I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Get out of my dreams, get into my car.

I love it how the second the bad guys get run off the road, in Charlie's Angels, their car explodes.

You know what I'm talking about?

Like, in the chained-together episode ("i'm not a yo-yo!") when they're driving a farm truck and being chased by cops, then decide to start unloading the potatoes in the back of the truck on to the road, and the bad guys swerve - cause you know, potatoes are apparently deadly for cars - and end up in the ditch where the car bursts into flames?

Mom finds my obsession with this show amusing.

Apparently even she thinks it's cheesy with the fake stunts and all that.

But hey! My ex's mom was Kate Jackson's stunt double, so I'm just supporting her, really!

No, I love it, with its cheesy action scenes and ridiculous dialogue, it makes my day.

And it's actually been a pretty good one.

Slept in, huzzah to that! Met up with my carpool buddy and headed to Cataloging where we got to learn all about fixed fields - actually this is like cake compared to last class's tag central - and I gave my presentation on cataloging non-print material.

Shaking hands, rambled tangents, 5 minutes and 46 seconds later I'm done!

For that class session anyway. Now it's all about updating the group wiki cause they gave us books to catalog together, then updating my own records, plus there's an open book quiz due this weekend. Oh well, I'm not too worried. Open-book is pretty low-maintenance.

And will surprisingly be my first quiz in all of grad school so far.

I'm four classes in.

That's actually why I like it. It's all about papers and projects that I actually remember, rather than studying for a test I'll forget the answers to an hour after I take it.

Registration is tomorrow. I added some classes to my wishlist, now I just have to remember to officially add them tomorrow after work. That'll plan my life at least through December.

And the summer class that I want to take is just in June so I'll be able to focus time and effort to camp in July.

You know, outside of the 40 hours a week that I work my actual job.

Not that camp isn't an actual job.

It's very actual.

It's very time-consuming.

It's a very actual and time-consuming job.

Which reminds me I still need to format that uploaded music.

Back to the to-do-list, I forgot I have a dentist appointment this week as well, so add that to the ever-growing list.

Tomorrow I gotta finish that TAB spreadsheet for the paperback books they want added to the collection, and figure out what I'm gonna say during the meeting on Tuesday that I have to lead without Mentor - that should be paralyzingly scary - and after the spreadsheet is done and sent in I'll focus on the Summer Reading stuff that this whole being sick thing has forced me to put off over and over.

One day at a time, for now I'm going to bed.

Hope you had a good one, I'm off to watch more Angels.

Oh good, the one with the assassin in specialized shoes.

I don't know what you're talking about, this show is totally believable.

Music Rec's

"Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car" Billy Ocean

the amateur video actually highly amuses me as he dances them to death, but also because they're dancing in front of a carmen sandiego backdrop which is another one of my nerdy obsessions...go here My Life in Closed Captions: Just Say No! to vending machine orange juice.

"Lola" The Kinks

c-o-l-a, cola.

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