I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day off = NCIS:LA, Napping, Homework, & Lords of the Realm 2

Was totally boring today, it was fantastic.

Slept in until noon, ate a peanut butter and banana sandwich cause they rock.

Watched NCIS: LA pretty much all day. Still am, in fact. Got season three from Target, I actually like the show now. Before I thought it was dumb cause it wasn't the original but now with Deeks it's not so bad.

Played some Lords of the Realm 2 on Kate cause she's XP and it won't work on Ziva with Vista. They need to remake that one. And Carmen Sandiego. That one is still wildly popular, they had the series, then the animated one, and they're in talks of making a movie but it still the old version from pre-2007 and you have to get in online cause it's not in stores.

Made some pasta stuff for supper, that also rocks.

Took a nap with my big fat cat. It's no wonder my back is messed up, I can't go a night without him sleeping on my stomach. It's both cute and obnoxious. Mentor suggests buying a heating pad and putting it elsewhere on the bed to see if he would sleep on top of that.

Finished all my homework for the week. Had a Reference assignment due tomorrow at midnight but as I'm headed out to see the boyfriend tomorrow night it was tonight or fail. Which is fine, I had planned it out earlier anyway and it's best not to procrastinate in grad school or it will kick your ass.

Now it's more NCIS: LA and sleep as tomorrow it's back to work.

But since I work the weekend I don't have to go in Monday until 4.

It feels so weird to actually stay home and work the weekend. I feel like I'm always going somewhere like class or the farm. I haven't been home home for a weekend in a while.

I know, I'm boring. I'm sorry. I'll have more to post about tomorrow.

For now, enjoy this classic.

Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith live in 1975

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