I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, March 26, 2012

"Why would anyone want to eat something so PINK?!"

a volunteer exclaimed today when confronted with some Peeps.


I'm with ya.

Never really been a fan. Our family is more about the cadbury eggs. We barter for them.

-I'll trade you three twix bars plus one snickers for your cadbury egg.
-Nope. Not worth it.

It's serious business man.

Speaking of serious business, I have a serious problem.

I know, that for some people, this may be too shocking to read about.

Some may have to avert their eyes.

But it's become such a serious problem that I've just gotta say it.

So here we go.

Someone is stealing my spoons.

For serious.

I mean, I don't think a person would actually come in off the street and steal a spoon and leave.

Unless they're really twisted.

But the thing is, they go from the drawer, to the living room, to the dishwasher. So where the heck are they getting lost in between?

I have plenty replacements - I have boxes, literally boxes, of silverware so you don't need to buy me new ones.

I'm just really confused.

Where are they going?

I mean, they're not stuck in the dishwasher.

Or are they?

It's like that elusive sock vs. dryer thing.

Can an appliance really swallow something whole just to spite you?

Maybe the dishwasher is trying to tell me something.

Like that I need to stop cooking.

That something bad is going to happen and I need to stick with takeout.

Cause, I mean, what kind of takeout do you eat with a spoon? Really?

Maybe, the dishwasher is doing this for the good of the nation.

Yes, the NATION!

Not really.

Stupid spoons.

Where the heck are you going?

Like I said, serious problem.

But if that's my serious problem at the moment then I'm thinking life is good.

Today was especially good. Slept in, went to work for a couple of hours, took Squirt to her soccer game, then jammed with the family afterward.

Castle was excellent. Big episode. Did not see that ending coming. And the preview for next week's looks...interesting...but it is getting closer to the end of the season so I guess it's about time they brought this to the front.

And we missed half of The Voice so I'm gonna watch it now.

"What Makes You Beautiful" One Direction

so, the funny part about this song is that last week when I was driving Squirt back from the library this song started playing on the radio. at the same time - without conferring with each other - we both soundhound/shazam'd it to figure out what it was and who sang it. then realized that we both did it at the same time.

i'm digging it. they were on the x factor apparently, and they're british so if you don't know them that's probably why.

Tomorrow's a long day so I'm gonna watch The Voice and crash...

hahahaha, i'm sorry i have to laugh at the tags for this post. it looks like some kind of bad experiment or something.

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