I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Carving pumpkins and Voice ramblings

Carving pumpkins rocks.

Spent the evening eating supper and carving pumpkins with Squirt, Bubby, and Oldest Sister. King of Useless Knowledge joined us after to watch The Voice.

Which of course I'll ramble about shortly.

Today was good. Slept in 'til noon, did some laundry, bought some groceries - and the pumpkins - then headed to work for 2 hours. 1 of which I spent in the backroom checking in 6 carts worth of material, the next hour was spent putting out all the new stuff on displays and avoiding the desk for half the hour cause of one of the creepers who follows me around made an appearance and I would rather avoid him then have to deal with it.

But I've always got some great coworkers watching out for me so they covered the desk while I magically disappeared into the youth area.

After work I headed straight over the Oldest Sister's place. She made supper and it was awesome. No way I will ever be able to cook like that.

We watched Gabriel Iglesias's Comedy Central special Hot and Fluffy, he's pretty great with accents and all that.

Here's my favorite:

After that we carved our pumpkins and watched the Voice. I put mine out on my balcony so Carter doesn't eat it. That would be bad.

Okay, so after tonight, here's my Top 20:

Cassadee Pope
Trevin Hunte
Nicole Nelson – knocked out by Loren
Avery Wilson – knocked out by Cody
Bryan Keith

Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
Michelle Brooks-Thompson – knocked out by Amanda
Adriana Louise
Collin Mcloughlin
Terisa Griffin – knocked out by Trevin
Suzanna Choffel
Nelly’s Echo – eliminated after first battle
Melanie Martinez
Gracia Harrison
Celica Westbrook
Mycle Wastman – knocked out by Nicholas
Mackenzie Bourg
2Steel Girls – eliminated after first battle
Joe Kirkman – knocked out by Bryan

I lost 6 big ones tonight, including 2 of my top 5. Both were shockers, but Nicole's especially.

And Loren deserved to win.

I don't know where the hell this girl came from?!?! The problem is that there are so many contestants this year that they didn't show every blind audition and they didn't show every battle so some people are getting like 15 seconds of overview saying they made it and then they beat someone in this round and you hear them sing some big note and then it's done.

With Loren, holy crap, she came out of nowhere. Like I love Nicole Nelson, she is awesome. But Loren sang Amy Winehouse's You Know That I'm No Good - one of my favorites and on here acoustically - and it was awesome. So I had to look her up on Youtube. She has her own channel and ironically, recorded a cover of Vision of Love back in 2009 - which was the song that Amanda and Trevin had the master battle over the first week of battles.

You gotta watch it, she's awesome. 

Vision of Love


Anyway, here is their battle. You be the judge.

And though that was awesome, my favorite of the night's gotta go to Mackenzie's remake of Call Me Maybe. Just cause when he said it was what he was singing we all went, really?

Call Me Maybe

So yes I lost 6, but that's to be expected since they're cutting their teams in half so they just have 5 each for the live rounds.

Amanda Brown was one of my honorable mentions but I'm actually glad she beat out Michelle. She deserved it and I hope she keeps going through.

So, the teams that knocked out tonight were Adam's and Cee-Lo's with Blake and Xtina going tomorrow including my number 1 pick.

Right now I have 2 each so it's looking good.



Alright, that was a lot of rambling. I'm out for the night.

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