I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I think I thought I saw you try.

Ah, relaxation.

Church with the family in the morning, then dinner afterward. We took G-Wigger to celebrate her birthday. She and Second Sister are the same age.

After dinner was naptime. Which was fabulous. I miss naptime it was the only good thing about getting sent off to Rainbow World, of course I hated naps back then.

And Rainbow World too.

Yes, they did actually name their daycare center Rainbow World.

If it helps it's a church now.

That didn't last long. The only real memory I have of that place is hitting some kid in the head with a hammer. In my defense it was plastic and I'm pretty sure he did something to merit the giant thwack that sent me to the corner.

No wait, I remember watching some kid eat crayons and peaches simultaneously.

So make that two life-scarring memories.

Soon after I went back to staying with my grandparents or great aunt after school whilst my parents harvested.

Where was I?

Right, naptime.

Turned on Grimm and fell asleep on the couch. Apparently the show is much too scary for both of my parents but has no effect on me. I just love the fairy tale tie-ins. Like I said, total nerd when it comes to Charles Perrault or anything fairy tales.

After naptime I headed back and had supper with the Queen of Awesome. Rainbow chicken and fries, cause what else does one order at Lazlos?

Well, swordfish apparently. I had to take a picture.

And, yet again, half of it is in my fridge most likely to be eaten at around 2AM.

It was good to jam out with her, we haven't done that in a while but she is injured and I am busy with work and school and stuff. It's back to real life for the week.

I'm so exhausted that I will probably fall asleep the instant after this is posted, which is taking longer as I'm having trouble sitting up straight.

And no you can't blame that on the one adult beverage I had tonight at dinner, it's far gone by now.

I'm not sure why I'm this tired. I actually slept this weekend and I took a nap this afternoon so you'd think I'd be fine.

Oh well, I guess analysis isn't really necessary.

I will fall asleep, Carter will jump on me, waking me up so that he can sleep on my stomach - which is both cute and obnoxious - I will not be able to fall back asleep and be reminded of the fries in the fridge. I will get up to eat the fries and Carter will be pissed because it will be at that exact moment that he finally goes to sleep. Then I will get bitten for moving and get the glare on return to the couch/bed that I had fallen asleep on. He will have spread himself out, taking over the couch/bed making me have to move him causing him to bite me a second time....

This is pretty much our routine.

I could go on longer but you'd get bored.

Song of the day:

Losing My Religion - R.E.M.
bizarre video, rather cultish actually but i guess it works

Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy crap tag in use.

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