I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I'm a man of means by no means, King of the Road.

10-4 Good Buddy.

That was the theme of the day.

Oversize integration.

Did a lot of shifting.

Also sang a lot of Roger Miller with John Boy. It was highly amusing.

They painted - well they're painting - the walls at the library. One of the walls is purple which brought to his mind the line "They say roses are red and violets are purple, Sugar is sweet and so is maple surple."

Which led us to a discussion about Skating in Buffalo Herds, Chugging a lot of Lug, Danging ourselves and being Royalty of the Road.

And then we started singing King of the Road.

It was a slow day.

Which was actually quite convenient for oversize shifting purposes. The whole upstairs area is kind of a dangerzone as mentioned earlier. There's shelves all over the place, carts with loads of books, stuff out of order... I'll be glad when everything's painted, but there's still the matter of integrating what's left of the oversize along the walls and on the carts. We're only at 617.8ish.

And I mean, we have a serious amount of material, but some of other branches have more...that must have been even more stressful.

I'm just glad I got to jam out with the New Guy. They have us working in pairs for the most part. We found new shifting techniques that work wonders, aka one person on both sides of the shelf and then just pushing it through to the other side and putting them in order. Quite helpful. We did a lot in a little amount of time.

Then re-arranged some shelves so they could make more progress tomorrow.

There were a lot of 10-4 Good Buddy's.

I just do what I'm told really. They have enough going on, just give me a task and I'll go with it.

I did enough shifting at the home branch to get the techniques down.

And get used to books falling on my head.

That's how you could tell where I was in the building at the home branch, you'd hear a bunch of 'thump's and then one big 'ahhh!!' and you'd be able to pin-point my exact location.

All-in-all I'd call it a productive day.

After that got to jam with the boyfriend. He gave me a massage cause my back hurts. Best boyfriend ever. We watched Tower Heist and Mission Impossible.

Totally called it man.

Biggest named actor, I'm telling you. That's how it works.

But I figured it was time I watched the series since the 4th??? one is coming out of DVD. I'm on the list for that but I was told to watch them in order. 1 down. 3 to go.

Anyway, I should probably crash and burn soon. I haven't looked at tomorrow's schedule but I'm guessing it's more of the same. Though I do have Saturday off, woohoo!

"King of the Road" plus some impromptu song writing - Roger Miller and Johnny Cash

this was basically our attitude throughout the day, love it.


  1. Wow, brings back memories of when we barcoded the whole collection back in 1987. We moved moved books out of the affected area, into the barcoding area, and then back to the origianl area. Got a rip roaring case of tendonitis in my foot because the wheel of a cart came off and landed on top of it-while it was fully loaded.

    Purple huh?
