I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I stand here by the owl.

Yes, I did post last night, however I'm guessing half of you didn't read it because Facebook went all spastic on me and wouldn't let me post the link.

So, I will post tonight's and last night's and then you'll get a double dose of my crazy and be set.

I'm feeling a bit crazy at the moment, though I'm not sure how I got to this point exactly. Everything was fine a couple of hours ago. Work was fine. Dinner with the sisters was fun. Have half of my rainbow chicken and fries in the fridge. Will most likely eat it after this post.

But you know how you're having a great day and then something happens like say you realize you totally forgot about a massive assignment that's due in like 3 days and then your day just goes from happy to oh my god it's the end of the world and then you turn into some emotional wreck because you don't know know what to do?

Or is that just me?

I feel like that happens frequently, especially lately, but it's just something I'll have to deal with for the next couple years at least.

This whole 3 classes thing is throwing me off cause all the assignments are due at different times and I get preoccupied focusing on the 1 class cause there's more work required and put off the other 2. Then realize I have an assignment due on Sunday that I'm sure she mentioned like weeks ago but since it's an online class it didn't stick with me.

But I did the math today, I'm at like halfway through the program already cause I've taken:

Managing Collections - 3 credits
YA Lit - 3
Management of Information Agencies - 3
Children's Lit - 3
Cataloging - 3

which is 15 plus now I'm in:

Reference - 3
Intro to Info Tech - 3
Adult Services - 3

which puts me at 24 credits out of the 43 I have to complete.

Next semester I'll take 9 more which will be 33, then I'll do my practicum in the summer plus one other class that's only 1 credit so I'll be at 37 and after that I've got 2 left for 43 and I'm done!

For life!

Cause there ain't no way I'm going to get a doctorate, I'll stick with my Master's.

December of 2013.

It'll be done.

The Cool Aunt is making me walk.

As in across the stage to get my diploma.

I live in Nebraska but am getting my degree through a distance education program through the University of Missouri.

And since it's through them the graduation service will be in Missouri.

Apparently getting it in the mail is unacceptable.

Which is fine. As long as the Library Goddess will be there for it I'm in.

Maybe invite my boss as well as she's been supportive of the whole adventure.

But that's a long way off.

Speaking of my boss, don't you love it when your boss calls and begins the conversation with "don't freak out"? Doesn't that make you all warm and fuzzy? Or does your boss not do that?

I find it highly amusing because she knows me well enough to know that I am.

Apparently I'm training some of my superiors on the stuff I learned at a seminar last week.

But Superwoman is going to be there now so I don't know how much she wants me to talk about.

So it'll be fine. I'll act like I know what I'm doing.

Air of confidence that I apparently project at work. Or so I've been told. Which makes me laugh because I'm the youngest and probably the most clueless out of the bunch. They're all super smart. And then there's me. In charge of a bunch of stuff.

But it's good. Keeps me out of trouble.

Where was I? Oh yes, so emotional and crazy but seeing it in writing and how soon it will all be over with is good. Puts things into perspective.

And, since I should really be sleeping cause I totally started the massive assignment before posting this it is super late and totally not the 11:50 this post claims to be.

Which is the norm as of late.

Where was I in videos? Think in the teens somewhere.

Cassadee Pope

Trevin Hunte

Nicole Nelson


Avery Wilson

Bryan Keith

Brandon Mahone

Michelle Brooks-Thompson

Adriana Louise

Collin Mcloughlin

Terisa Griffin

Suzanna Choffel

Nelly’s Echo – eliminated after first battle

Melanie Martinez

Gracia Harrison

Celica Westbrook

Mycle Wastman

Mackenzie Bourg

2Steel Girls – eliminated after first battle

Joe Kirkman

yep, late teens. only 2 left after these ones and one of them is already eliminated.

A Thousand Years - Celica Westbrook
i don't know why, but she looks super familiar and it's driving me crazy.
went with team xtina, which is fabulous, and won her first battle against the gymnist...which makes it sound like an athletic event, i meant musical battle, though they are technically in a ring.

Let's Stay Together - Mycle Wastman
he's got soul, went for team cee-lo

Pumped Up Kicks - Mackenzie Bourg
surprised more chairs didn't turn around, he went with team cee-lo, obviously, but you're missing the fantastic coaches commentary. blake says he looks like harry potter, to which x-tina replies he looks more like bieber and mackenzie's like, let's stick with harry potter.


Alright, emotional wreck has been distracted and is now going to bed to sleep off the crazy. Can't exactly call in sick tomorrow.

Quote of the day: "Who didn't want to be a cheerleader and shake their pom-poms?....Well, you maybe."

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