I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Who throws a shoe? Honestly?"

"You fight like a woman!"

Just another Manic Monday.

Though I did get to jam for a few hours with the new super awesome supervisor. Who I have yet to nickname.

I'm working on it.

8 hours of public service later and I'm home.

And that was pretty much my day.

Mom brought me green socks.

Squirt came to volunteer. Showed off her crafty skills, made some crafty stuff for TAB.

Mentor came back from her vacation, I think I actually made her proud. The Underdog rises.

Speaking of Underdogs, we watched Austin Powers tonight - after the Voice. I haven't seen the movie in years.


The first time I saw it was with my cousins. We actually watched it literally 4 times in a row. Maybe more.

Same movie.

Over and over.

So much so that I memorized the entire first half, so it was amusing quoting it in my head. Though I've lost quite a bit of it, I still have the best lines memorized.

"That was a pre-emptive 'sh!' Just know I have a whole bag of 'sh!' with your name on it."

But I remember us in my aunt's basement all spread out on the floor watching it over and over. Then playing Street Fighter. I called the blonde chick Hoku - even though that wasn't her name, but that's who she reminded me of. Then proceeded to get my butt wooped as they were good and I was not.

"Well they should, those filthy buggers, they go from port to port."

The second one I don't really have any memories of, but I saw the third movie in theaters with my sisters, and I'll never forget this because I remember they both went to the bathroom in the middle of the movie.

But like, Second Sister left and then Oldest Sister left, and in the meantime Second Sister came back and she was wearing these flipflops that we had made fun of her for. And apparently some chick in the next stall to Oldest Sister was also wearing flipflops and she was tempted to say, (but thankfully didn't as that would have been super awkward), "Are those your damn flipflops?"

It kind of became a one-liner in our family, though we haven't said it in a while. I'll bring it back.

There are a lot of one-liners in my family.

Another famous one includes, "People are EATING here!" I was little and obnoxious and either singing or dancing or perhaps both, and Oldest Sister and her husband used to take me places. We were at some resteraunt and I was singing/dancing whatever, being obnoxious, and my brother in law looks over and says, "People are EATING here!"

I think you had to be there for that one.

But it has evolved now to people are sleeping here, people are studying here, people are etc. here.

Though another great one - most of our one-liners do come from him - was, okay I was little - again - and he was like my bestest friend in the whole entire world. And we used to play "bestest treasure" in which he would find like a rock or pinecone or something and claim it was his bestest treasure and I couldn't have it. And then I'd con him into giving it to me - though now that I'm old I realize that he was con artist - and then it would be my bestest treasure, and he had to find a new one.

Anyway, so the one-liner kind of evolved from that. I used to have a lot of cats, well at the farm there were a lot of random cats. And I loved them, cause they were my random cats. And so he said that the cats were his.

And I yelled "everything on the ground is mine!"

And then he pointed to one that was in the tree, and I yelled "everything on the ground and in the trees is MINE!"

And he asked what if they were jumping from the tree to the ground, which led me to change my theory to "everything on the ground and in the trees and in the sky is MINE!"

And yeah, that stuck.

But I was little and cute.

So deal with it.

"They are mutated sea bass."

Alright, I'm out. Exhausted. Long day tomorrow.

Clip of the night:

Why don't I take the stairs?

It's amusing how much Elizabeth Hurley reminds me of Jaime Murray as HG Wells. Though HG has much better fighting skills, sorry Vanessa.

"What kind of shell has a nut like this?"

Song of the night, go here: Ming Tea's "BBC" BBC Seven! BBC Heaven!aka Austin Powers' fake band

They also perform "Daddy Wasn't There" in the third movie.

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