I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Blame it on the boogie.

Current time: 10:59 PM
Location: Couch
Background: NCIS: Los Angeles

What can I say about today? It flew by rather quickly, even though the majority of it was filled with flustered staff and frustrated patrons.

We run on an open source ILS system which means we're completely dependent on the internet, so when any part of that goes down we're screwed. This time I guess it had something to do with Amazon or something that took us down, but we didn't have access to patron records or our catalog from about 12 to 7.

That was fun.

Also fun? Making computer reservations manually by staff because the reservation station was down as well.

Anyway, I guess some of the branches used the offline utility version that you can just upload later, but for some reason both of the branches that I got to work at today - work and home - both decided to write everything out, you know patron barcodes plus the barcode of every checked out item?? on these "downtime" logs.

That was a fun last hour, manually inputting all that data. And I'm guessing it will be more of the same tomorrow since I don't think Koha was back up and running by the time the work branch closed - I left there early to close out at the home branch.

But, I got a lot of other stuff done when I was scheduled to be checking in. Since the system was down all I got was the circle of death - you know when something is supposed to be loading but it just keeps giving you the circle and never loads? - so I stocked supplies, updated by TAB website, got ready for the volunteer that comes tomorrow, filled out my time sheet, applied for leave on Wednesday, etc.

Oh yeah, I register for classes on Wednesday morning and apparently the ones I need fill up in like minutes so I'm staying home in the morning and going in after registration. This way I get time to set everything up and then I can just hit add and be done without the stress.

Cause you know there will be stress, I'll be freaking out cause it's a new system and I don't remember what I'm doing, and it's a big thing, and yes usually you can talk to the professors and ask them to manually add you if the classes are filled, but pretty sure they aren't big fans of doing that.

If I don't make it into those ones maybe I'll take Romance Reader's Advisory instead.

I'm joking, but I'm sure Queen of the Known Universe would be all over that one.

And yes, that's a legitimate class added this year.

I'm making today sound awful, actually it wasn't awful. I got a lot accomplished and yes some of the patrons were impatient but most of them were understanding. I love my job even when the system goes down, I get yelled at by angry patrons, the heat doesn't work, and creepers hit on me.

Cause I'm making a difference and what I'm doing matters and I like the place and the patrons and the material and the atmosphere and my teens and my coworkers and really everything about it. Except for when creepers follow me around the building, not a big fan of that. Which reminds me how grateful I am for security guards!

I remember when I first walked in for the interview and went, "really? a security guard for books?" Oh my god, what an underestimation. I don't know how the other branches function without one.

And I'm happy cause I got to work at the home branch with my Glee-Loving Boss. Who sends me FluMist Nasal Spray stickers through interoffice mail as a practical joke.

It's on.

Long story but I'm sure it's on here somewhere.

I don't know where I was going with all this. Basically the day should have sucked because of what happened but didn't suck cause I like my job?

Does that sum it up?

After work I came home, did some laundry, ate supper, and of course watched the Voice. Only one more night of battle rounds left - tomorrow - after that it's the knockout live shows so I'm pumped.

Many of my favorites faced off tonight and rocked it of course. Let me find my list, it's on here somewhere.

Okay, here's my top 20. I should count how many times this gets posted.

Cassadee Pope
Trevin Hunte
Nicole Nelson
Avery Wilson
Bryan Keith

Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
Michelle Brooks-Thompson
Adriana Louise
Collin Mcloughlin
Terisa Griffin
Suzanna Choffel
Nelly’s Echo – eliminated after first battle
Melanie Martinez
Gracia Harrison
Celica Westbrook
Mycle Wastman
Mackenzie Bourg
2Steel Girls – eliminated after first battle
Joe Kirkman 

Tonight was huge cause many performed and only one was eliminated, and that was to someone higher on the list, aka Brandon Mahone lost to Nicole Nelson. Cassadee dominated her battle though I was bummed cause they didn't air the whole thing, will have to find it online, and Joe Kirkman also won his battle so that just leaves Adriana Louise and Avery Wilson who have yet to take the stage in the battle rounds.

Looking at who's left Adriana will probably face off against Disney music star Jordan Pruitt and as for Avery I think Lady Gaga backup singer Chevonne is the only one left, but I may be wrong.

So I think there are three battles left and only Xtina has a steal, I'm wondering who she's saving it for. I'm shocked no one grabbed Brandon, he was great but a bit outranked by the awesomeness that is Nicole Nelson.

Watch this if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Alright, my mother says I'm obsessive and crazy about the Voice so I will stop rambling about it because it's late and I should be sleeping and at this point you probably don't care

SO, on the actual music rec of the night.

It's been stuck in my head, well a version of it has been stuck in my head, ever since seeing Pitch Perfect and I'm totally bummed that their version didn't make the soundtrack cause it's fantastic.

Blame it on the Boogie - Jackson Five

can't go wrong with a classic. even if the video is a bit acid trip.

another legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.


  1. I personally still think KOHA sucks and having it go down is such a headache. I must say your upbeat attitude is to be commended. By the way,how come you didn't use the witchcraft you're accused of having to fix the darn thing ? :-) Love the fact that Glee Lovin Boss sends you flu mist ads in the mail. I got my shot last week at Walgreens and it didn't hurt at all. They use really small needles now and it goes int he fleshy pat of your arm so no big deal. I didn't have side effects this time either.

    Anyway, love your blog. I always read even if I don't comment.

    1. Thanks Sensei,

      It was actually Girlscout who apparently has magical powers that we were not aware of. She was in again today but I didn't have any problems from her.

      I know, I opened the envelope and went, ah geez. It's on.

      And nope, still would rather get sick than get the shot.
