I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

i says "let them truckers roll, 10-4."

Okay, words to describe today...there are a few.

Tiring: slept in, gonna go to church tomorrow night as I did not sleep well last night at all. stupid cat.

Relaxing: work on Sundays is mostly slow, think it's the lowest circulation of the week so it's mostly monitoring the computer lab and checking out at the front desk.

Crazy: impromptu mother's day dinner at oldest sister's house means family/small children galore. but it was fun as usual. and i got steak. i gave mom her present last week - a margarita set complete with four glasses, mix and salt. the rest of them got her lighting for her house as we've had the same lighting since they bought the place. or maybe a few years after.

Amusing: "it's mother's day and they give us Avatar?!" yeah. not a great movie to be playing on mother's day FX. and really, not a great movie to be playing any other day of the year. i'm sorry james cameron, i know that you changed the face of cinema or whatever but i really was not so impressed with that movie.

Contemplative: we also watched some youtube clips. squirt agrees about my camp j theory. i'm thinking of making my teen helpers do the perfect cheer. thoughts?

Dominating: bubby challenged me to some SSX Tricky on the PS3. i told him he was going down and he didn't believe me. i mean, i only beat the boy by a couple hundred thousand points each time. no big deal really. but i let him win the last one, kept biting the dust on purpose. well, snow. cause you gotta keep hope alive. otherwise he won't play me anymore.

But that's the first game I owned for PS2, got it Christmas of like...oh god, I'm thinking like 2002? 2003 Maybe? Whenever it first came out. Cause I got a PS2 for Christmas and a racing game to go with it. They rocked.

But then we all got DDR/Rockband Fever so I haven't played SSX in a while.

Still dominated.

Now it's back to Relaxing. Get to sleep in as I don't have to go in until 4. Basically gotta make up the 2 hours that we don't get on Sundays cause it's 12-6 instead of 10-6. And you gotta have five 8 hour days for 40.

But I like it this way, get to sleep in, run some errands, go in for two hours, go to church then come home and crash just to work 8 hours the next day.

I like my job so I have no complaints.

Songs of the day:

Okay, so here were the exact versions of the 2 songs stuck in my head all day.

Folsom Prison Blues - Jamie Lono

"cause i eat sandwiches..."

Santa Clause is Coming To Town
not kidding.

on repeat.

in my head.

all day.

drove me nuts.

make it stop.

gotta find something else to make it go away.

oh my god, you gotta watch this. the story of Hanukkah as told through song.

i think my favorite is moves like jagger.

freakin' youtube, it's like yesterday with the train of thoughts. let me find an actual music rec...

Convoy - CW McCall

cause it's a family holiday, gotta throw in one of these. family classic. lip-sync central. i just love that he's so serious through this whole thing.

Alright, I'm off to read and/or watch some Friday Night Lights. the series is pretty good so far but I'm only a couple discs into the first season, we'll see if it entices me enough to put a hold on the second season.

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