I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Highway to the Danger Zone

It's actually amusing to walk into work and see the floor covered in crime scene tape.

Sections of the library are basically off limits cause we're painting at the same time as we're integrating the oversize with the regular.

It's a mess.

I remember when we did this at the home library, but it was so much easier and less time consuming. They boxed everything up and put it in the middle of the room, came over the holiday weekend and it was done.

But with the work library there are 4 floors. They did 4 then 3 now they're on 1 which gives us more time to finish shifting on 2.

It'll be worth it.

Aside from that I used my new blender for the first time.

It's fantastic.

As are fruit smoothies. I'm tempted to take one to work with me tomorrow but they would probably make fun of me.

Oh well, what else is new? Used to getting it with the family as I'm the nerd. But I'm okay with that.

"Danger Zone" Kenny Loggins
with all the tape definitely a dangerzone at work. but staff can still go to restricted stuff so it's amusing when patrons want stuff from like the picture book room cause i'm like ducking the tape, climbing over a couch, watching out for boxes grabbing the item then doing that in reverse all without hurting myself in the process. good workout for coordination.

Do we need another season of Celebrity Apprentice? Do people still watch that? Oh Trump.

Makes me want to watch Just Shoot Me. Jack the boss used to have competitions with Trump trying to lose the most weight or whatever and the loser had to golf in a dress. Funny stuff.

Alright, out for the night.


  1. So, are they painting BMPL with the same crappy colors as South? I've really come to dislike that 'palette.' I think the decorator needed to add some life to the place, not make it look like the waiting room of a state institution. Was at Walt sunday and noticed the meeting rooms were painted a brownish grey. Yuck! Hope it doesn't take too long and really drive you crazy.

    1. Actually they chose olive green, rust-ish orange/red and light purple. and who knows what else will be added tomorrow, there's still another wall to be painted.
