.

So I got to spend my morning at the home branch, was great to catch up with some friends, though it was mad hysteria cause of us being closed for the holiday. Basically a massive backlog for check-in plus delivery plus all the incoming from the day.

But we made it through unscathed.

After that it was kickoff prep with the edible campfires, basically sticking a bunch of pretzel sticks in bags and making sure they had all the ingredients in each bag, and then I made some more progress on the booklist.

And by more progress I mean like 2 titles, with the holiday and summer reading there's rarely time to sit down, let alone work on anything else.

But I love my job, and it's never boring. Especially not during summer reading. As an aide I loved it cause there was always massive carts to shelve.

I have this urge to see Dark Shadows yet again. Think I'm gonna hit it up with the Queen of Awesome. She's always fun to jam out with.

Speaking of fun, ran across some more useless information/random trivia over my lunch break. Cause that's what I do. When I'm not playing Angry Birds or doing homework, which speaking of, I got my official e-mail this week reminding me of the assignment.

Gotta read some kids books and an article about children's lit. Not looking forward to leaving at 7AM on Saturday mornings but it's with the Library Goddess so the coffee I stop for on the way will keep me alive and alert.

Plus she's fun so I won't sleep.

Not that I would sleep, I have yet to sleep through a class.

What was I talking about before this?

Oh right, random useless information.

- You're more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.

- By raising you legs slowly and laying on your back you cannot sink into quicksand.

- The longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched.

- The music band UB40 got its name from an unemployment form in England.

- To avoid long encounters with the press President Reagan often took reporters' questions with his helicopter roaring in the background.

- In Baltimore it is illegal to mistreat oysters.

- Grapes explode with cooked in the microwave.

I'm intrigued.

May test that one out.

"Life Is Short" Butterfly Boucher

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