I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Notes from the blender

So I'm a magnet.

For creepers.

This week has been no exception.

A guy came up to me at the desk with a "psychology question" for a class he's taking.

First it was "if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out would you say yes, no, or maybe?"

To which I didn't answer.

So then he changed it to, "do you like music?"

To which I said "sure".

And then he came at me with, "so if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out and listen to music, would you say yes, no, or maybe?"

I said it would depend on the relationship I had with that person.

"Well, you're both single." and that's when he got the ring.

Basically, when I get hit on I hold up my left hand, aka the one with the fake wedding ring, and they back off.

There's a reason I wear it every day.

And this way I'm not technically lying, they just assume I'm taken and they back off.

But it's not like this is irregular, it happens quite frequently.

But I'm too nice, so lately I've been shutting them off entirely.

I don't need another "likes ass or jazz" fiasco mentioned here: This Magnet Moment

Anyway, so I showed him the ring and he kept talking! So I looked over at John Boy who then turned to Queen of the Known Universe and she came to my rescue calling me away from the desk and saying something about going to the basement for a YA question.

So I did and ended up in cataloging talking to the New Girl and grabbing a YA item just in case I went back up there and he was still at the desk. That way I could claim the item was re-cataloged and fixed or something to that matter, but he was gone by the time I got back there.

She and I save each other frequently, though the most memorable was when this guy nearly invited himself over to my house for November so she walked out into the stacks and called the extension and told me I needed to go to the basement and get something. So I left the desk and she came back to it. Then, as I hung out in the stacks, I noticed he wasn't leaving her alone. So I called her extension with my cellphone claiming I needed her in the basement. Then we basically ended up hiding out in the stacks waiting for him to leave the desk.

Which he actually stood at for about five more minutes.

Then there was another guy who was like 30, living with his brother and said he was ready to settle down and get married.

I told him I don't date patrons.

He attempted to find a way to work around it.

Didn't work.

Speaking of the Queen of the Known Universe, she ties for first in the Quote of the Day selection.
-"I don't want to cougar him." turned it into a verb, i like it.

When our library director, aka my boss's boss's boss, is notified about a change coming from the mayer's office she responds with "what the hell are you thinking?"

What else...

Tomorrow is "meet the parents" night.

His dad's birthday party, should be interesting.

I'll keep you posted.

Have tomorrow off to run errands, clean my apartment, but most importantly sleep in.

So don't call me before noon.

I'm out. Exhausted.

American Pie - Don McLean

but something touched me deep inside the day the music died.

he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, saying soon i'm gonna be a jedi, soon i'm gonna be a jedi.

if you haven't already heard this next version you are seriously missing out on life. check it out.

Star Wars Epic Saga - Weird Al

PS - I checked out the book that I got from cataloging. "Notes from the Blender" which reminds me of my newest obsession.



Got a blender from Second Sister for my birthday. I'm hooked. Started making a lot of fruit smoothies with random fruit, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, all that. I like it. And it's healthy, so THERE!


  1. What is it with the library and weirdos or especially lonely men looking for that certain someone? I used to have a guy bother me at the Ref desk all the time. He finally showed up rip roaring drunk one time so I called the police. The cop hauled him out and then came back to talk to me. Apparently I resembled the guy's ex-wife so that's why his conversations tended toward the amorous. Since surgically altering my appearance was out of the question, I told the cop to tell him that I was married to a guy who was 6'5" and very physically fit. The guy never returned. I should have given that cop a Christmas present. I almost came to Kathryn's rescue the other day when I was in to practice on Ancestry. She had a lab creep she couldn't shake and I was about to call her over for help when the phone rang. Talk about saved by the bell.

    I could regale you with more stories as you can well imagine after 35 years but it sounds like you have a good buddy system going.

    Hey, smoothies sound great and you're right, they are healthy!

    Hope you get along with the boyfrend's parents OK. Let us know how it goes.

  2. yeah, let me just say how grateful i am that we have a security guard. for serious.
