I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

all your base are belong to us

I love old video games.

And computer games.

I'm back to being hooked on Lords of the Realm 2.

aka a computer game that practically no one remembers.

circa 1996.

It's pathetic really.

Not the game, my bringing it back and how often I play it.

But it's a break from the norm.

Which is sometimes what's needed after a day in public service.

Not that today was bad.

The day itself went by fairly quickly.

It's just me that's off.

Soon as I got home I totally crashed and burned.

Been super tired lately, no idea why.

Need to start going to bed earlier perhaps. But I get distracted and don't end up looking up at the clock or don't end up getting back until like midnight. And then of course I can't fall asleep right away even if I want to.

But whatever, I'll work on it eventually.

For the moment it's 1:30AM but I don't have to go in to work tomorrow until 4, yeehaw.

And after that I'm headed over to Oldest Sister's to eat dinner and carve pumpkins.

However, at some point today I need to be up so I can go buy the pumpkins.

So I can't sleep 'til 3:30 like normal.


So that was pretty much my day. Work and LOTR2. And now the Husker game on in the background.

Oh, and at some point during the day my parents went to lunch and ran into the boyfriend's parents.

Which was apparently such a crazy thing it garnered both a text from my mother and a call from my father.

Since he never calls I thought there was a family emergency so I called him right back.

Not-so emergency, more-so amusing anecdote. Okay, we're good.

Oh, and apparently BossLady is a clown.


I told her there should be a joke in their somewhere.

Like, geez, my supervisor is such a clown.

Which she said, not me.

I should have got it in writing.

I take it back.

So THAT was my day.

On to tomorrow.

Well, first some Queen.

Then some sleep.

and THEN on to tomorrow.

Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

Freddie Mercury, Power Vocalist.


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